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Uputstva • Domaćin

Sastavite tim za ugošćavanje i upravljajte njim

Creating a hosting team is a great way to manage listings and keep things running smoothly. 

To get started, you must be using professional hosting tools and have an account with 6 or more listings.

Set up a team

  1. Go to Team and click or tap Set up your team
  2. Confirm that you are the account owner
  3. Enter and confirm your information
  4. Add details about your team
  5. Agree to terms and click Create team

Team management

Once the team is set up, you’ll need the proper permissions assigned to you to perform the actions below, unless you’re the account owner.

Add a team member

  1. Go to Team and click or tap Invite
  2. Enter a team member’s email address
  3. Click or tap Add
  4. Click or tap Send invite

The team member will receive an email inviting them to join, which they’ll have 7 days to accept. You can resend an invite if it expires.

Remove a team member

When you remove a team member, they’ll still have an Airbnb account, but they won’t have access to your team account or its listings. This is a permanent step. If they want to join again, the account owner will have to resend the invitation.

  1. Go to Team and click or tap the team member’s name and an info panel will be shown
  2. Click or tap Remove team member
  3. Confirm the action

Change permissions

By checking a box in the permissions columns, you can turn on and off team member access.

  1. Go to Team
  2. Go to the team member and type of permission you want to change
  3. Click or tap the checkbox to add or remove the permission set for that team member
  4. The change is saved automatically

Deactivate your team

If you want to remove the entire team and its members from the account, you can permanently deactivate it. You’ll need to create a brand-new team if you want to use the teams tool again.

  1. Go to Team and click or tap Settings under your team name
  2. Click or tap Deactivate team

How co-hosting factors in

You can't be both a Co-Host and a team member. Want to switch up your role? Here’s how:

Going from co-hosting to a hosting team

If you’re the account owner of a listing with Co-Hosts but not a Co-Host yourself, you may create a team and add team members. But if you’re a Co-Host, you must remove yourself as such from all listings in order to join or create a team.

Going from a hosting team to co-hosting

To become a Co-Host, you must first leave your hosting team. If you’re the account owner of a hosting team, you must deactivate the team.

Learn about the difference between a Co-Host and a hosting team.

Da li vam je ovaj članak pomogao?

Slični članci

  • Uputstva • Domaćin

    Timovi za ugošćavanje: uvod

    Tim za ugošćavanje može da bude preduzeće ili tim ljudi koji upravlja dugoročnim ili kratkoročnim iznajmljivanjem smještaja u ime vlasnika ili zakupca.
  • Uputstva • Domaćin

    Ovlašćenja tima za ugošćavanje

    Tim može zajednički da ugošćava u smještajima na Airbnb-u. Vlasnik timskog naloga bira članove tima i odobrava im pristup alatima i funkcijama.
  • Uputstva • Domaćin

    Razlika između pomoćnih domaćina i timova za ugošćavanje

    Tim za ugošćavanje je obično preduzeće ili grupa ljudi sa kojima vlasnik smještaja ima pravni ugovor. Odnos sa pomoćnim domaćinom obično je manje formalne prirode. Na primjer, to može biti prijatelj, član porodice ili osoba od povjerenja koju je unajmio vlasnik smještaja.
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