Kad počnete da unosite tekst u polje za pretragu, prikazaće vam se predlozi. Za pregled koristite strelice nagore i nadole. Za odabir pritisnite Enter. Ako ste izabrali izraz od više reči, on će biti termin za pretragu. Ako je predlog link, u pregledaču će se otvoriti ta stranica.
Uputstva • Gost
Nađite podatke o rezervaciji
To find info about a reservation you booked, go to the message thread with your host, or find it in Trips.
Tražite šifru potvrde? Pratite gorenavedene korake i naći ćete tu šifru u odeljku Detalji rezervacije.
If you still can’t find your reservation
Make sure you’re logged in to the same Airbnb account you used to book the reservation. If you booked it using a friend’s or family member’s account, log in to their account first, or ask them to invite you as an additional guest.
If you’re still having trouble finding your reservation, get help.