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Gostitelji v Južni Afriki morajo vsako leto predložiti obrazec Bidvest
Hosts in South Africa must complete and submit their Bidvest form every year to receive Airbnb payouts in South African Rand (ZAR) and avoid additional fees.
Understanding the requirement
South Africa’s banking regulations require reporting for foreign transfers. Completing the form allows Bidvest to notify the South African Reserve Bank, ensuring smooth payout processing.
How it happens
Bidvest will email you the form around the start of the calendar year or after your first payout. Then you’ll need to submit the completed form promptly to Bidvest, who will process your form and handle the Reserve Bank notification.
The form is valid for one calendar year and you’ll need to fill out a new one each year. If anything changes during the year—like your bank account details—just update your information and resubmit the form to make sure you keep receiving payouts.
Avoiding payout delays
If your payout is released before the form is completed, or if any of the details don’t match, the payout won’t be processed and the funds will be returned to Airbnb. If this happens, try adding your bank account information again, making sure that the account information registered with your bank exactly matches the account information submitted to Airbnb.
Bidvest support and contact information
If you have questions about the form, contact Bidvest directly:
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