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Vse o vaši datoteki z osebnimi podatki

If you have an Airbnb account, you can request a copy of your data as a downloadable data file. Since these files are often large, we’re here to help you understand and navigate the contents.

Learn more about your data subject rights.

Requesting your data

To request a copy of your personal data, go to the Privacy & sharing section of your Account and select Request your personal data. You have a choice of selecting between the HTML format, the excel format, or the JSON format when making your request. Once your data request is processed, you'll receive an email informing you that your data is available as a downloadable data file.

Note: The data file is available for download for a limited time only. If you do not download the data file by the specified date, feel free to submit the request again.

Data file contents

Your downloaded data file will be a .zip file. Unzip the file to view the contents.

You can choose between HTML, JSON and Excel formats.


This format allows you to easily view the data offline on your computer by opening the files directly in a web browser and viewing your files in a familiar format.

If you chose HTML, the folder will contain:

  • A HTML file representing the different categories of personal data from the Airbnb platform.
  • Any images, documents or other attachments that you may have provided to Airbnb over time. Examples include profile photos, copies of Government ID, and listing photographs.

Depending on your usage of Airbnb, here’s how the contents of your package may look when unzipped (for the HTML format):


├──── readme.HTML (read me file with instructions)

├──── HTML

├ ├──── Individual HTML files for each data category (e.g. gift_card_usage.html, reviews.html, messages.html, etc)

├──── attachments

├ ├──── airbnb_support_attachments (any attachments uploaded by you in Airbnb customer support tickets and chats)

├ ├──── listing_permits (Any listing permit files that you uploaded)

├──── images

├ ├──── profile (Any profile images if applicable)

├ ├──── selfies (Any user selfies if applicable)

├ ├──── listings (All listing images if applicable)

├ ├──── ids (Any Govt ID images if applicable)

Get a content example in our HTML format.


A format that is easy for machines to analyze. This format can be useful if you are planning to use the data for analysis or importing into another program or application.

If you chose JSON, the folder will contain: 

  • A set of JSON files representing the different categories of personal data from the Airbnb platform. 
  • Any images, documents or other attachments that you may have provided to Airbnb over time. Examples include profile photos, copies of Government ID, and listing photographs. 

Depending on your usage of Airbnb, here's how your package contents may look when unzipped (for the JSON format):


├──── readme.JSON (read me file with instructions)

├──── JSON

├ ├──── Individual JSON files for each data category (e.g. gift_card_usage.json, reviews.json, messages.json, etc)

├──── attachments

├ ├──── airbnb_support_attachments (any attachments uploaded by you in Airbnb customer support tickets and chats)

├ ├──── listing_permits (Any listing permit files that you uploaded)

├──── images

├ ├──── profile (Any profile images if applicable)

├ ├──── selfies (Any user selfies if applicable)

├ ├──── listings (All listing images if applicable)

├ ├──── ids (Any Govt ID images if applicable)

Get a content example in our JSON format.


Excel will produce the data in a spreadsheet format. This format can have benefits if you are looking to organize, format, or transfer data.

If you chose Excel, the folder will contain:

  • A spreadsheet (.xlsx) with all of your personal data from the Airbnb platform represented as tabs on the excel workbook.
  • Any images, documents or other attachments that you may have provided to Airbnb over time. Examples include profile photos, copies of Government ID, and listing photographs.

Depending on your usage of Airbnb, here's how your package contents may look when unzipped (for the Excel format):


├──── user_data.xlsx (excel sheet with your personal data)

├──── attachments

├ ├──── airbnb_support_attachments (any attachments uploaded by you in Airbnb customer support tickets and chats)

├ ├──── listing_permits (Any listing permit files that you uploaded)

├──── images

├ ├──── profile (Any profile images if applicable)

├ ├──── selfies (Any user selfies if applicable)

├ ├──── listings (All listing images if applicable)

├ ├──── ids (Any Govt ID images if applicable)

Get a content example in our Excel format.

Personal data categories

The following is an overview of the different categories of personal data that can be contained in your personal data file. Certain information will only apply to hosts, such as information about listings and host payouts. If a certain category is missing in your output folder, it means that you have no data in that category.

  • Profile information: A summary of information on your private and public Airbnb profile, including but not limited to personal information such as Legal Name, Gender, Date of birth, email address, phone number, emergency contacts, etc.
  • Messages: A list of all the messages you've sent and received on the Airbnb platform, including messages you sent to Hosts or guests or to Airbnb support.
  • Search history: A summary of search queries made by you on the Airbnb platform including Airbnb listings and Experiences.
  • Reservations: A summary of all your past and current trip reservations as a guest and a Host.
  • Experiences: A summary of all your past and current Airbnb Experiences as a guest and as a Host.
  • Payment history: A summary of your payment transactions on Airbnb, including your payment for trips and Experiences.
  • Payment instruments: A summary of your current and past payment instruments used as a guest and/or Host. Note: Certain sensitive data e.g. credit card numbers may be hidden for security reasons.
  • Reviews: A summary of any reviews you provided as a Host or as a guest, or have received as a Host or guest, including ratings.
  • Airbnb support emails: A summary of all of your communications with Airbnb support via email.
  • Listings: Hosts only. A summary of all of your current and past listings, including all of the images and personal information you’ve shared with Airbnb about them.
  • Listing permits: Hosts only. A summary of all the permits you had to acquire and provide to Airbnb in order to activate a listing.
  • Listing calendar: Hosts only. A summary of your listing’s calendar including past bookings, upcoming bookings, for every single listing.
  • Host quick replies: Hosts only. Information about all of your saved quick replies.
  • Host payouts: Hosts only. Information about all of your payouts as a Host, including earnings allocation and payment distributions.
  • Listing pricing: Hosts only. A summary of your listing pricing settings including smart pricing.
  • Activity log: Chronological log of all of your key activities on the Airbnb platform.
  • Account security: History of account security measures Airbnb has asked you to complete.
  • ID verification: A summary of Government IDs you uploaded to the Airbnb platform for verification of your identity, where permitted under the applicable law.
  • Report history: History of all listings, profiles or message threads you've reported or flagged to Airbnb.
  • Enforcement history: A summary of any enforcement actions by Airbnb on your account, including suspensions or deactivations.
  • Resolution center claims: A summary of your resolution center claims covering property damage, theft, missing amenities, bodily injury, etc that you have filed as a guest or Host, or have been filed against you.
  • Payment chargebacks: A summary of any formal payment disputes (chargebacks) that you initiated with your bank/payment instrument against Airbnb.
  • Payments administration: A summary of payment administration activities from Airbnb on your account.
  • Payments asset ledger: Information about your payments stored value on the platform, including credits, user balances, and virtual currencies.
  • Gift card usage: Information about your redemption of Airbnb gift cards.
  • Payment processing (internal): Internal logs of different transaction events.
  • Host KYC information: Hosts only. Information about the answers you provided to Airbnb as part of Host KYC (know your customer) verification workflows including DoB, Nationality, taxID, applicable business entity details, etc.
  • Payout authentication: Hosts only. Information about the authentication questions/challenges you answered during payouts.
  • Payment processing: Information about your payment transactions and execution of payment processing with external payments processors.
  • Third party payees - Payments: Hosts only. Information about 3rd party payees and businesses that you may have setup for Host payouts. 
  • Coupons and credits: Information about your redemption of Airbnb coupons and credits.
  • Payment receipts: Information about all your payment receipts and bills on Airbnb. 
  • Search signals: Information collected about your search, view and book activities on Airbnb that is used to power listing ranking.
  • Wishlists: Information about your wishlists on Airbnb including the trip dates, the listings you added, the votes during collaboration, etc.
  • Guest referrals: Information about the referrals you've made or redeemed on Airbnb.

      Additional information available

      In certain jurisdictions, you may be able to request additional information that is not included in your access packet by default, this includes call recording data. To request additional information please submit a request or contact us.

      Need help?

      If you have any further questions about the contents of your personal data file, feel any personal data is missing, or just need help, please submit a request.

      For general questions about privacy or data protection at Airbnb, you can send us an email or check out our privacy policy.

      If you reside in mainland China, please review the information that applies to you.

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