Po vnosu v iskalno vrstico se bodo prikazali predlogi. Za pregled uporabite puščici gor in dol. Za izbiro uporabite tipko Enter. Če je izbor fraza, bo ta fraza uporabljena v iskanju. Če je predlog povezava, se bo brskalnik pomaknil na to stran.
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Plačevanje in prejemanje plačil v imenu druge osebe
Sometimes, you might need to pay for a reservation using someone else’s payment method or provide information to facilitate payouts for another person, such as a property owner. In these cases, we may need additional information to process the payment and comply with legal and regulatory requirements.
Note: If you provide someone else’s information, you must get their permission before sharing their details with us.
Paying with someone else’s payment method
If you choose to pay using someone else’s payment method, such as their credit card or PayPal account, we’ll need certain details from you and the payment method owner. These details help us complete the transaction as outlined in our Payments Terms of Service.
For example:
Credit card payments: We may request the name on the card, the card number, expiration date, security code, and billing address.
PayPal payments: We’ll ask for the PayPal account owner’s name and email address. You’ll then be redirected to PayPal, where the account owner can log in to confirm the payment.
Setting up payouts for someone else
If you’re arranging payouts for someone who is not a user (ex: a property owner or a business), you may need to provide their information to process the payment and fulfill legal obligations, such as tax reporting or Know Your Customer (KYC) requirements.
Here’s the information we might request:
Personal details: Full name, date of birth, citizenship, and physical address.
Payment details: Bank account number and associated country.
Tax information (U.S. Only): Tax Identification Number (TIN).
Verification documents: In some cases, we may need a copy of the recipient’s government-issued ID. If required, we will contact the recipient directly using their contact information.
To understand how we use this information and your rights, please review our Privacy Policy.
Ko sprejemate goste na Airbnbju oz. pomagate glavnemu gostitelju pri skrbi za goste, vas bomo morda prosili, da predložite informacije, kot so vaše uradno ime, datum rojstva ali uradni osebni dokument, da jih lahko preverimo.
Naš Pravilnik o zasebnosti pojasnjuje, katere osebne podatke zbiramo, na kakšen način jih uporabljamo in delimo z drugimi ter kakšne so vaše pravice do zasebnosti.