How can I return my product if I am not satisfied?
If you are unsatisfied with the product for any reason, you can return the item in accordance with Amazon's Return Policy. Since each item at Amazon Resale is unique due to its nature, we, unfortunately, will be unable to replace any item with its exact same condition, but we might have a similar item in stock, so don't forget to check !
What about my warranty rights?
All Amazon Resale items sold to consumers are covered under statutory legal warranty. If your item becomes defective after the Amazon return period, Amazon will repair any defective item, and if a repair is not possible, we will refund the purchase price in accordance with Amazon's Returns Policy. Some products sold directly by Amazon Resale may be eligible for warranty repair and if so, can be repaired by an authorised service engineer. If you want your item to be repaired, check if your item is covered under warranty repair, by going to “Your orders” section under your account. Find the order and item you need support with, and if the option is enabled, click “Get product support”. If your product is eligible for warranty repair, you will see the “Repair your item” option on the screen. To understand how long your repair will take, costs involved, how to check your repair status, and how to contact our Service Partners, visit Warranty Repair Help Page. Because Amazon Resale items are returned products, they may not benefit from the manufacturer warranty, which can be limited to the original owner. However, all Amazon Resale items are covered under statutory legal warranty. If repair is impossible or disproportionate compared to a refund, Amazon will issue a refund.