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SAVIOR : Book One (The Saviors MC 1) (English Edition) Kindle Ausgabe

4,6 4,6 von 5 Sternen 333 Sternebewertungen

*Please read entire description before purchase.* If you don't enjoy an angsty slow burn, with in depth character and story development, don't buy.

Trigger Warnings listed in full on my website,

When a Biker with a tortured past, meets a mysterious woman in a dangerous situation, she becomes a light in his dark life that he'll do anything to keep. But she has a dark past of her own. One that is creeping ever closer, threatening to extinguish that light forever....
*This is the story of Dean and Vanna. Two star crossed lovers who come to realize that they need each other to survive, in more ways than one. *
Dean Keegan is a Vigilante Biker with a tortured past, who makes abusers of women and children pay for their crimes against the innocent. The story begins with Dean at rock bottom, on the verge of giving up after having lost his marriage and about to be thrown out of his club. His personal life is a wreck, but then Dean meets a unique woman named Vanna, who is unbeknownst to him, in hiding from her ex fiance cop currently doing time for nearly killing her years prior. They both have emotional scars and inner demons they're dealing with, that effect their lives and especially their budding relationship.*

This is an in depth love story between two damaged characters that takes place in a small country town in a fictionalized region of the Carolina's. If you're looking for a book to breeze through, this isn't it. Though every page is written for a reason and there are layers to each and every scene.

*The main story line of this book is wrapped up by the end, with a happily ever after for now (HEAFN), however there is a building story in the background that will continue and carry over into the upcoming Book 2. So technically you could say there is a "cliffhanger". *
This isn't exactly an insta-love story, but could be considered a mutual insta-lust, that develops into true love. It's a slow burn romance, and the circumstances around their relationship are unique and complicated at times, especially coming from two different walks of life. Dean and Vanna DO NOT cheat on each other, and though Vanna self identifies as a pagan witch, this is NOT written as a paranormal romance. There are witches in the world, just as there are bikers. It's up to the reader to decide whether or not spells or magic are real. Also, there isn't an extreme age gap (28h/37H)*

SAVIOR Book 1, is not your typical MC Romance style book, though the main character is a Biker with connections to an MC. At 660+ pages, it is fast paced, and centers more heavily on the love story than MC politics, for a majority of the book. However, the MC politics are brewing in the background throughout the story, and will carry over into the sequel.*

NOTE: Trauma can cause your brain to remain in a state of hyper-vigilance. It can cause you to suppress memory and impulse controls, and trap you in a constant state of intense emotional reactivity. Savior Book 1 & 2, Deal heavily with two main characters navigating life and relationships through and after, trauma.
As I write my characters true to who they are, they will be far from perfect, and might not make the same decisions you would. We all deal with things in our own ways.
This is their story.

TROPES AND CONTENT: Vi 0 lence, Blasphemy, St@ lking and Vigilante Justice. Full list on my website


  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B08ZL1FB42
  • Sprache ‏ : ‎ Englisch
  • Dateigröße ‏ : ‎ 4322 KB
  • Text-to-Speech (Vorlesemodus) ‏ : ‎ Aktiviert
  • Screenreader ‏ : ‎ Unterstützt
  • Verbesserter Schriftsatz ‏ : ‎ Aktiviert
  • X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Nicht aktiviert
  • Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Aktiviert
  • Haftnotizen ‏ : ‎ Auf Kindle Scribe
  • Seitenzahl der Print-Ausgabe ‏ : ‎ 668 Seiten
  • Kundenrezensionen:
    4,6 4,6 von 5 Sternen 333 Sternebewertungen

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4,6 von 5 Sternen
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Melissa McHolm
5,0 von 5 Sternen Once you pick this book up it will live within you forever
Rezension aus Kanada am 27. Juni 2024
What can I say this book is nothing short of a masterpiece. I have never had a book grab me so intently from the beginning to end I could not stop it is beautifully written and totally captivating. I would highly recommend this book to anyone who enjoys reading about motorcycle clubs, knights in shining armour, revenge, hero, friendship, love and loyalty and heartbreak. This book has it all there are twists turns,frustration and there are so many laugh out loud moments I couldn’t get enough. The only thing I didn’t like about this book was that it ended. I will definitely be reading anything and everything written by Jennifer Saviano she is a brilliant author and I can’t wait to start book number two in the Savior series.
Melissa McHolm
5,0 von 5 Sternen Once you pick this book up it will live within you forever
Rezension aus Kanada am 27. Juni 2024
What can I say this book is nothing short of a masterpiece. I have never had a book grab me so intently from the beginning to end I could not stop it is beautifully written and totally captivating. I would highly recommend this book to anyone who enjoys reading about motorcycle clubs, knights in shining armour, revenge, hero, friendship, love and loyalty and heartbreak. This book has it all there are twists turns,frustration and there are so many laugh out loud moments I couldn’t get enough. The only thing I didn’t like about this book was that it ended. I will definitely be reading anything and everything written by Jennifer Saviano she is a brilliant author and I can’t wait to start book number two in the Savior series.
Bilder in dieser Rezension
5,0 von 5 Sternen Wow! This book was GREAT!
Rezension aus den Vereinigten Staaten vom 20. März 2021
Typically, and I do mean typically, these type of books are good surface story books. These books are great escapes from our mundane lives. Savior for its exciting story, great character development, symbolism and depth places it within the category as actual literature however.

I love books that allow the engaged reader to “decipher” the characters. Savior two main characters Dean Keegan and Vanna are two deeply troubled people that come across each other., with one of the most unique ideas dealing with a witch and a spell, the spell to bring Vanna her protector knight which actually hampers Vanna regarding Dean. This allows very good internal conflict within both Vanna and Dean throughout the story. One of the beauties of this book is that when we see Vanna and Dean interact we see their body language and Vanna’s “walls” being put up which speaks loudly of what each character is actually thinking, though not directly stating. Whenever Vanna, for instance, asks Dean if he is mad at her (a pattern throughout this book) , or when she brings up her left hand to her throat or puts her arms in front of her abdomen, all these behaviors and mannerisms fit and tell the deeper trauma of Vanna and how she was abused by her ex fiancée that is serving time for attempting to kill her. Vanna is free temporarily. But Vanna is not free mentally. She still has the conditioned reflexes she learned under Jack. And the chase after Vanna is unique. Jack in prison can not physically go after her as of yet. But he still “chases” her getting ever closer. That uniqueness is an original concept and the reader does feel the looming threat and tension. I am not going to go into specifics on how a man in prison waiting to get out in two to four years follows after Vanna. You will just have to read the book.

Dean Keegan, whose past is dark and violent, is a member of the Savior MC. The mission of Savior MC is rescuing abused women and children and guarding over them in their respected safe houses. When the book opens we find Dean at a rescue. The very next scene we see Dean drinking himself into a stupor trying to numb his pain. The juxtaposition of rescue with self destruction is exactly who Dean is. His wounds over his ex wife Lucinda, the child Maddie, and his mother at age five, all of them Dean has “failed” in his eyes. And that is not something Dean can deal with. Dean is an alpha male who can not and will not tolerate personal failures. As Dean brings up in the book ( and fittingly he is also a bike mechanic) he fixes things. It is what he does. Life does what it does however. Dean is left with a gnawing upon his psyche, feeling impotent in not being able to prevent what he ultimately could not have prevented anyway.

One of the best scenes in this book is Dean going above and beyond what the typical Savior MC ever did. Dean will not just rescue the innocents. Dean will also avenge them. A very explicit and gritty scene, Dean is dealing out what he terms “street justice” to an abuser of the innocent. I bring this up because it shows what brings Dean back to life in a manner of speaking. When Dean is not rescuing and avenging he is flirting with self destruction. Immediately after he has dealt out justice, or fought in the under ground fight circuits, he is temporarily centered. His violence and self hatred when exercised allow him to be “happy”. But, again, it is a temporary haven. His wounds stem over a mother he could not save. This inability to save her is Dean’s gauge for him not being able to keep his wife (who is an evil bitch) , the Maddie thing, and the mission of the Savior MC itself.

Viking, Dean’s best friend and bouncer at the bar Twisted Throttle, adds humor to this dark and exciting story. He serves not just as Dean’s right hand man but also as a sidekick type. But unlike the sidekick formula of a character that is a joke in their very personality highlighting the greatness of the hero they follow, Viking ‘s humor comes from his mouth. In witty dialogue Viking makes us laugh. The tension in the novel is momentarily relieved with Viking. Viking gives us pause to breathe. But he is not a clown. He is a martial arts expert like Dean in his own right. Viking easily can play the hero role effectively by himself. He is no court jester. And I loved this originality from Miss Saviano. I don’t think this sidekick type has ever been done before in classic literature. I could be wrong. There are thousands upon thousands of great books I have yet to read. But so far, I have not seen this before.

I will close with Axel because Axel represents optimism in this novel. Axel is a rescue. In a very heartwarming scene we see Axel who is about five, not afraid to advance and make friends with Dean who was watching over him and his mom at the safe house. It is very telling when Dean thinks of how the child Axel came back outside dressed in a garbage bag poncho after he first tried to get Dean to come inside out of the rain. Dean warmly explains to him that the other women and children in the safe house would feel uncomfortable with his presence inside. Right there, in a short dialogue, the author illustrates the tragedy of abused and victimized women and children. The trauma they have to live with, and that maybe forever. Right there we see the illustration of rescued people that are not completely rescuable. But Axel, who is also rescued is not afraid of Dean.

Dean and Axel are even closer than Dean and Viking. It isn’t just that they like each other. Axel is the rescue for Dean that is a complete rescue, for Axel retains his innocence and boyish hero worship throughout the novel seeable in the great dialogue throughout this book. Now the engaged reader can see ever more deeply why Dean says Axel is the Savior’s light. Axel is Dean’s light. Throughout the book we catch glimpses through Vanna and Rosita (Viper’s wife, the woman rescued in the opening chapter) of their continuing trauma from their past. And knowing how Dean needs to fix to make up for his “failures” it is no wonder that Dean sees with pride, a son he never had.

This book is highly developed with great depth and symbolism. In literature, anything not said is louder than what is actually said. What is not directly stated is deeper than what is given to the reader directly. Here are a couple examples from this awesome book that illustrates what I am trying to say:

In a flashback, Vanna is told by Jack ( her finance at that time) never to wear that lipstick again, which happens to be red.She later gets abused by Jack who tells her she looks like a whore wearing that dress. A dress he earlier picked out. We see a lot about the psyche of Jack in just this little piece of troubling info about him.
1. He compliments first, followed by punishment ( a sadist and or someone who likes to set up one for failure).

When Vanna meets with Dean on their first date she is wearing a dress which gives the illusion she is naked, red lipstick, and dark, smokey makeup. This detail is not just randomly placed by the writer. The writer is showing something of Vanna’s psyche. Vanna will “test” the new man. This shows Vanna with a quiet sort of courage. And the nude illusion dress is saying “Here I am Dean. This is who I am outwardly.” These little character details throughout the book which understate what is happening make a very Loud noise to all and any observant reader. That is what makes a great literary character.

After Dean loses his wife Lucinda he goes through a time period screwing many women. Any reader that judges Dean harshly for this has missed the whole point and crux of Dean’s psychic wounds and scars. Everything that slowly destroys Dean which I have mentioned and hinted above, center on his perceived impotence. Dean is a man. Dean is a leader of men. This is seen immediately and maintained throughout the book. But that does not mean Dean sees it regarding himself. His screwing ( only done when his bitch of a wife leaves him) is his way of feeling virile again. The fighting and street justice is also this.

There are threads of symbolism which show who the main characters are. For example the tea house in the rose garden ( one of Vanna and Dean’s dates) is without furnishings. Then the house date at Dean’s and the engaging dialogue about whether Dean is fancy because he drinks tea ( tea which Cherry his bartender perpetually drops off at his house, by the way- which underscores Cherry’s worry over Dean’s habits of drinking himself unto self destruction, something we see in the beginning of this book) The humor in the scene regarding “fancy” for a tough biker dude should be obvious because like the unfurnished tea house in the garden, the furnishings in Dean’s house are rugged and manly and anything but fancy. And I loved the one little mannerism of Dean’s as he drinks his tea in a mug which highlights what fancy is to a biker. When Dean drinks his tea and smiles at Vanna , poking fun at her with his baby finger jutting out, there is no doubt to “fancy” meaning girly.

Savior does not just have an exciting surface story, a piece on myths about peonies which I advise readers really pay attention to, great drawn out main characters, and witty, fun, dialogue. This novel has bedrock of deep substance which only an engaged reader is going to see. This is not a shallow book. This book has Soul.

I could go on and on about the character Serene, Dean’s bike. Yes, Dean’s bike is actually a main character. The author captures the inanimate and breathes life into it. I actually felt sorry for Dean’s other bikes, what he calls his side chicks, because though they are important to him, they are not his number one Serene. That is great writing whenever you can make the reader believe that the inanimate is actually living. And the duo pair of Dean with Serene, racing off to deal out street justice, or to get into a fight, makes them both bigger than life... legendary.

This is not your typical MC book with the alpha who is always pulling out their big alpha guns. Dean is clearly the leader uncontested. His people love him. But Dean only brings out his big alpha guns for Vanna’s sake, and his own, when he feels she is slipping inwardly away from him. And incidentally, the first time Dean does this he tells Vanna to get her ass on his bike. And Vanna marvels that for the first time ever, he calls his beloved Serene a bike. There is depth right there for any to see how Dean feels about Vanna.
. This is not your typical MC book with an entertaining story but little else. This story has the fast pace (don’t let the page count fool you) we all crave for excitement. This story has depth of character which an engaged reader can see. And the symbolism, there is a ton of symbolism. I love books like this and Miss Saviano has really proven that she is a quality writer!

Buy it! You will love it! This is so unique and original in many ways. A total delight.
9 Personen fanden diese Informationen hilfreich
Kindle Customer
5,0 von 5 Sternen Awesome
Rezension aus dem Vereinigten Königreich vom 22. Mai 2022
OMG, love this book, you have to read it. A book that keeps you helped and ends leaving you wanting more.

Dean and vans tortured souls connected in every way. Not ending the way I though. Looking forward to more.

If I don't read this you persuading our one result amazing experience.
Michelle Carson
5,0 von 5 Sternen A modern fairytale
Rezension aus Australien vom 3. August 2021
This story of Dean and Vanna
Is a modern day fairytale.
It keeps you flicking pages..
Makes you laugh cry abd even hold your breath as you read..
Maria B
5,0 von 5 Sternen We are Saviors, not Saints
Rezension aus den Vereinigten Staaten vom 30. Januar 2024
Tropes: Slow Burn, MC Romance, Morally Gray MMC, Suspense Romance
POV: DUal First person

Angst: 😱😱😱😱
Plot: 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
Overall: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Spice: 🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️

This book….this author…just WOW. I have never experienced anything like this. This story sucks you in from the very. first. page. I want to highlight every single word of every single page. I have read this book twice in one year (and she is thick at 666 pages!) and I will be just as enthused when I pick it up again for a third, fourth, fifth or for the millionth time, this book lives in my heart.

Dean and Vanna are end game, from day one, don’t worry, it’s not insta-love, but definitely soulmate behavior at first sight lol. You will get to know these two so well, and really go THROUGH it with them. While we really get to dive in with the characters, the story is fast past but so in depth, and Jen does such a great job of teaching us about the MC lifestyle, and we get to learn some amazing and meaningful Pagan traditions. She also does a fantastic job of taking us through all the emotions, including the ones you didn’t know you had haha! This story will make you think, feel, hate and love. You will end book one feeling like all of her characters are real life people and you are also on your way to the Twisted Throttle on Friday night to hang with your girl Vanna.

This book is definitely a slow burn, but so, so, soooo worth it, a medium - dark romance, and is suspenseful, with a morally gray Motorcycle Club President MMC who is also a bad-ass underground fighter and is as loyal as they come who has a dirty mouth, and a soft heart. Proceed with caution because you WILL fall for Dean Keegan, and he WILL ruin you for any other man.

As always, make sure to check your trigger warnings….or don’t ;)

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