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The Misconception of Mia : Mafia Romance Secret Baby (The Connected Series) (English Edition) Kindle Ausgabe

3,9 3,9 von 5 Sternen 3 Sternebewertungen

If the Mafia Don finds out Mia’s secret, nothing can save her.
Have you ever played that game where you must choose between impossible, unthinkable scenarios?

Imagine that is your reality.

Mia has no control over her destiny. Her true love is in danger if she gives in to her desire for him. Both men are in line to take over their respective families as Dons. Alberto and Gino want Mia as their own.

The rivalry is real.

After graduation, she suffers the heartache of making her choice. She must please her father and save her man. That decision puts her own life at risk.
It’s Mia’s wedding day, but she is in love with another man.
Can she keep up the farce for a lifetime? Or will the day come when all is revealed, and she must make a deadly choice?
Find out what happens when your life is not your own.

And death is the price you pay for the disrespect.

This story ends in a cliffhanger tied up in a sweet little bow at the end of The Connected Series. If you like angst and intrigue, see how it all ends up for Mia and download today!


  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B09FFYCKJS
  • Herausgeber ‏ : ‎ AMPAPA L.L.C. (19. September 2021)
  • Sprache ‏ : ‎ Englisch
  • Dateigröße ‏ : ‎ 1196 KB
  • Text-to-Speech (Vorlesemodus) ‏ : ‎ Aktiviert
  • Screenreader ‏ : ‎ Unterstützt
  • Verbesserter Schriftsatz ‏ : ‎ Aktiviert
  • X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Nicht aktiviert
  • Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Aktiviert
  • Haftnotizen ‏ : ‎ Auf Kindle Scribe
  • Seitenzahl der Print-Ausgabe ‏ : ‎ 114 Seiten
  • Kundenrezensionen:
    3,9 3,9 von 5 Sternen 3 Sternebewertungen

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Theresa Papa
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Theresa is blessed to be married to her main man for thirty-five years. She knows what it takes to have a loving, lasting relationship. Her husband keeps her laughing after all this time. Tips on keeping the sparks alive along with the witty banter appear in her writing regularly. Her tagline “Add some spice to your life, read Romance” is a clever way of describing the feelings her writing evokes.

Love stories, a little suspense, and the happily ever after are Theresa’s prescriptions to keep you smiling. She is ecstatic to share her characters with the world and entertain her readers. Her big Italian family extends throughout the country with a rich and flavorful history. Much of that history spurs ideas for the stories she creates. Make sure you visit the Art Imitates Life in the back of every one of her books. It’s fun to see where ideas are born.

Feel free to sign up for her list to hear about new releases as soon as they are available as well as extras like free excerpts and prequels.

Connect with Theresa:





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