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Rescue Renovations (Sparrow Falls Book 1) (English Edition) Kindle Ausgabe

4,5 4,5 von 5 Sternen 57 Sternebewertungen


After our run in at the ER, I never expected to see the sexy yet frustrating single dad, Cash Fowler, standing in my hallway, ready to renovate my house.

I have no doubt about his company’s capabilities, but I’m not sure I can survive seeing this man working in my home, day after day.

He’s like my own personal catnip. He’s drool worthy when he uses his power tools, and melts my ovaries when he’s with his daughter. He draws me in like a magnet.

But he’s no good for me. My nursing career has taken off and my dreams are almost at my fingertips… So why do my fingertips want to know what those chiseled abs feel like instead?


Imagine my shock when I stumble on the auburn beauty with violet streaks in her hair, staring me down like I have no right to be in her presence.

There’s no way my buddy didn’t know exactly who Chayse was when he signed on the line to fix her house.

She’s a damn fine nurse who doesn’t take my shit and there’s nothing sexier than watching her handle power tools. I need to focus on my daughter and growing my business, not getting lost in this woman.

Only problem is, she’s like a fire you can’t help but watch burn. Hopefully she doesn’t take me down with her flames.

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  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0C3MKDGFJ
  • Sprache ‏ : ‎ Englisch
  • Dateigröße ‏ : ‎ 3638 KB
  • Gleichzeitige Verwendung von Geräten ‏ : ‎ Keine Einschränkung
  • Text-to-Speech (Vorlesemodus) ‏ : ‎ Aktiviert
  • Screenreader ‏ : ‎ Unterstützt
  • Verbesserter Schriftsatz ‏ : ‎ Aktiviert
  • X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Nicht aktiviert
  • Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Aktiviert
  • Haftnotizen ‏ : ‎ Auf Kindle Scribe
  • Seitenzahl der Print-Ausgabe ‏ : ‎ 270 Seiten
  • ISBN-Quelle für Seitenzahl ‏ : ‎ B0C5PZT8X5
  • Kundenrezensionen:
    4,5 4,5 von 5 Sternen 57 Sternebewertungen

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Jay Fields
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4,5 von 5 Sternen
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Jenn M
5,0 von 5 Sternen Amazing Read!
Rezension aus Kanada am 31. Oktober 2023
This is my first read from this author, and I'm hooked! I can't wait to read all the books in the series. It's a quick, easy read. It had me laughing out loud and crying tears at various points. I loved how the characters felt so real and could feel their connection come off the pages. I can't wait to read the next book!
Allison comis
5,0 von 5 Sternen Great book
Rezension aus den Vereinigten Staaten vom 25. September 2023
Great book. I loved all the characters. I love Penny she is adorable. She is a 4 year old little dare devil and that is how this book started with her getting hurt and having to go to the ER. She first met Landon the nurse and he was very caring towards her. Cash who is Penny’s father is a single dad. Her mom keeps in touch but she was a care free spirit so she wasn’t ready to be a mom. Cash was very protective over his daughter. When they were at the hospital and it was taking a long time he was very grumpy. So Landon got her all situated and then that is when Chayse came in to the room and she got an earful from Cash. She let him finish and then put him in his place. Chayse was the ER head nurse so she was there a lot. She also loved to restore old houses. She bought a craftsman home that was taking too long to fix up. It turns out Cash is a contractor so while he and Landon were talking it came up. Landon told him he had a friend who needed help but didn’t tell him who so he gave him a business card and that is how this all started. Landon could see the connection between Cash and Chayse. His business partner took the initial meeting for the pricing of the renovations. He put 2 and 2 together because Cash mentioned her and she stood out with her hair and tattoos. He didn’t tell him that this was her house so when he went there he let himself in with the key because no one was supposed to be home and while he was checking out the upstairs they scared each other as she was coming out of the bathroom. She kept avoiding Cash because she was feeling things for him but didn’t want a relationship. Landon became good friends with Cash and Reid and basically set the 2 up at a baseball game. Neither one new the other would be there. After they went out to dinner as a group and that was history they couldn’t stay away from each other. They had a lot of ups and downs and Cash was being an idiot. I love how the book ended. I don’t want to give too much away. But this was great great book
Jennifer J.
4,0 von 5 Sternen Cash and Chayse
Rezension aus den Vereinigten Staaten vom 28. Mai 2023
This was a fantastic debut novel. The writing was excellent, the plot was engaging and the characters were lovable. It was a perfect mix of humor, emotion and romance. Jay Fields did a great job building her new world and it left me excited to see the next Wilson sister get her own happy ending.

I loved Cash and Chayse’s meet cute. His daughter Penny made their first encounter so endearing. It also showed the kind of father Cash was and that he was willing to apologize for his grouchiness. I loved that they tried to fight their chemistry and ultimately lost that battle. They were both so sure they weren’t looking for a relationship, but when it’s with the right person it isn’t work.

I have to admit there were times I kinda hated Cash. He was terrible at expressing his emotions and didn’t know how to talk to Chayse about them, and I absolutely loved when Chayse called him out. She was exactly what Cash and Penny needed and they made the perfect little family. I loved the way Cash apologized and his “grand” gesture was perfect for the two of them. I loved the role Penny played in their relationship and that she was so much a part of their story.

This was a great start to this series and a great debut novel. I always love being left with clues about where the series will go next and this one left me excited to see the next chapter.
4,0 von 5 Sternen New author
Rezension aus dem Vereinigten Königreich vom 2. Mai 2024
I was suggested this book by a friend and it's a single dad, grumpy /sunshine book. Cash a single dad doesn't see chayse coming and she puts him in his place after a rude encounter that sees them come together for the first time. Not being able to deny the attraction they give in and things progress, but cashs past always holds him back as he's not only looking out for him self but his little girls heart too. Making a rash decision he builds his walls up and pushed chayse away. Realizing she deserves better she beats him to the punch and again gives him a few home truths and leaves him stunned that his decision wasn't what was best. Fighting for his future and his girl he pulls out the stops to claim her as his again giving them the Hea they both deserve.
Lindsey Acree
5,0 von 5 Sternen so good and steamy!!!
Rezension aus den Vereinigten Staaten vom 13. September 2023
Rescue Renovations

This one is for all of my people in scrubs 😜

Cash is a builder, single dad of a super cute little girl named Penny. When she gets hurt on one of his work sites, he has to take her to the ER.

Chayse is a nurse in the ER. When she runs into a grumpy single dad she refuses to give into the steamy thoughts in her head. She knows she should focus on her career and rebuilding her house.

When her friend gives her the number for chases business, she unknowingly hires him to help her work on her fixer upper. The more Cash works on Chayse’s house, the more feelings come to the surface.

Will they both give into their feelings or refuse to accept what makes them happy?

This is a spicy romance and I absolutely love it!! It’s written in dual POV which I loved. If you wear scrubs, you absolutely have to give this one a try!

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Spice: 🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️
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