Steven Schuster

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Extensive History of Koch Industries

4 out of 5 stars
5 out of 5 stars
4 out of 5 stars

Revisado: 08-29-19

Yes this is a deep dive into Koch. Kudos to Leonard for his research. I'm not sure how much cooperation he got from the reliably secretive Kochs. A few takeaways - Admiration for Charles Koch's business acumen. However I despise the Koch brother's politics and reading a 23 hr. book hasn't changed my opinion, which is - libertarianism is total b.s., it has never existed in this country from the very beginning when President George Washington and his aide Alexander Hamilton realized that the U.S. needed a strong central govn't. - and if it ever exists here, the U.S would eventually become a 3rd world nation.

The author displays a type of Stockholm Syndrome by "falling in love" with his subjects. I really don't give a damn about Charles' son Skippy or whatever his name is, and wonder why Leonard spends an entire chapter on him. As far as succession, I would rather see the empire fall into rust after the death of the elderly Charles. Also, I don't have much use for Charles's management philosophy and suspect that it is B.S. I think that Charles success has more to do with being shrewd, data driven, embracing new technology, thinking long term, hardworking, and yes being ruthless.

Left out of the book is the harsh German nanny the brothers were raised by, the one who went off to join Hitler when World War 2 started, which might of had something to do with the harsh competitiveness between the brothers, The father Fred was a John Bircher (an extinct paranoid fringe group.) So perhaps crazy political beliefs are part of the Koch's DNA. One thing is certain, their politics particularity denial of global warming has more to do with protecting their biz than anything else.

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Not a True Biography - But a Novel

4 out of 5 stars
4 out of 5 stars
4 out of 5 stars

Revisado: 07-10-19

I didn't know this was historical fiction or called a novel by Ms. Benedict. I'll have to read the small print next time. The writing is well done, and the story holds interest. However I prefer reading true biographies, this one is apparently a sanitized version of Heddy Lamarr's life. After noticing some factual conflicts at Heddy's wikipedia page I researched the author. Apparently she is on some kind of crusade to promote role model women. More power to her. But not for me, because I prefer real bios with someone's warts and all.

In the NY Times book review, and Book of the Month, the author is praised for her research. (really! - you could of fooled me) Apparently, Heddy told everyone that she adopted a Jewish boy from Nazi occupied Europe - James, James suspected something else and found his birth certificate which indicated that he was the out of wedlock son of Heddy and her 3rd husband whom she hadn't yet married. Such duplicity could be expected from a skilled actress like Heddy Lamarr. Saying your love child is adopted not so bad considering this happened in the 1940's, but spinning a story about adopting a jewish child from Europe, during the holocaust - a moral failing. Such duplicity repeated from the lawyer/author who spins Hedy's B.S.

This doesn't take away from Hedy's remarkable life, as a scientist and actress, and her volunteer efforts during WW2. However, I won't be reading any more of the author's historical novels. 1st of all, I don't find the life of Einstein's 1st wife, and Winston's Churchill's wife that compelling. Yea, I get that the author only writes about women, but it's hard to be objective when you're on a crusade. Heddy was a truly remarkable woman, warts and all. I guess someone else will have to write the definitive true story. But please don't praise the author for her research.

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Excellent book on Fire and Socio Backround

5 out of 5 stars
4 out of 5 stars
5 out of 5 stars

Revisado: 06-28-19

The reviewers that complained that the book dealt with other factors other than the fire are short sighted. The book is exactly what I wanted. It provides the historical backround of the fire. The battle between the garment workers and their bosses. The socio-economic conditions of the workers. The people that complained that the book covered more than the fire are probably watching too many cop shows, and need an adrelaine rush. My advice go see a scary movie.

The book is about my ancestors, the mostly Jewish garment workers and bosses in NYC, so I've always been curious about their conditions. And in fact I briefly worked for a button works Co. in the early seventies - back when cutters had a good trade before the entire industry went overseas. So I have some idea of the layout of Triangle.

I highly recomend the book, like most of the reviewers on the Amazon website. The reviewers that said the book was too political are the same right wing people who never want to hear about union struggles even when it is definitely part of the history. The book would be pretty mediocre if it dealt only with the fire.

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October 02, 2018 Audiolibro Por The New York Times arte de portada

Late Again

1 out of 5 stars
5 out of 5 stars
5 out of 5 stars

Revisado: 10-02-18

what is going on?? not available when I left for work at 8:30 AM. Very disconcerting.

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September 27, 2018 Audiolibro Por The New York Times arte de portada

not available at 7:30 AM again

1 out of 5 stars
5 out of 5 stars
5 out of 5 stars

Revisado: 09-27-18

This is the 2nd time in a week the Times has been unavailable for downloads. Today at 7:30 AM when I left for work. please get your act together. This has become a sad disgrace.

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September 20, 2018 Audiolibro Por The New York Times arte de portada

great when it's available

1 out of 5 stars
5 out of 5 stars
5 out of 5 stars

Revisado: 09-23-18

Lately I'm having multiple problems with this download and podcast- Lately at least once a week it's not available when I leave for work. Now it's not available as a podcast. As a result, I'm having tons of fun dealing with the outsourced technical support people, one of which stupidly told me that I have to call Apple when I told her the podcast wasn't available in Itunes. Later I found out the podcast was discontinued. I have been a member of Audible for around ten years and never had these problems, until the software people decided that i needed to authenticate my account multiple times? why?? please get your act together or I will send and email to Jeff Bezos and he will probably want to clean house with the incompetents that created these problems

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Disjointed-Not worthy of PKD

2 out of 5 stars
4 out of 5 stars
1 out of 5 stars

Revisado: 12-24-17

It's impossible to keep up with this story. Not because, "i'm just not smart enough to keep up with this," as one reviewer put it. But because the story is disjointed, the plot keeps changing with further complications, and the book is an incomprehensible mishmash. Not one of PKD's best. I could bow to the political correctness of other reviewers and insinuate that the story is somehow above the normal comprehension of mere mortals. but I'll just say that this is poor writing.

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Important Subject-Rarely Covered by the Media

4 out of 5 stars
4 out of 5 stars
4 out of 5 stars

Revisado: 05-28-17

The book is written by veteran NY Times reporter - Louis Uchitelle. The book arrived with no fanfare, recorded by Audible. I'm not sure it is available in written form. I bought it having been familiar with Uchitelle's writing.

I think the book could have been more comprehensive. It's mostly Uchitelle's 1st person accounts of various manufacturing companies he's dealt with over the years. He puts forward a few theories about why manufacturing is dwindling in the U.S. and some ideas for its revitalization.

He could have spoken to some of the economists who have said that persistent trade deficits usually lead to stagnant growth in an economy, and big problems. and why this hasn't happened yet in the U.S. Because I've studied this issue I'll answer this question myself. My theory is that because the U.S is a reserve currency, and because of the problems with the Euro, the U.S. dollar is strong, and investment is strong. However, I believe that dwindling manufacturing and persistent trade deficits, will eventually sink the dollar, and cause big problems. We've already seen stagnant wages for like 30 or 40 yrs. and declining standards of living.

so you see, that the book is lacking some comprehension and analysis. However nobody else is really dealing with this issue, except Uchitelle's book. So if you're interested in this subject, I recommend the book.

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Overated book about the creation of the Fed

3 out of 5 stars
3 out of 5 stars
3 out of 5 stars

Revisado: 06-20-16

The book is way overrated. 1st off I don't find Lowenstein a great writer. - he's mediocre. If he were writing fiction his books wouldn't sell. 2nd- The book would have been better if it dealt with a complete history of the Fed, By spending all his time writing about the creation, he skipped many interesting histories of the Fed- i.e. - how did the Fed react to the great depression? - was it a cause? how about when Paul Volker raised interest rates to double digit levels - some rates were 18% if my memory serves me well. 3rd - why should I care about every little thing that happened with the politicians who created the Fed - who cares? it's like the old joke - "just show me the baby"-most folks don't want to hear about the labor pains. The book would have been better if he dealt with the arguments put forward by those who want to change or abolish the Fed.- i.e. - how has the Fed served the public past, present , and future.

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Fascinating Tale of Racial Passing

5 out of 5 stars
5 out of 5 stars
5 out of 5 stars

Revisado: 06-10-16

I thoroughly enjoyed this true story of William Ellis. Ellis was a raconteur, part con man, sharp businessman, and adventurer..

Since Ellis had business interests in both Mexico and the U.S, the author gives a good background on the history of Mexico during this period, and Texas from it's Mexican origins to its becoming part of the U.S. The author has written several books on the border region so he is well versed on the subject. Having traveled to Mexico several times I share the author's love and fascination with Mexico.

.The author engaged in what appeared to be a lengthy postscript about the subject of racial passing, (light skinned Negroes passing as white) I found that chapter to be unnecessary, and cut it short for these reasons: - Ellis was born into a racist, and unjust system and found a way to bypass that system by posing as Hispanic, and white.(good for him) He suffered the consequences of losing his identity, but flourished as a successful businessman. He was also a bit of a rascal. The story stands on it's own, with it's rewards and consequences, so no modern postscript is necessary.-Frankly, I'm bored with lectures about race The story is what it is, so my suggestion is to skip the postscript.

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