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I have read and seen this before

3 out of 5 stars
5 out of 5 stars
2 out of 5 stars

Reviewed: 12-16-22

From chapter one, I knew the ending. Sadly, the twist I thought I was gonna trick me did… but for the worst.

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People gotta chill

4 out of 5 stars
5 out of 5 stars
4 out of 5 stars

Reviewed: 09-27-22

This is just a story. Fiction. A let’s make an apocalyptic story inspires in the possibility of the Bible being a premonition… that. That is the idea. There isn’t any propaganda or anything.

I was slow but at the same time kept you going. There is a back and forth in the timeline but still super easy to understand. At some point I was so stressed out because the story picked so fast and I just didn’t know what will happen.

The ending was shocking and I got goosebumps but I am not sure if they will continue. The cast is incredible although I don’t remember who was Marcel haha

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She played me bad! But she played me really good!

5 out of 5 stars
4 out of 5 stars
5 out of 5 stars

Reviewed: 01-28-21

Full Review on site. I am gonna say this as calmly as possible... YOU HAVE TO READ THIS NOW!!! like drop everything and sit to read this!!

This is by far one of my top 5 books of 2021!! And we are just starting!!!! Rose was so cleaver and malicious! I cannot believe she did what she did. I love how cleaver and original this was! I just can't put everyone together!

I love the idea of the mirror twins and how the author explores human nature, and how money will show our real colors. The story is build slowly and so annoyingly that when the plot twists gets you, you get whiplash! You get dizzy, and when you finally think everything is over, she comes back and hits you with a sledgehammer!

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She could have done way more than this.

3 out of 5 stars
4 out of 5 stars
3 out of 5 stars

Reviewed: 01-28-21

Full review on site.

The title of the novel spoils part of the secret and twists of the story. The only twists were the motive and why what happened happened. I read Jane Eyre, for the first time a few months ago, and, although I haven’t finished, I saw all the similarities, and then I realized this is a retelling. These similarities start with how Jane meets with Eddy, the wife in the attic, the telenovela dream of becoming wealthy, the fire, the name (Jane duh). However, The Wife Upstairs lacks the profundity, in-depth meaning, literacy, and early 1800’s gothic vibe of Jane Eyre. I would have added modern gothic elements to the story, a hunting more present besides the tump in the house that resembles the Telling Telling Heart by Poe. The author could have done way more to exploit madness and the hunting of the “supernatural.”

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We all know what Darius deserves!

4 out of 5 stars
5 out of 5 stars
4 out of 5 stars

Reviewed: 09-05-20

I liked this one book better more than book one! I had my suspicions where the plot was moving into, and I was not that lost, but, in end, it was sometime completely different...

Darius the Great Deserves Better is such a great title for this book, and I will dare say that I enjoyed this sequel better than Darius the Great Is Not Okay. Usually, depending on the genre, that is how the books are written. For example, fantasy usually has a lot of world building and many characters, but others are all about character building, and this duology, so far, is all about the characters.

Darius in book one, at the beginning, is one way, but, at the end of book one, he is completely different, so… he is a round character. Then in book two, he is completely different from the end of book one, and he ends being so different at the end of book two. You can literally see him changing and growing! and I find this exquisitely done!

There are new characters that have so much weight on the story, and the level of sexuality and diversity of this book grows exponentially compared to book one. Most of the characters are so open-minded which is something worth dreaming and aiming for, and this is the highlight of this book. What I enjoyed the most is how the author relaxed on the references of Star Trek and Lord of the Rings. I felt the author relayed more on what Star Trek and LOTR meant for Darius that trying to rub it in the readers' faces. The main character keeps his way of speaking, which I rolled my eyes a few times, but it was better by far.

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As if covid19 wasn't scary enough! XD

3 out of 5 stars
5 out of 5 stars
3 out of 5 stars

Reviewed: 08-24-20

I enjoyed it quite a lot! I honestly didn't know what to expect as I get into books without reading much into their synopsis, but the reason this book catch me was for its ambiance over the covid19 situation.

The story is set in Australia in the house of a grandpa who welcomed into his house, at the beginning of the pandemic, his long lost granddaughter. They don't know each other but he is trusty and she is way too nice not to trust her, but Dawn's daughter is suspicious of this whole situation.

The story is not that complicated to follow and the accent is nice but not difficult to get. Although there are some twists and turns, one is able to figure out the story and the turns of the story. What broke my heart is to see how Dawn is all alone in his big all house and how he misses the company of someone, which makes me think about all those old folks that live in solitude as all their daughters and sons are too busy to visit. I didn't like her daughter as she was more concerned about how this granddaughter is threatening her inheritance and out of the blue she is way too invested in his life, but does she manage to change?

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Was I expecting the ending? A bit...

4 out of 5 stars
5 out of 5 stars
3 out of 5 stars

Reviewed: 07-21-20

Isn’t it wonderful when we read and learn? ...and people say that you waste your time by reading, bah! ...anyway! While reading “Tell Me Lies”, which was one of the Audible Originals of the month of March, we came across some psychological talks and analysis. Don’t be afraid, it is easy to follow and understand! All of this happens because the main character, Margo, is a psychologist with some questioning moral behaviors.

Getting interesting, right? So, we experience this book through the eyes of this psychologist who is dealing with narcissistic disorders, compulsive lying, dissociation and prone-to-violence people. However, the biggest and most important diagnosis that we need to review is the “antisocial personality disorder”, mind you this is from the “U.S. National Library of Medicine” no some Wikipedia reference. The reasons behind this disorder are unknown but one of the characteristics related to this is that the person tends to be a “nice person”! Tricky eh? So you are able to act witty and charming, good at flattery and so good at manipulating other people’s emotions! Then you move deeper into the dark side of the moon, where they tend to disregard themselves from their own safety and the safety of others, lie, steal and are constantly fighting and lastly, feel no remorse...

J.P. Pomare has experience in the creation of thrilling and mysterious reads! This being his third novel has been named a recommendation if you loved “The Silent Patient”, which people cannot stop talking about, me included! Pomare’s mighty style of hiding the obvious and pointing at the unusual gets his title narrated by Aimee Horne which does an incredible job! You are able to follow the story; she has voices for each character, and you get to hate Margo’s daughter! She even is so good creating the Irish accent! Simply a ride to listen to this book! The book was written AND narrated in a way for us, the listeners, to pick a side! To cringe! To feel repulsion towards some of the characters and to be shocked out of our socks!

Do I recommend it? Totally! Was I expecting the ending? A bit... Was I still shocked with the deep revelations? Of course! Have I spoiled the story in this commentary? Not at all! Will you be expecting the ending, shocked to your socks and will start recommending it? Maybe... but there is only one way to know! Happy listening!

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The part when the mother says good bye made me cry

3 out of 5 stars
5 out of 5 stars
3 out of 5 stars

Reviewed: 07-21-20

Okay don't hate me... but the way the author picked to write the main character annoyed me just a little bit...

A lot...

Reading this was like reading "What if it's Us" but instead of an incessant and obsessive mention of Harry Potter on every single page, we have a incessant mention of Star Trek and Lord of The Rings...

Like we get it! He is a "nerd"... or a geek or he just simply enjoys a lot those things, which is fine!, but the necessity to mention this every single time annoyed me so much! Like this character can be so much and so strong without the need to relay on LOTR... for everything...

Now, he is terrible at math but he talks like if he was an expert in astrophysics? (but I guess that is just his nerdyness) 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️ but still what kind of teenager talks about "the bathroom losing molecular cohesion"??? Either I am too simple, which could be, or this character was taken out from The Big Bang Theory 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️

I love the cultural element, the talk of food, of their holidays and family events, of their cultural traditions and the places they went to visit! Which I googled and find amazing. I even try the 10 mins to make tea 👀👀 I think there are pros and cons of listening to this audiobook instead of reading it...

If I listen to it... I can hear the accent of the characters which is so rich and strong!

If I listen to it... I can't pick up a lot of the words, spelling and dishes... which is sad because there were a LOT!

I hated Darius' dad because he was such an ass... but it ended up that he had his own issues and even Darius depression made him see things with a darker light.. which makes a lot of sense.

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In a voyeuristic way, we know them intimately

3 out of 5 stars
5 out of 5 stars
3 out of 5 stars

Reviewed: 07-06-20

“Life Ever After” is an audio production that goes beyond the story. This audio experience promises to integrate the reader not only in a futuristic world where everything and everyone is connected, but also with a couple of people that struggle with their identify, their wises, desires and inevitably, with change.

The ocean of sensations when you experience this drama is overwhelming. You are surrounded head to toe left to right by the ambience sounds and the deep and reverberating voices of the narrators. The characters are snappy and sassy and at the same time the poetic eloquence of the story is so strong that makes you wonder if this isn’t you. A social commentary of a city that never stops, a city focuses on production, on selling on being better at any cost. The constant construction and destruction of a hyper connected world that sells a dream, an idea, a lifestyle that seems to benefit just some. A city that will try to strip you away of your individuality and of your personality by letting an AI to make all the decisions for your own good.

We, as the listeners, are lingering over the love story of these two characters, and we get, in a voyeuristic way, invested on their relationship and affairs. “Life Ever After” is trip into nostalgia. A commentary to where we are going as a interconnected society but more importantly on how people changed us. We made decisions, we connect with people and we get hurt and we get to love, and all those are the memories that shaped us into who we are and who we are turning into, but would you give all that away for the sake of society? would you give all that away for the sake of not feeling pain?

Honestly, I didn't quite get the ending... but for the rest it was great!

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The Legend of Zelda made wrong! or maybe better!

5 out of 5 stars
5 out of 5 stars
4 out of 5 stars

Reviewed: 05-12-20

​Have you ever played... Ragnarok MMORPG? or Golden Sun? Or Fire Emblem? Or The Legend of Zelda? I mean come on!! They are the foundation of society! (I am getting intense, so buckle up).

“How to Defeat a Demon King in Ten Easy Steps” is simply an epic fantasy gamer story that you will love! It is hilarious, audacious, and it destroys all you thought about those games! Yui, the main character is sick and tired of waiting for Link... I mean... for the green hooded hero! She is ready to level up and form a party! However, her methods are quite unorthodox as she... learns magic that nobody will ever imagine to learn... and pretty much uses cheat codes... did you ever played Pokemon on the emulator on your PC and used the code to walk through the walls? No? well, then never mind...

As she moves around her open world looking for monsters to fight and kill so that she can level up and loot on their deaths, she becomes stronger! Her partner, a sword master healer, is always by her side trying to guide her in into the right path of the game... I mean quest...

Is she playing by the rules? Probably not... Is she the destined hero? Maybe not... Is Epona with her? Sadly not... Is she able to save the world? I hope so because Ganondorf... or the demon king owns half of the world already! This is a book for heavy gamers or even those who are not “gamers” but know and have played The Leyend of Zelda.

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