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100% bubblegum smut

4 out of 5 stars
5 out of 5 stars
4 out of 5 stars

Reviewed: 07-10-24

When She’s Fearless is right. At two hours, there’s almost nothing to this except her diving head first into adventure, sex, sex, sex, sex, more sex, and then one scene of conflict, and then ‘poof’ HEA.
Snork- there’s a lot of sex for such a short story.

On the one hand, I loved the curvy gal body positivity and zest for life. On the other hand, it was a little
too sugary sweet the way every other thought in her head is how “cute” he is. Given his cat-like species,
it felt a bit like she was lusting after her pet tabby.

You know what? Never mind about being too cute. Sugar overload is just fine with me for a fun nugget of a novella. Bonus points for making Hrrrusek a tad pudgy too. He was, upon reflection, totes adorable.

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Graphic audio format for grim fantasy

3 out of 5 stars
5 out of 5 stars
3 out of 5 stars

Reviewed: 07-10-24

I’m not sure why this is labeled as sci-fi: there was no science to be found. The narration was outstanding and, along with the sound effects, conveyed a weary, haunting test of faith as The Prophetess leads her people through a desert. There’s indirect references to savages, off-screen deaths, some talk of laying with a man, and discussion of a woman’s courses. The perils, history, and motivations of the gods were perhaps a little too vaguely written. Either that, or I just didn’t absorb enough of the story to comprehend the ending. Regardless, this novella gave great cautionary tale vibes.

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2 out of 5 stars
3 out of 5 stars
2 out of 5 stars

Reviewed: 07-10-24

The most exciting thing about this was the variety of icecream flavors.
The mystery, dialogue, and personalities were all on the vanilla end … nothing terrible,
but also nothing terribly memorable. I’m not sure I’ll remember much about this by next week.

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Zero chemistry

2 out of 5 stars
3 out of 5 stars
2 out of 5 stars

Reviewed: 07-08-24

If there was any chemistry I could forgive the nonsense storyline of instant attraction from a CIA agent and a lady in hiding. It was just her scratching an itch- I didn’t buy her feelings at all. Meanwhile, the most listening time was spent on his inner monologue about how agents can’t have families (meanwhile she was part of another agents’s family). The narration was okay, except it was super slow.

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Not as fun as a book full of animals should be

3 out of 5 stars
4 out of 5 stars
3 out of 5 stars

Reviewed: 07-08-24

This was sweet, but I was hoping for a more rollicking romance for the wildest of the Hathaways.
It’s just Beatrix being kind to a war-weary Christopher and him slowly realizing that an original is just what he needs.

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Ferret love ends up much ado about nothing

3 out of 5 stars
5 out of 5 stars
3 out of 5 stars

Reviewed: 07-07-24

After all the bickering between them leading to this book, I expected a much more fiery romance.
Instead, both Leo and Cat go against type. Leo goes from determined bachelor rake to a gentle, besotted man constantly down on one knee. For her part, Cat goes from fierce duelist to fearful flower. Given her family, both familial and found, and given her previous fighting spirit, I was disappointed in her perpetual plight as a damsel, meekly cowering every time her troubled past resurfaced. It wasn’t terrible.
It was, however, a sweeter romance that didn’t feel true to the characters’ past.

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The best execution of grumpy-sunshine romance

5 out of 5 stars
5 out of 5 stars
5 out of 5 stars

Reviewed: 07-07-24

“Always trust a man who can handle a hedgehog.”
After two lackluster books, here’s where the series won me back. Better humor, more time with the Hathaways, and one of my favorite romance tropes: the iceman and the sunny, precocious lady whose Pollyanna attitude thaws his heart.

“Even if you have a flaw here or there…”
“I love those best of all.”
Also, excellent groveling and declarations of love after the big gallump realizes what he nearly lost.
Groundwork is laid for Beatrix’s and Leo’s HEAs for the next two books, making this my preferred starting point for the series. You won’t miss much skipping books 1 and 2, except a lot of Leo hitting rock bottom and an overemphasis on the Romany and superstitious mumbo jumbo.

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Merripen’s pity party was exhausting

2 out of 5 stars
4 out of 5 stars
2 out of 5 stars

Reviewed: 07-07-24

For a guy with a dark, dangerous past, Merripen was a wet blanket throughout. How many times does Win throw herself at him, only for him to rebuff her because he’s not good enough? So many times.

My favorite parts were the interactions with the Hathaway family and the ground work for brother Leo’s eventual HEA (book 4). Too bad the main story was so maudlin.

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Self destruction and superstition overshadows all

2 out of 5 stars
4 out of 5 stars
2 out of 5 stars

Reviewed: 07-06-24

As much as I’ve enjoyed the author’s other works, this series was merely okay for me.

The series itself predominantly features the Romany, as well as superstitious things like fortune telling and spiritual plots including ghosts. I prefer to keep fantasy with my fantasy books. I read regency for the lords and ladies, even if the romantic dynamic is one I’d dislike in real life.

This book was dragged down by the self-destructive and selfish behavior of Amelia’s brother Leo. Throughout the book he drinks, bemoans his lost love, and ignores the needs of his family and his estate.

If only there was more action, humor, or romantic sizzle to balance the depressing storylines.
Sadly, this was a bland bore. I recommend skipping this and book 2. Starting at book 3 works great as there are enough recaps and the romance and family bits are much better.

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These Goobers!

4 out of 5 stars
5 out of 5 stars
4 out of 5 stars

Reviewed: 07-06-24

The Enchanting Exposition title was totally on the nose; this was enchanting, but man, the exposition! This feels more like a bonus novella, where the point is a feel-good romp at the expense of plot. It’s not a bad thing. It was light and fun and darling to see this oddball Scooby-gang grow, support each other, and find love.

There’s a lot of feelings, from Havoc’s constant reassurances to Miles that “you got this” to Mile’s constant inner monologue of doubt and recrimination. I suppose it’s a necessary evolution, now that they’ve had their HEA, but I have to admit this was too much ‘awwww’ and not enough ’mrreooww!’ for me.

The juvenile sexcapades keep escalating. Everyone and everything, down to inanimate objects like a sword, throw down constant sex jokes, innuendos and euphemisms. It made the sex scenes feel a little skeezy (is it terrible that I skipped past them?).

At the end of the day, the plot’s been done before- several times over, in fact. How many of evil Geoff’s crew, never mentioned in the original duology, are going to keep coming out of the woodwork? I’d have preferred a true novella, sans all that inner turmoil and with the wackiness not quite as teenage squee. And yet, I love Miles and Havoc so much that I’ve already forgiven the slight flaws and would buy the next one today, if it were a available.

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