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Couverture de Going Fast and Fixing Things

Going Fast and Fixing Things

De : Rich Benoit, Lisa Rogak - contributor
Lu par : Rich Benoit, Hayden Daviau
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    An entertaining and inspirational memoir by the world’s most popular DIY expert and car aficionado, revealing how Rich Benoit went from buying a left-for-dead Tesla to becoming a successful entrepreneur.

    People are fascinated by Tesla: the cars, the stock price, and especially its headline-grabbing CEO. Rich Benoit was the first YouTuber to pull back the curtain on the cult-like business model that is the Tesla company, and he’s personally battled its consumer-unfriendly business practices. In Going Fast and Fixing Things, Rich provides listeners with behind-the-scenes access not only to his Rich Rebuilds YouTube channel but to his off-camera life as well. Throughout his life, Rich has almost always been the proverbial “only Black guy in the room,” but despite the fact that online car culture—especially electric vehicle fandom—skews overwhelmingly white, he has become the most popular car rebuilding guy on the internet. His voice as a writer is funny and intimate and a little goofy—just like his video persona—but always tempered by a passion for the right to repair and a clear determination to create success for himself as well as for his fans. Going Fast and Fixing Things also includes tips to help listeners fix, drive, and buy their own cars, along with advice on how to defy the disposable-is-better consumerist ethos that saturates our current culture.

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©2024 Rich Benoit and Lisa Rogak (P)2024 Hachette Go

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