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Couverture de Mad Love

Mad Love

De : Wendy Walker
Lu par : Julia Whelan, Alexis Bledel, Renée Elise Goldsberry, Finn Wittrock, Damon Daunno, Elizabeth Evans
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    "Twisty and totally unpredictable, Mad Love will have thriller fans raving. Brilliantly narrated by the incomparable Julia Whelan along with a full cast, Wendy Walker's dark and electrifying tale comes to life.” Mary Kubica, NYT best-selling author of Local Woman Missing

    They were madly in love. The perfect couple.

    That was the story everyone in South River believed...until Gin Talcott and Adam Archer are found shot in their bed.

    Adam is dead at the scene. Gin is fighting for her life.

    Detectives Greta Jessup and Finn Pate are assigned to the case. Greta has a long history with Gin’s first husband, Eddie, and is determined to protect his 18-year-old twins. Piper discovered the bodies. Daniel is missing—and so is Adam’s gun.

    Shocking discoveries about Gin and Adam’s marriage quickly shine a bright light on the children—and their aunt Ruth Talcott, who has her own secrets.

    The one person who might know the truth is local estate attorney Sarah Branford. Gin left a letter for her two days before the shooting which Sarah now opens:

    Dear Sarah, If you’re reading this, there’s a story I need to tell you. It begins and ends with Adam. I will never forgive myself for what I’ve done....

    The evidence twists and turns until the shocking truth about the Talcott family—and the killer—is finally revealed.

    Available in Dolby Atmos on Audible.


    • Julia Whelan
    • Renee Elise Goldsberry
    • Damon Daunno
    • Alexis Bledel
    • John Behlmann
    • Devin Druid
    • Finn Whittrock
    • Bebe Wood
    • Amy Keum
    • Jessica Almasy
    • Jaime Andrews
    • Dan Bittner
    • Matt Braver
    • Bailey Carr
    • Kevin T. Collins
    • Jonathan Davis
    • Laura Dreyfuss
    • Dan Domingues
    • Elizabeth Evans
    • Lauren Fortgang
    • Piper Goodeve
    • Graham Halstead
    • Colin Martin
    • Therese Plummer
    • Cassandra Lee Morris
    • Eileen Stevens
    • Wendy Walker
    • Greg Wood
    ©2024 Wendy Walker (P)2024 Audible Originals, LLC.

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