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Couverture de Only When It's Us

Only When It's Us

De : Chloe Liese
Lu par : CJ Bloom, Nelson Hobbs
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    Revised and Expanded 2021 Edition

    Prepare for an emotional roller coaster brimming with laughter, tears, and slow-burn sexiness in this new adult romance that tackles the vulnerability of love with humor and heart.

    Ryder: Ever since she sat next to me in class and gave me death eyes, Willa Sutter's been on my shit list. Why she hates me, I don't know. What I do know is that Willa is the kind of chaos I don't need in my tidy life. She's the next generation of women's soccer. Wild hair, wilder eyes. Bee-stung lips that should be illegal. And a temper that makes the devil seem friendly. She's a thorn in my side, a menacing, cantankerous pain-in-the-ass who's turned our business mathematics course into a goddamn gladiator arena. I'll leave this war zone unscathed, coming out on top.... And if I have my way with that crazy-haired, ball-busting hellion, that will be in more than one sense of the word.

    Willa: Rather than give me the lecture notes I missed like every other instructor I've had, my asshole professor tells me to get them from the silent, surly, flannel-wearing mountain man sitting next to me in class. Well, I tried. And what did I get from Ryder Bergman? Ignored. What a complete lumbersexual Neanderthal. Mangy beard and mangier hair. Frayed ball cap that hides his eyes. And a stubborn refusal to acknowledge my existence.

    I've battled men before, but with Ryder, it's war. I'll get those notes and crack that Sasquatch nut if it's the last thing I do, then I'll have him at my mercy. Victory will have never tasted so sweet.

    ©2020, 2021 Chloe Liese (P)2021 Tantor

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