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Couverture de Zero G

Zero G

De : Dan Wells
Lu par : Emily Woo Zeller, Margaret Ying Drake, Josh Hurley, Eddy Lee, Jennifer Van Dyck, Allyson Johnson, David Shih, Betsy Hogg, Chelsea Spack
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    It’s one kid versus an entire band of space pirates in this cosmic middle-grade caper from New York Times best-selling author Dan Wells.

    Zero is just one of 20,000 people aboard a spaceship bound for a new planet set to be colonized. The journey is over a century long but luckily, everyone is in stasis, so they’ll be safe and sound asleep during the trip. Everyone that is, except for Zero, whose pod has malfunctioned, waking him up a hundred years early. His initial excitement in roaming the ship alone quickly turns to a heart-stopping interstellar adventure when a family of space pirates show up, trying to hijack the ship and take the colonizers hostage. With everyone he knows fast asleep, it’s up to Zero to think fast and find a way to stop them—all on his own.

    The full cast for this production includes Emily Woo Zeller, Margaret Ying Drake, Betsy Hogg, Josh Hurley, Jonathan Davis, Jennifer Van Dyck, Chelsea Spack, Charlie Thurston, David Shih, Eunice Wong, Eddy Lee, Allyson Johnson, and Polly Lee.

    Experience this title in immersive 3D audio by setting your download quality to High within the app. Headphones recommended. For more, browse our entire collection of 3D audio listens.

    Now available in Dolby Atmos on Audible.

    ©2018 Dan Wells (P)2018 Audible Originals, LLC.

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    great gripping story

    I had to listen in one go, couldn't let go until I'd reached 'The End'. But, I have to say that the music it too loud at times, making it hard to follow what the actors are saying...

    Une erreur s'est produite. Réessayez dans quelques minutes.

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