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All titles related to this item On the genesis of species
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Book Title
On the genesis of species
Publication Details
London, Macmillan & Co, 1871
Holding Institution
Cambridge University Library
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Darwin Estate and Cambridge University Library

Copyright Status:
In copyright

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Example: Charles Darwin, Carl Linnaeus
Example: Birds, Classification, Mammals
Contributed by Cambridge University Library
Annotation Not Available

annotation      Mivart
show subjects concepts

annotation vertically crossed      p 15 I do not understand
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annotation vertically crossed      16
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annotation vertically crossed      35 false quotation

annotation vertically crossed      54
show subjects concepts

annotation vertically crossed      60 X    not fair

annotation vertically crossed You entirey ignore use }— 67    Use entirely overlooked }

annotation      Mivart Genesis of Species
show subjects concepts

annotation p 21.    List of his objections .

annotation 25    Giraffe , with M S. notes
show subjects subjects
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annotation 34    On variations in all directions M.S. notes
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annotation 37    Flatfish.
show subjects subjects

annotation 39 Origin of limbs do not considert01
t01 - `do not consider' in Darwin's hand, in pencil

annotation 40    Whalebone
show subjects subjects

annotation 42    Larynx of young Kangaroo (add after Whale)t01
t01 - `(add after Whale)' in Darwin's hand, in pencil
show subjects subjects

annotation in Darwin's hand, in pencil 44 Pedicellariae
show subjects subjects

annotation 46 Metamorphosis of flies .
show subjects subjects
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annotation 47 Mammary glands — & p 42 for Larynxt01
t01 - `— & ... Larynx' in Darwin's hand, in pencil

annotation 50 Cobra.
show subjects subjects

annotation 53 Rods of Corti

annotation 62 Objections demonstrably sufficient

annotation 72 The shoulder of pterodactyle.
show subjects subjects

annotation 75 & 77 ear & eye of cuttlefish w. M.S. notes

annotation 81 «80 Avicularia»t01 Placentae of mammals & sharks.
t01 - `80 Avicularia' in Darwin's hand, in pencil
show subjects concepts

annotation 82 Resemblance of mouse & a marsupial.
show subjects subjects
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annotation 85 Effects of conditions on butterflies from Wallace
show subjects concepts

annotation 97 Modification as great as between Hipparion & horse —
show subjects subjects
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annotation      Mivart Genesis
show subjects concepts

annotation 105 Abortion of finger in the Potto
show subjects subjects

annotation 107 believes wing of birds comp. suddenly developed—
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annotation 107 On origin of tendrils [see p 47]t01
t01 - `[see p 47]' in Darwin's hand, in pencil

annotation 110 Macrauchenia a very generalised structure .
show subjects subjects

annotation 112 M.S. notes on suddenness of var . good —
show subjects subjects

annotation 130 Seems ■to ■bel■ieve that bat & pterodactyle suddenly developed.
show subjects subjects

annotation 139 Argues rate of change in progenitors before their divergence from the amount of difference in their descendants

annotation 145 The same fishes in distant continent.
show subjects subjects

annotation 148    Plurodont lizards & certain insectivora in Madagascar—

annotation 153 «& 158» } Diff. from homologies of skull bones .

annotation 163. H. Spencer on ‹cereal› «serial» homologies
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annotation 164 Mivart thinks there is an internal force or tendency.
show subjects concepts

annotation 170 There is serial homology in Chitons
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annotation Evolution whethr N. Selection is admitted is all important, as long as changes gradual, for then facts can be tested ,
     for scientific purpposes Mr Mivarts belief that sudden change, as Horse & Hipparion, & I suppose — Birds bats & Pterodactyles (otherwise his argumnt of intermediate not bng fnd wd be valueless) seems to me no gain over the old belief of separte creation: Of course it may be true, but will be most difficult to prove

annotation [drawing of microscope lens and eye, partly overwriting text]

annotation not in Darwin's handin brown ink Kangaroo Larynx
show subjects subjects

annotation not in Darwin's handin brown ink Strange arrangement 105 & Pottos forefinger
show subjects subjects

annotation See to Mouth —
     Find “Brewster” on eye of Cephalopods —

annotation Placentae of Sharks & Mammals— like Fritz Müllers cases & Claparede —
show subjects concepts

annotation Mr Mivat' book consist of all objections «to nat. Selction» advancd by various authors & myself, expanded & admirably illustrated , with nothng said in favour, except in openng chapter

annotation p 147    Get Gunthers Catalogue
show subjects concepts

annotation p 196    Morals

annotation ☞ (over)

annotation      Mivart Genesis
show subjects concepts

annotation 174    Correlation very slight between teeth & hair

annotation 176 Homology between limbs & fins .

annotation 178 M.S. notes on primitive homologies.
show subjects subjects

annotation in Darwin's hand, in pencil p 107 sudden change of Birds wing.—
show subjects subjects

annotation      Sp. Theory

annotation      p 120
show subjects concepts

annotation      145    Distribution Geographical
show subjects concepts

annotation      155    Homologies
show subjects concepts

annotation    Vol 3 p. 327 of Cyclop. of Anat & Phy.    on Larynx of Kangaroo — Owen in Phil. Trans

annotation p. 182 Gascoyen
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show subjects concepts