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All titles related to this item Essay on the physiognomy of serpents
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Book Title
Essay on the physiognomy of serpents
Publication Details
Edinburgh, Maclachlan, Stewart & Co, 1843
Holding Institution
Cambridge University Library
Copyright & Usage
Darwin Estate and Cambridge University Library

Copyright Status:
In copyright

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Example: Charles Darwin, Carl Linnaeus
Example: Birds, Classification, Mammals
Contributed by Cambridge University Library
Annotation Not Available

top-margin annotation Wm. Twining MD Ap. 1844

lines 7—12 score
lines 7—12 annotation (Q)
from End Slip annotation 10 Many innocuous serpents «(Q)» have grooved teeth p42 on do. «important» —47 (Q)

lines 4—8 score
lines 3—17 annotation good passage if such forms did not exist now, we shd. marvel at the transition. p. 24
from End Slip annotation 22 Snakes & Lizards a good gap well filled up    p 24

lines 6—14 score
line 8 underline "difficult ... impossible"
from End Slip annotation 22 Snakes & Lizards a good gap well filled up    p 24

\lines 211—7 score in dark pencil
line 11 underline "Pygopus"
lines 11—9 annotation snake or lizard ? ?

line 10 underline "but ... lung"
lines 7—13 annotation “    ”
lines 7—13 annotation (Q)
show subjects subjects

lines 12—7 multiple score
line 7 underline "external"
line 6 underline "constant"
lines 17—11 annotation (Q)
from End Slip annotation 26 Great changes in position of viscera owing to shape «(Q)» of body «correlatn Ch 7» ; & gret differenc in differnt «forms» External organs more constant

[continues overleaf] lines 5—1 double score
lines 3—2 underline "in ... vertebrae"
from End Slip annotation 27 Number of vertebrae differing in s■ame species
show subjects subjects

lines 5—10 score
line 5 underline "salivary"

line 19 underline "anterior end"
line 10 underline "posterior part"
lines 9—5 double score
lines 8—6 score
line 7 underline "more ... saliva"
lines 10—5 annotation (Q)

lines 9—6 score
lines 4—2 score
lines 9—2 annotation (Q)
from End Slip annotation 45 Snakes with tips of ribs forming teeth (Q)

[continuation] 1—4 score
top-marginline 4 annotation (Q)
     Explains origin of teeth

line 9 annotation Salivary
lines 11—13 score
line 15 score in pale pencil
line 15 underline "tendinous band"
line 21 underline "tendinous"
line 23 underline "to ... articulation"
show subjects subjects

line 1 underline "dangerous"
line 1 at "consequences" annotation is it painful, at once
show subjects subjects

lines 6—2 score
lines 6—2 annotation (Q)
from End Slip annotation 55 ‹Pancreas› «Spleen» differs in species & varies in individuals. (Q)
show subjects subjects

lines 1—3 score
show subjects subjects

lines 6—10 score
lines 7—9 annotation in brown ink (Q)
from End Slip annotation 80 Crotalus mutus has spinet01 not rattle (N.Q)
t01 - underlined in reddish-orange crayon
show subjects subjects

line 1 underline "190 to 217"
bottom-margin annotation Plenty of cases afterwards show nor of vertebrae vary
show subjects subjects

lines 9—11 score
line 10 underline "known ... Africa"
line 15 underline "curious"
lines 19—20 underline "This ... species"
lines 15—21 annotation a wanderer
from End Slip annotation 146. Coluber canus only species of genus in S. Africa & abnormal species

lines 15—18 score
lines 15—18 score cancelled

lines 15—20 score
line 16 underline "most ... means"
show subjects subjects

bottom-margin annotation Snakes can live without eating 6 & 18 months
show subjects subjects

lines 5—3 double score
lines 5—1 annotation not volcanic Islds

lines 6—9 score
lines 12—14 score
lines 19—22 score
line 20 underline "other species"
lines 21—22 underline "often ... Antilles"
line 15 crossing-out "Japan"
line 15 annotation Java
lines 14—12 score
lines 8—5 score
from End Slip annotation 199 ∗ Snakes in Isls of Pacific

lines 7—12 score
lines 7—26 annotation Now when a genus ranges widely & yet has some peculiaty of colourng, it wd appear to be descent.
from End Slip annotation 203 Section of genus Elaps, trifling distinction in S. America (& shows persistenc «of trifling characters»

lines 7—1 score

lines 15—11 score
line 13 underline "elevation ... species"

lines 13—9 score
line 12 at "Cameleon" annotation (Q) →
line 12 underline "forked nose"
lines 20—7 annotation case, I suspect, of great peculiarity, variable.

lines 4—1 score

lines 10—6 score

top-margin annotation Sea & Land must have been connected between Europe & Japan. —
show subjects subjects

lines 2—11 score
line 11 underline "laudatus"
line 11 annotation ?

lines 19—16 score

lines 12—8 score
lines 7—6 underline "Saurians ... Ophidians"
from End Slip annotation 219 Saurians & snakes of Japan all distinct from Europe. Frogs th same !

bottom-margin annotation what a difficulty introduction of F.W. Eel in Otaheite & some of the Antarctic Isds.— Do not thy breed in Sea.

top-margin annotation consult Waterhouse.—
show subjects concepts

[continuation] 1—5 score

[continues overleaf] 6—21 score
lines 13—15 score
line 14 underline "Timor"
line 18 underline cancelled "Timor"
lines 21—1 score
from End Slip annotation 222 «to 226, 8 — to 235» The Monkey of Timor a darker var. this looks as if endemic & other Mammals.

[continuation; continues overleaf] 2—19 score
line 8 underline "Timor"
lines 20—26 score
from End Slip annotation 222 «to 226, 8 — to 235» The Monkey of Timor a darker var. this looks as if endemic & other Mammals.

[continuation; continues overleaf] 3—5 score
lines 9—36 score
line 26 underline "Marianne Islands"
line 28 underline "Timor"
lines 7—5 score
lines 2—1 score
from End Slip annotation 222 «to 226, 8 — to 235» The Monkey of Timor a darker var. this looks as if endemic & other Mammals.

[continuation; continues overleaf] 1—8 score
line 1 underline "Timor"
lines 8—10 score
lines 10—20 score
lines 21—23 score
lines 24—29 score
line 32 underline "Marianne"
from End Slip annotation 222 «to 226, 8 — to 235» The Monkey of Timor a darker var. this looks as if endemic & other Mammals.

[continuation] 5—13 score
lines 23—24 underline "Sumatra ... Borneo"

[continues overleaf] lines 7—3 score

[continuation] 2—9 score
top-margin annotation Sumatra & Java vry different soils—

line 17 underline "islands ... Timor"
lines 14—7 score
lines 14—7 score in pale pencil
from End Slip annotation 222 «to 226, 8 — to 235» The Monkey of Timor a darker var. this looks as if endemic & other Mammals.

lines 13—9 score
lines 8—6 score
from End Slip annotation 222 «to 226, 8 — to 235» The Monkey of Timor a darker var. this looks as if endemic & other Mammals.

lines 17—19 score
lines 22—25 score
lines 5—2 score
from End Slip annotation 222 «to 226, 8 — to 235» The Monkey of Timor a darker var. this looks as if endemic & other Mammals.

lines 11—16 score
from End Slip annotation 222 «to 226, 8 — to 235» The Monkey of Timor a darker var. this looks as if endemic & other Mammals.

lines 8—1 score
show subjects concepts

lines 16—19 score

lines 24—22 score

lines 16—11 score
show subjects subjects