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Book Title
Das entdeckte Geheimnis der Natur im Bau und in der Befruchtung der Blumen
Publication Details
Berlin, F. Vieweg, 1793
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Cambridge University Library
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Darwin Estate and Cambridge University Library

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Example: Charles Darwin, Carl Linnaeus
Example: Birds, Classification, Mammals
Contributed by Cambridge University Library
Annotation Not Available

annotation He treats of forms of seeds with reference to means of distribution
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top-margin annotation C. Darwin . August . 1841. —
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annotation Speak of it as seed (achenium) It is calyx which differs
     Tussilago is superflua
     Picris aequalis —
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annotation (1

annotation 2. Iris only by Bees
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annotation — p. 8 Violets
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annotation 3 Flys impregnate orchis p. 21 do, 23
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annotation 4. Epilobium impregnated frm younger flowrs — revrse in «Euphorbia»
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annotation 16 marks on corolla t guide insects none on night flowers
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annotation 18    was not aware of use of crossing
        Bees boring holes disprove necessity of his marks.

annotation 42    pollen generally ready first

annotation 43 quite as many dichogams, as dioicous & monoicous

annotation 61 case of Salvia
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annotation 106. Butterflies .Phlox — Dichog:
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annotation 111. On Campanula read
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annotation 117 Phyteuma does not get dusted in room Xt01 (one of Campanulaceae) ‹V. if any› Solanaceae ‹tried› p. 126 &c
t01 - `X' in reddish-brown crayon

annotation 167 Parnassia, stigma not ready durng th several days whilst anther moving up.— (Mention after Barberry) probably night flower
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annotation    186 Allium in same case with Parnassia
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annotation 212 [corrected from `211'] Horse chesnut , probably Dichogam.
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annotation 240 Kalmia like Barberry, moves on beng touched
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annotation 244 Saxifraga saw fly impregnate
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annotation (2

annotation 249 Dianthus. dichogam, & yet stated to be impregnated in close flowers    ■ ■
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annotation 296 saw ants carry ■pollen
     (Nothing to show Dichogamy in this class)
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annotation 346 Hollyock. Dichogam.
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annotation 354 does not understand impregnation of Pea.
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annotation 358 on depression of wings in Bean-flowers & othr Legum. causng exsertion of Pistil & anthers so Bees impregnate — whole structure of flower with rectangular pistils fitted for this end — Keel spring up slowly to old position .

annotation 359 Phaseolus, does not know about one side— hairs of pistil brush out pollen; thinks a dichogamist.
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annotation 390 violet — cavity full of pollen stopped by pistil frm beng shaken out ; curved point of stigma moved by Bees .
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annotation 394. can know when no Bee has visited by no shed pollen .— 395 proved it by putting gauze over.

annotation 397. does not know much about Heartease.
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annotation Kurr ■ ■   
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annotation Plants supposed to be fertilised by Wind
     Urtica — stigma downy (Smith): I have seen pollen flyng; as in Spinage & I think Beet has th Stigmas. Kurr says Urtica nectary !!!
     Carex Stigma downy (Smith) Kurr no honey
     Plantago no honey .(I think I have seen Humble-bees at work.) Stigma hairy acute (Smith)
     Sanguisorba style as long as stamens stigma notched Smith
     Ulmus — I think Bees
     Amentaceae no honey except Willow. In none by Smith is Stigma plumose or vy large.—
     Coniferae no honey
     Parietaria has a tufted stigma , as one of nettle tube.—
     Hop. long stigma — Benthams nettl Family

annotation In one of the ■Ray Soc. Report Bot. Paper a long discussion on position of nectaries in Veg. K.

annotation (3

annotation 403. Orchis. latifolia. — thinks flies impregnate — never saw Bees.— has never seen nectar in. calls them sham-nectar producers — Nectary within hairy — look at night—

annotation 405. Butterfly orchis has nectar — smells at night — probably a moth impregnation .
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annotation 406 Listera ovata has nectar & visited by Ichneumon (p 407) with 2 pairs on head.
     409. Next year other cases & Beetles. Saw the act of impregnation effected.

annotation 414 often see Flies in Epipactis, cd not be impregnated without insects .

annotation p 415 saw fly remove the pollen-masses & has figured it sticking on back. —
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annotation 419 Aristolochia frm structure cannt be impreg. without insects — 421 fd. many flies in with pollen on. 423 thinks flies cannt escape owng t smoothness of bottom of tube —& frm number, but Mem. Arum may be here introduced to show how these little insects can carry pollen. —

annotation /over

annotation (4

annotation 426. No, flies cannot escape on accont of hair in passage — 428 Fabricius has made sam remark —(Does not say he fd. mny dead flies )

annotation ( C. K. Sprengel )

annotation 50    Veronica Not all
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annotation 63 Salvia
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annotation 83 Scabiosa
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annotation 97 Borago ― Echium } ‹ar th Solan›
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annotation 152 Gentiana
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annotation many Umbellifera
     185 Allium
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annotation 216 Tropaeolum
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annotation Epilobium Oenothera
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annotation 262 Cerastium
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annotation 278 Delphinium, Aquilegia
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annotation X 322 Scrphularia, Digitalis & Veronica
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annotation 342 Geranium
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annotation Lobelia nothng
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annotation / C.K. Sprengel
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annotation Tussilargo or Petasites vulgaris ■type «of [illegible word]» disc hermphrodite ray female (some plants all female & «so» Senecio vulgaris.)
     (Pistil acts in brushig out pollen. but has no stigma.

annotation Antennaria always dioicous.—
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annotation Pimpinella magna — tends to have some exclusively male. —
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annotation Anthriscus sylvestris ray floret ‹are› with imperfect stigma & no stamens; thinks never sets seeds. —
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annotation in pale pencil [?]Phoenicia    see Babington . for read on orchid & [?]viola
     Picris = Helminthia

annotation in blue crayon over pale pencil Tabulate how mny Dichogams & specis

annotation    Henslow.    Aug. 13 / 1857
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annotation in pale pencil It would be worth while to cross Vinca to see if it would then produce seeds—
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annotation vertically crossedin pale pencil cancelledin pale pencil Xt01 Strng case of Dichogamy in Parietaria in Gaertner Bastard p. 65
t01 - `X' in reddish-orange crayon
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annotation vertically crossedin pale pencil cancelledin pale pencil Gaertner Bastard p. 537. a most weak argument against final cause of Hony to attract insects.

annotation [written over next annotation] in pale pencil Used
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annotation in dark pencil vertically crossedin pale pencil cancelledin pale pencil Xt01 "    " p. 586    speaks of it as general law tht male & female organs are ready at same time .— at p. 659 contradicted.
t01 - `X' in reddish-orange crayon, cancelled in pencil

annotation in dark pencil vertically crossedin pale pencil Gaertners Beiträge must be studied all about Honey p. lines 75—92

annotation in dark pencil    Xt01 p. 242    attributes all C.C. Sprengels factst02 t praecosity of pistil.—
t01 - `X' in reddish-orange crayon, cancelled in pencil
t02 - `p. 242 ... facts' cancelled

annotation vertically crossedin pale pencil cancelledin pale pencil Kolreuter 3d. Fort p 127. on movemnt of pistil t anthers in Compositae & on other cases of movemnts: this latter subject largely discussed by Gaertner in Beitrage —

annotation March 19. 59. Lathraea squamaria visited by Bombus — right at top pistil bends slightly over towards passages, projecting & apparently ready, butt01 pollen not shed «Yet pollen on stigma for Bee» —    In lower (& earlier) flower pollen shedding, so that here female organs apparently ready first.
t01 - `March 19 ... but' vertically crossedin pale pencil

annotation p. 415    on Spiders hauntng plants with nectar: mem Willys remark on Listera

annotation ask Henslow or Babington, or Watson { p. 260    on th red Lychnis flowerng at different period from the white—

annotation cancelled    p. 367. «& 374» } Seeds diff shape from Disc & margin of Picris. Composite flower —
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annotation in blue crayon Flower. of males larger than of Females

annotation in pale pencil ([ March 30— 46—    Read straight through from p. 1 to ‹223›] 299. Read all

annotation in dark pencil Xt01    ☞ Only subjects not on crossing    Xt02
t01 - `X' in reddish-brown crayon
t02 - `X' in reddish-brown crayon
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annotation [alongside next four annotations] | (Q)—
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annotation p. 367 Difference in shape «← (Good case of mechanical action comparable to action of pollen on head — for no use in seeds bng diffrnt)» of seed in Disc & centre of Composit.
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annotation 374 do — (This must be a correlation of structure, & perhaps owg t insects.—)t01 . Figures of 3 Heads frm sam flower—
t01 - `(This must ... insects.—)' horizontally crossed
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annotation 371.    On stigma in Compositae brushing out Pollen — Rudimntry organ useful
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annotation 383 — do — otherwise rudimentay — vry curious case
     Xt01 Xt02   
t01 - `X' in reddish-brown crayon
t02 - `X' in reddish-brown crayon

annotation horizontally crossedin pale pencil Aristolochia whether insects can escape
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annotation horizontally crossed Hony in night in Orchis morio
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annotation horizontally crossed Impregnation of Ophrys & seeding of try crossing & see wheth hs seed
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annotation horizontally crossed Heartease—    whethr night insects do th work
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annotation vertically crossed { Castrate common Pea, several & impregnate severl & see if Bees go for pollen or Honey, as perhaps thy wd not visit pollen-less Peas. —
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annotation horizontally crossed Arum about filament about insects escaping
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annotation vertically crossed { Fraxinella if my account accurate

annotation [in bottom left corner] Watch Acacia —
     Put pollen of own & other var. of cabbage & shut up flower
     Lobelia — Crucianella
     Examine next spring . Arum to see how far passage closed.t01
t01 - `Lobelia — ... closed.' horizontally crossed