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über den Begriff der Pflanzenart und seine Anwendung
Publication Details
Erfurt, Friedrich Wilhelm Otto, 1834
Holding Institution
Cambridge University Library
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Darwin Estate and Cambridge University Library

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Example: Charles Darwin, Carl Linnaeus
Example: Birds, Classification, Mammals
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Annotation Not Available

lines 11—14 annotation Denies th universal tendeny to avitism

line 9 underline "Chelidonium laciniatum"
lines 9—5 annotation has no tendeny to return to parent form. —
show subjects concepts

line 15 underline "vereinige"
line 17 annotation
line 15 annotation joins

line 18 underline "Annahme"
line 18 annotation reception

bottom-margin annotation There is no necessity accordng to my thery that new species shd have not descended frm several pairs

lines 9—18 annotation unterart is in fact a doubtful species, probaly a species but vry little different frm other /
from End Slip annotation 4. Definition of various forms of species (Q)

line 9bottom-margin annotation "Abarten" a var. which does not tend to go back to parent form. "Spielarten", those that go back in one or more generations /
from End Slip annotation 4. Definition of various forms of species (Q)

bottom-margin annotation Does anyone think wild Pampas cattle identical with present stock.—

lines 1—2 underline "Abänderungen"
lines 1—6 annotation Varieties which do not keep constant, or only in certain grounds.— /

line 3 at "unzweckmässig" annotation [?]unsuitable

lines 17—25 score
line 18 underline "so ... entstehen"
lines 17—23 annotation These several forms of species hard to distinguish.

bottom-margin annotation //
     Unterart subspecies = doubtful races or true ‹spec› close species
     Abarten — hereditary = races (or variety in animals)
     Spielarten whic ‹do not› are herditry for few generats — variety of Decandolles
     Abanderngen, whic are not at all hereditry — allied to Monstrsities

lines 4—1 score
lines 4—3 annotation colour of Beet
show subjects subjects

line 1 underline "Rumex ... nemorosus"
bottom-margin annotation compare these with
     Do thy not belong t sam Family?

line 13 underline "Rosa bicolor"
line 12 underline "Rosa lutea Mill"
line 10 underline "Bulbocapnos cavus"
line 9 underline "einen niedrigern"
lines 13—2 annotation 1st turns into last without sowing.    When colour more permanent, then accompanied by som slight changes just as Henslow thought wd be    See next Page —

lines 8—5 score
bottom-margin annotation This bulbocapnos «(not in Spengler)» ‹wh› Cavus produced white seedlings.—
from End Slip annotation 7. slight differences going with white var.

bottom-margin apparently unintentional mark

lines 12—19 annotation Differences of Anagallis phoenicea & arvensis.— not proved to be same.

lines 8—6 score
lines 9—1 annotation (Q)    anagallis collina has 2 coloured flowers, believes this thogh experiment not decisive.
from End Slip annotation 8 on Anagallis — argues for A. collina (Q)

line 5 underline "A. carnea Schrauk"
lines 1—7 annotation (Q)    This came true //
show subjects concepts

lines 8—13 annotation fruit, taste & ‹sees› seed vary in colour & are often inherited.

line 18 underline "Phaseolus multiflorus"
lines 18—19 score
lines 18—19 annotation ⸮    colour of flower & seed go together

lines 9—6 score
lines 8—1 annotation doubling not change of organ , but simply increase of petals

lines 1—10 annotation In Datura no loss of ‹peta› stamens (but may there not be potential stamens?)
show subjects subjects

lines 14—18 annotation on Hairs or coverng of Plants

line 9 underline "Trigonella coerulea"
lines 9—12 annotation var. with stalks of leaves    with leaflets,
show subjects subjects

lines 8—5 score
lines 8—2 annotation relative length of stamens good character in this ‹speci› Fam. but variable in Labiatae.—

line 2 underline "Fragonaria monophylla"
bottom-margin annotation ⧟ one-leafed Strawberry is heredetary
from End Slip annotation 12    one-leafed Strawbery, heredetary

line 2 underline "folia terna"
line 2 annotation rarely inherited.
show subjects concepts

line 12 underline "Caulis fasciatus"
show subjects subjects

line 10 underline "Sedum cristatum"
lines 10—8 annotation in this case in some degree hereditary.
show subjects subjects
show subjects concepts

line 6 underline "Celosia cristata"
lines 6—5 annotation Cockscomb example in flowers
show subjects subjects
show subjects concepts

line 2 underline "Triticum compositum"
bottom-margin annotation ⧟ hereditary division of th flower stalk

lines 1—6 annotation Thickening of special parts, as in Cabbages & heading of Cabbages.
show subjects subjects

line 10 underline "Varietas laciniata"
line 12 underline "Vitis laciniosa"
line 12 underline "Sambucus"
line 13 underline "Sambucus nigra"
line 13 underline "Sambucus racemosa"
line 13 underline "Sambucus Ebulus"
lines 9—27 annotation Same variation affecting so many plants shows, how goes by laws. Lacination hereditry in Sambucus (& in Lettuce & Cabbage) so curled, blistered, &c
from End Slip annotation 14    on lacinated and curled leaves common to many genera

lines 16—17 underline "von ... Blättchen"
lines 12—17 annotation not hereditary

line 20 underline "Chelidonium laciniatum"
line 21 underline "erhält ... bei"

line 4 underline "Varietas crispa"
line 3 underline "bullata"

line 1 score
top-margin annotation curled leaves of natural species more regular
show subjects subjects

lines 3—7 annotation Curled mint by seed had its first leaves not curled.— /
show subjects subjects

line 7 underline "Varietas tortuosa"
lines 10—11 annotation ⧟ partly hereditary

line 13 underline "Veronica cristata"
lines 12—15 annotation petals only curled    inherited

line 16 double score in pencil [`bookmark']

line 18 underline in pencil "Capsella Bursa"
lines 18—19 annotation in pencil leaves of in same situation
show subjects concepts

line 1 unmarked
top-margin annotation variety of Paeony with small leaves
show subjects subjects

lines 12—15 annotation Is there any Linaria with regular Corolla
show subjects subjects

line 1 underline "auf ... Boden"
bottom-margin annotation on rich ground leaves of involucra? end in spikes
show subjects subjects

line 2 underline "strauchartige"
line 2 annotation bush-like

lines 1—4 score cancelled
line 1 underline "Hibiscus ... vitifolius"
lines 2—3 underline "zwei ... setzen"

lines 8—10 score
line 9 underline "Kölreuter ... nahm"
lines 8—10 annotation Probable mistake of Kolreuter's

lines 7—1
line 7 annotation X
line 7bottom-margin annotation See to this    D. stramonium & ferox might be quite fertile, but D. tatula & ferox are not quite. but D. stramn & tatula are.    If I understand he only assumes about D. Stramonium & ferox

lines 7—1 score in pale pencil
bottom-margin annotation When intermediate forms found «together» always necessry t bear in mind th chance of their being hybrids —

bottom-margin annotation If th intermediate forms kept constant then one must be considered an "abart" of th other; if thy went back t both parent forms, then thy shd be considered as Vars. ‹of› were result of external conditions ‹of› on th two parents ;which wd be subspecies

line 15 underline "Lawsonia ... anomala"
line 16 annotation X
lines 14—18 annotation Organs of these plants make great differences

line 4 double score [`bookmark']

line 19 double score [`bookmark']

line 3 underline "Datura ... Tatula"
line 3 annotation (a)
bottom-margin annotation (a) Doubtful Whether these varieties, because other species differ in same, but greater degree.—

line 13 score [`bookmark']

bottom-margin annotation Those who are not naturalists think species a well defined entity; show the distinctions of Bernhardi; of Decaisne & Hooker.— H.C. Watsons classification of British close species — Then th difference of numbers — Then cases of certain well known genera as Land-shells & Rats — then such flagrant cases as th 2 Oaks — all this difficulty explicable on my theory. depends only on ignorance if creations.—

line 14 underline "Gründen ... Retz"
line 18 underline "Aussaat ... sanguinale"
lines 14—17 annotation (Q)    turns after repeated sowing into —
from End Slip annotation 30 on Panicum ciliare turn into P. sanguinale (Q)

lines 20—24 annotation V Steudel to see whether admitted
show subjects concepts

line 1 underline "glatte ... tectorum"
line 1 at "Abart" annotation does not change durng 12 years
show subjects subjects

line 2 underline "Br. murorum
line 2 annotation nor this
show subjects subjects

line 5 underline "Abart des"
lines 6—7 annotation this also true

line 11 double score [`bookmark']

line 2 score

line 6 underline "Aira capillaris"
lines 5—13 annotation This is A. caryopllea, when it flower 1st year, & differs in only one floret being awned.—    leaves smaller

line 14 underline "A. saxatilis"
show subjects subjects

lines 3—2 underline "Dactylis abbreviata"
bottom-margin annotation changed in 3d sowing to D. glomerata —
from End Slip annotation 35 on vars. of some grasses vry constant

line 2 annotation X
show subjects concepts

lines 7—3 score
from End Slip annotation 39 a hybrid grass— rare case

lines 2—3 score
line 2 underline "hat ... nicht"
show subjects concepts

lines 9—8 unmarked
lines 10—8 annotation wild Cruciferae vary much
show subjects subjects

line 6 underline "Matthiola ... annua"
line 2 underline "M. glabra"
lines 6—4 annotation probably vars

line 9 apparently unintentional mark

line 13 underline "Erysimum hieracifolium"
line 14 underline "virgatum Roth"
lines 14—21 annotation scarcely abarten much less good species being cultivated from seed
from End Slip annotation horizontally crossed 45 Erysimum strictum    not true

line 3 score [`bookmark']

lines 4—6 score

line 7 underline "verdächtiger"
line 7 annotation suspected

line 8 underline "angustifolium"
lines 8—13 annotation Kept true for 6 generations, but Steudel makes var. of L. Gallicum

lines 16—18 score
line 16 underline "P. laciniata"
line 18 underline "P. magna"
lines 16—19 annotation From this seed gave P. magna (Steudel makes var of P. magna—
from End Slip annotation 50 on a Pimpinella — being on a var.

lines 5—7 score
lines 4—8 annotation In Veronica colours blue or red & some changeable
show subjects subjects

line 13 underline "laxiflora"
line 13 annotation changed its colour

line 15 underline "V. paludosa"/ lines 16—18 annotation seedlings changed colour
from End Slip annotation 66 seedlings of Veronica changed colour —

line 7 underline "Anagallis"
line 6 underline "agrestis"
line 6bottom-margin annotation Red vars. of these ‹of› blue Angallis kept true for 10 generations but may be thought true species; but he seems to think other differences trivial.—
from End Slip annotation ― on vars of Veronica keeping true for 10 generations —