Edited by Christina Boucher and Sven Rahmann
Algorithms for Molecular Biology is proud to publish the extended proceedings of WABI 2022. The conference's scope is:
" WABI is an international Conference covering research in algorithmic work in bioinformatics, computational biology and systems biology. The emphasis is mainly on discrete algorithms and machine learning methods that address important problems in molecular biology, that are founded on sound models, that are computationally efficient, and that provide evidence of their potential usefulness in practice, preferably by testing on appropriately chosen simulated or real datasets. The goal is to present recent research results, including significant work-in-progress, and to identify and explore directions of future research. This year it is co-located with ALGO 2022. "
This collection of articles has not been sponsored and articles have undergone the journal’s standard peer-review process. The Guest Editors declare no competing interests.