Welcome to Jobs @ CAN.

Submitting a job ad to CAN is a two step process. (1) Please fill the form below with job details. All fields are mandatory and allow us to get as much information about your posting as possible. Don’t forget to include email address where the applications should be sent. (2) Once you have submitted the job description form, please proceed to the payment page by selecting the ad option for PayPal payment gateway and clicking on the logo. Please read our Terms and Conditions.

What’s included:

Featured Job Ads ($50)
– Your job posting highlighted on the site for 30 days (more than 6,000 daily visitors).
– Your job ad tweeted (50,000 followers) and posted to Facebook (50,000 likes).
– Your job ad in the sidebar visible on all post pages (10,000 pages-views daily).

Standard/Extended Job Ads ($25 / $40)
– Your job posting visible for 30 or 60 days with more than 6,000 daily visitors to see it.
– Some ads will be tweeted and posted on Facebook – not guaranteed.

Past advertisers

If you have any questions about this form or Jobs on CAN, please see this Info Page or contact us at jobs[at]creativeapplications.net

Step 1: Form

    Your Name or Company Name (Required)

    Your Email (Required)

    Twitter (Optional)

    Website / URL Link (Required)

    Image Banner (Minimum 900 x 550px JPG/PNG + Required)

    Job Type (Required)

    Job Category (Required)

    City, Country (Required)

    Job Title (Required)

    Description (Required)

    How To Apply (Required)

    Project Banner (Minimum 900 x 500px JPG/PNG / Optional)

    Ad Price Option (Required)

    Date to be Posted DD/MM/YY (Please specify otherwise ASAP)

    Please answer this question (Spam Protection): Which is bigger, 2 or 8?

    Step 2: Payment

    Please choose the payment method. Once you have made the payment, your ad will be processed, and upon posting, you will receive an email stating that your ad is live. Your ad will remain live for 30/60 days from the date of posting.

    Allow 48 hours for processing. If it is a weekend, this may take longer. If you have any questions regarding your ad or if you would like to make changes, please contact us at jobs[at]creativeapplications.net.