SCS Ph.D. Graduation 2019

Doctoral Degrees Conferred

Academic Year: 2018-2019
Name Thesis Advisor(s) Thesis Title
Nika Haghtalab Avrim Blum, Ariel Procaccia Foundation of Machine Learning, by the People, for the People
Yong He Kayvon Fatahalian Slang -- A Shader Compilation System for Extensible, Real-Time Shading
Jin Kyu Kim Garth Gibson, Eric Xing Framework Design for Improving Computational Efficiency and Programming Productivity for Distributed Machine Learning
Christian Kroer Tuomas Sandholm Large-Scale Sequential Imperfect-Information Game Solving: Theoretical Foundations and Practical Algorithms with Guarantees
Stefan K. Muller Umut Acar Responsive Parallel Computation
Yuzuko Nakamura Nancy Pollard Understanding and applying human grasping to artificial manipulators
Jun Woo Park Greg Ganger Distribution-based cluster scheduling
Vittorio Perera Manuela Veloso Language-Based Bidirectional Human And Robot Interaction Learning For Mobile Service Robot
Kijung Shin Christos Faloutsos Mining Large Dynamic Graphs and Tensors
Sahil Singla Manuel Blum, Anupam Gupta Combinatorial Optimization Under Uncertainty: Probing and Stopping-Time Algorithms
Wennie Tabib Nathan Michael, Red Whittaker Approximate Continuous Belief Distributions for Exploration
Joseph Tassarotti Robert Harper Verifying Concurrent Randomized Algorithms
Colin White Maria Florina Balcan New Aspects of Beyond Worst-Case Analysis
Zichao Yang Taylor Berg-Kirkpatrick, Eric Xing Incorporating Structural Bias into Neural Networks for Natural Language Processing
Academic Year: 2017-2018
Name Thesis Advisor(s) Thesis Title
Zhuo Chen Mahadev Satyanarayanan An Application Platform for Wearable Cognitive Assistance
Jesse Dunietz Jaime Carbonell, Lori Levin Annotating and Automatically Tagging Constructions of Causal Language
Siddhartha Jain Ziv Bar-Joseph Inferring Temporal Signaling Pathways and Regulatory Mechanisms from High-Throughput Data
Junchen Jiang Vyas Sekar, Hui Zhang Enabling Data-Driven Optimization of Quality of Experience in Internet Applications
Ashiqur Khudabukhsh Jaime Carbonell Distributed Learning in Referral Networks
David Kurokawa Ariel Procaccia Algorithms in Fair Division
Yixin Luo Onur Mutlu Architectural Techniques for Improving NAND Flash Memory Reliability
Matthew K. Mukerjee Srinivasan Seshan Eliminating Adverse Control Plane Interactions in Independent Network Systems
David Naylor Peter Steenkiste Architectural Support for Managing Privacy Tradeoffs in the Internet
Ligia Nicoleta Nistor Jonathan Aldrich Object Propositions
Kai Ren Garth Gibson Fast Storage for File System Metadata
Shayak Sen Anupam Datta Influence-directed Explanations for Machine Learning
Neil Shah Christos Faloutsos Anomaly Detection in Large Social Graphs
Michael J. Sullivan Karl Crary Low-level Concurrent Programming Using the Relaxed Memory Calculus
Bruno Vavala Nuno Neves, Peter Steenkiste Secure Large-Scale Outsourced Services Founded on Trustworthy Code Executions
Hongyi Xin Carl Kingsford Methods for Reducing Unnecessary Computation on False Mappings in Read Mapping
Shen Chen Xu Gary Miller Exponential Start Time Clustering and its Applications in Spectral Graph Theory
Danny Zhu Manuela Veloso Augmented Reality Visualization for Autonomous Robots
Academic Year: 2016-2017
Name Thesis Advisor(s) Thesis Title
Miguel Araújo Christos Faloutsos, Pedro Ribeiro Communities and Anomaly Detection in Large Edge-Labeled Graphs
John P. Dickerson Tuomas Sandholm A Unified Approach to Dynamic Matching and Barter Exchange
Kristen Gardner Mor Harchol-Balter Modeling and Analyzing Systems with Redundancy
Kuen-Bang Hou Robert Harper Higher-Dimensional Types in the Mechanization of Homotopy Theory
Euiwoong Lee Venkatesan Guruswami Optimal Approximabilities beyond CSPs
Mu Li David G. Andersen, Alexander J. Smola Scaling Distributed Machine Learning with System and Algorithm Co-design
Cyrus Omar Jonathan Aldrich Reasonably Programmable Syntax
Evangelos E. Papalexakis Christos Faloutsos Mining Large Multi-Aspect Data: Algorithms and Applications
Gennady G. Pekhimenko Todd Mowry, Onur Mutlu Practical Data Compression for Modern Memory Hierarchies
Nisarg Shah Ariel Procaccia Optimal Social Decision Making
Kristina Sojakova Steven Awodey, Frank Pfenning Higher Inductive Types as Homotopy-Initial Algebras
Dougal Sutherland Jeff Schneider Scalable, Flexible and Active Learning on Distributions
Ameya A. Velingker Venkat Guruswami New Directions in Coding Theory: Capacity and Limitations
Qinsi Wang Edmund Clarke Formal Methods for Biological Systems: Languages, Algorithms, and Applications
Xuezhi Wang Jeff Schneider Active Transfer Learning
David Witmer Anupam Gupta, Ryan O'Donnell Refutation of random constraint satisfaction problems using the sum of squares proof system
Timothy Zhu Mor Harchol-Balter Meeting tail latency SLOs in shared networked storage
Academic Year: 2015-2016
Name Thesis Advisor(s) Thesis Title
Yoshihisa Abe Mahadev Satyanarayanan Liberating Virtual Machines from Physical Boundaries through Execution Knowledge
Alex Beutel Christos Faloutsos, Alexander Smola User Behavior Modeling with Large-Scale Graph Analysis
Flávio Manuel Fernandes Cruz Seth Goldstein, Frank Pfenning, Ricardo Rocha Linear Logic and Coordination for Parallel Programming
Danai Koutra Christos Faloutsos Exploring and Making Sense of Large Graphs
Akshay Krishnamurthy Aarti Singh Interactive Algorithms for Unsupervised Learning
Hyeontaek Lim David Andersen Resource-Efficient Data-Intensive System Designs for High-Performance and Capacity
Sarah M. Loos Andre Platzer Differential Refinement Logic
Chris Martens Karl Crary, Frank Pfenning Programming Interactive Worlds with Linear Logic
Rui Meireles Peter Steenkiste, João Barros Leveraging Diversity and Spatial Connectivity in Multi-hop Vehicular Networks
Filipe David Oliveira Militão Johnathan Aldrich, Luis Caires Rely-Guarantee Protocols for Safe Interference over Shared Memory
Dana Movshovitz-Attias William Cohen Grounded Knowledge Bases for Scientific Domains
Yair Movshovitz-Attias Takeo Kanade, Yaser Sheikh Dataset Curation through Renders and Ontology Matching
Jakub Pachocki Gary Miller Graphs and Beyond: Faster Algorithms for High Dimensional Convex Optimization
Michael K. Papamichael James Hoe Pandora: Facilitating IP Development for Hardware Specialization
Wolfgang Richter Mahadev Satyanarayanan Agentless Cloud-wide Monitoring of Virtual Disk State
Mehdi Samadi Manuel Blum, Manuela Veloso Facts and Reasons: Web Information Qurying to Support Agents and Human Decision Making
Vivek Seshadri Todd Mowry, Onur Mutlu Simple DRAM and Virutal Memory Abstractions to Enable Highly Efficient Memory Subsystems
Carol Wang Venkat Guruswami, Anupam Gupta Beyond unique decoding: topics in error-correcting codes
Richard Wang Srinivasan Seshan, Manuela Veloso Collecting, Analyzing, and Using Fine-Grain Sensor Data with Mobile Platforms
Gabriel Leonard Weisz James Hoe CoRAM++: Supporting Data-Structure-Specific Memory Interface in FPGA Computing
John Wright Ryan O'Donnell How to Learn a Quantum State
Academic Year: 2014-2015
Name Thesis Advisor(s) Thesis Title
Athula Balachandran Srinivasan Seshan, Vyas Sekar Large Scale Data Analytics of User Behavior for Improving Content Delivery
Jeremiah Blocki Manuel Blum, Anupam Datta Usable Human Authentication: A Quantitative Treatment
James Cipar Greg Ganger Trading Freshness for Performance in Distributed Systems
Sam Ganzfried Tuomas Sandholm Computing Strong Game-Theoretic Strategies and Exploiting Suboptimal Opponents in Large Games
Michelle Leah Goodstein Todd Mowry Dataflow Analysis-Based Dynamic Parallel Monitoring