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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter March 12, 2022

Multiscale Sub-grid Correction Method for Time-Harmonic High-Frequency Elastodynamics with Wave Number Explicit Bounds

  • Donald L. Brown and Dietmar Gallistl EMAIL logo


The simulation of the elastodynamics equations at high frequency suffers from the well-known pollution effect. We present a Petrov–Galerkin multiscale sub-grid correction method that remains pollution-free in natural resolution and oversampling regimes. This is accomplished by generating corrections to coarse-grid spaces with supports determined by oversampling lengths related to the log ( k ) , 𝑘 being the wave number. Key to this method are polynomial-in-𝑘 bounds for stability constants and related inf-sup constants. To this end, we establish polynomial-in-𝑘 bounds for the elastodynamics stability constants in general Lipschitz domains with radiation boundary conditions in R 3 . Previous methods relied on variational techniques, Rellich identities, and geometric constraints. In the context of elastodynamics, these suffer from the need to hypothesize a Korn’s inequality on the boundary. The methods in this work are based on boundary integral operators and estimation of Green’s function’s derivatives dependence on 𝑘 and do not require this extra hypothesis. We also implemented numerical examples in two and three dimensions to show the method eliminates pollution in the natural resolution and oversampling regimes, as well as performs well when compared to standard Lagrange finite elements.

MSC 2010: 65N30

Award Identifier / Grant number: SFB 1173

Award Identifier / Grant number: 891734

Funding statement: D. Gallistl gratefully acknowledges financial support by the DFG through SFB 1173, by the Baden-Württemberg Stiftung through the project “Mehrskalenmethoden für Wellenausbreitung in heterogenen Materialien und Metamaterialien”, and by the European Research Council trough project DAFNE, ID 891734.

A Newton Potential Estimates

In this appendix, we will estimate the Newton potential (2.8). We utilize Fourier techniques as in [33] to calculate the 𝑘-bounds on N k . The main result is the following.

Theorem A.1

Letting f ( L 2 ( Ω ) ) 3 , for the Newton potential (2.8), we have the estimate

k - 1 N k ( f ) H 2 ( Ω ) + N k ( f ) H 1 ( Ω ) + k N k ( f ) L 2 ( Ω ) C f L 2 ( Ω ) ,

where C > 0 is independent of 𝑘 and depends only on Ω , μ , λ .


According to representation (2.7) the Newton potential can be split as N k ( f ) = N k E ( f ) + N k H ( f ) , where

N k E ( f ) ( x ) = Ω G k E ( x - y ) f ( y ) d y and N k H ( f ) ( x ) = Ω G k H ( x - y ) f ( y ) d y .

The second part N k H ( f ) is a vector version of the Newton potential of the acoustic Helmholtz equation, for which the bounds k 1 - m N k H ( f ) H m ( Ω ) C f L 2 ( Ω ) for m = 0 , 1 , 2 have been established in [33]. We therefore only need to prove k 1 - m N k E ( f ) H m ( Ω ) C f L 2 ( Ω ) , m = 0 , 1 , 2 , for the elastic part of the Newton potential.

We start by defining the auxiliary potential

(A.1) N ~ k E ( f ) ( x ) = Ω G ~ k E ( x - y ) f ( y ) d y , where G ~ k E ( r ) = 1 k 2 ( e i k 2 r r - e i k 1 r r ) ,

and observe from representation (2.7b) that

| N k E ( f ) | H m ( Ω ) C | N ~ k E ( f ) | H m + 2 ( Ω ) .

The simplification in working with G ~ k E is that, in contrast to G k E , it only depends on the radial component. We proceed with a cut-off function argument and using Fourier techniques as in [32]. Suppose Ω B R ( 0 ) for some R > 0 . We extend 𝑓 to zero when considered outside of Ω into B R , but do not relabel. We define the cutoff function η C ( R 0 ) such that supp ( η ) [ 0 , 4 R ] ,

for all x R 0 , 0 η ( x ) 1 , | η ( x ) | C / R , η | [ 0 , 2 R ] = 1 , η | [ 4 R , ) = 0 .

We set M ( x ) := η ( | x | ) and define an augmented Newton potential of (A.1) as

v η ( x ) = B R ( 0 ) M ( x - y ) G ~ k E ( x - y ) f ( y ) d y for x R 3 ,

where G ~ k E is given by (A.1). For functions 𝑢 with compact support, recall the Fourier transform and the inverse transform are given for x , ξ R 3 by

u ^ ( ξ ) = 1 ( 2 π ) 3 / 2 R 3 e - i x ξ u ( x ) d x and u ( x ) = 1 ( 2 π ) 3 / 2 R 3 e i x ξ u ^ ( ξ ) d ξ .

For 𝑓 has support in B R , we write the truncated Newton potential componentwise, using the Einstein summation convention, as v i η ( x ) = ( ( M G ~ k E ) i j * f j ) ( x ) for i , j = 1 , 2 , 3 . Taking the Fourier transform, using the standard convolution identity, we obtain

v ^ i η ( ξ ) = ( 2 π ) 3 / 2 ( ( M G ~ k E ^ ) i j f ^ j ) ( ξ ) for i , j = 1 , 2 , 3 .

For a multi-index α N 0 3 (non-negative integer vectors of dimension 3), we denote the corresponding multi-index derivatives as α in the standard way. For the corresponding derivatives in the Fourier variable, we denote the function P α : R 3 R 3 , P α ( ξ ) = ξ α . For 2 | α | 4 , we see using the Plancherel identity that

α v i η L 2 ( R 3 ) = P α v ^ i η L 2 ( R 3 ) = ( 2 π ) 3 / 2 P α ( M G ~ k E ^ ) i j f ^ j L 2 ( R 3 ) ( 2 π ) 3 / 2 sup ξ R 3 | P α ( ξ ) ( M G ~ k E ^ ) i j ( ξ ) | f ^ j L 2 ( R 3 ) .

Thus, our estimate relies on the estimation of the supremum over 𝜉 on the last term. This will be estimated in Lemma A.2 below, where we prove that

sup ξ R 3 | P α ( ξ ) ( M G ~ k E ^ ) i j ( ξ ) | C k | α | - 3 .

This implies the asserted estimate. ∎

We now state and prove our main technical lemma used in the proof of Theorem 2.3.

Lemma A.2

Let ( G ~ k E ) i j be given by (A.1) and 𝑀 a cutoff function as above. Then there exists a C > 0 depending only on R , μ , λ , and not on 𝑘 so that, for | α | = 2 , 3 , 4 ,

sup ξ R 3 | P α ( ξ ) ( M G ~ k E ^ ) i j ( ξ ) | C k | α | - 3 for i , j = 1 , 2 , 3 .


We proceed as in [33, Lemma 3.7]. Since G k E from (A.1) depends only on the radial component, we can write

(A.2) G ~ k E ( r ) = g k ( r ) := 1 k 2 ( e i k 2 r r - e i k 1 r r ) , where r = | x | .

A key observation is that G ~ k E ( r ) 0 as r 0 , which corresponds to the boundary terms of the following integration by parts vanishing, allowing for higher-order derivative estimates. We then have, from the definition of the Fourier transform and a change of variables to spherical coordinates,

M G ~ k E ^ ( ξ ) = 1 ( 2 π ) 3 / 2 R 3 e - i x ξ M ( x ) G ~ k E ( x ) d x = 1 ( 2 π ) 3 / 2 0 η ( r ) g k ( r ) r 2 ( S 2 e - i ζ ξ d s ζ ) d r ,

where S 2 is the unit sphere in R 3 . The inner integral was explicitly computed in [33, equation ( 3.34 ) ] and equals 4 π sin ( r | ξ | ) / ( r | ξ | ) . We thus obtain

M G ~ k E ^ ( ξ ) = 4 π ( 2 π ) 3 / 2 ι ( | ξ | ) with ι ( s ) := 0 η ( r ) g k ( r ) r 2 sin ( r s ) r s d r .

We closely follow the arguments of [33, Lemma 3.7] and estimate s m ι ( s ) for m = 2 , 3 , 4 . For m = 2 , we use representation (A.2) and integration by parts and compute

| s 2 ι ( s ) | = k - 2 | 0 η ( r ) ( e i k 2 r - e i k 1 r ) s sin ( r s ) d r | = k - 2 | 0 η ( r ) ( e i k 2 r - e i k 1 r ) r cos ( r s ) d r | = k - 2 | 0 r ( η ( r ) ( e i k 2 r - e i k 1 r ) ) cos ( r s ) d r | k - 2 | 0 η ( r ) ( e i k 2 r - e i k 1 r ) cos ( r s ) d r | + k - 2 | 0 η ( r ) ( k 2 e i k 2 r - k 1 e i k 1 r ) cos ( r s ) d r | .

By using the properties of 𝜂 and η , the first term can be bounded by k - 2 C and the second one by k - 1 C R so that | s 2 ι ( s ) | k - 1 C . For m = 3 , in a similar fashion, we use integration by parts twice and obtain

| s 3 ι ( s ) | = k - 2 | 0 η ( r ) ( e i k 2 r - e i k 1 r ) s 2 sin ( r s ) d r | = k - 2 | 0 η ( r ) ( e i k 2 r - e i k 1 r ) r 2 sin ( r s ) d r | = k - 2 | 0 r 2 ( η ( r ) ( e i k 2 r - e i k 1 r ) ) sin ( r s ) d r | .

With arguments analogous to above, we see that this is bounded by a constant 𝐶. Finally, for m = 4 , we compute

| s 4 ι ( s ) | = k - 2 | 0 η ( r ) ( e i k 2 r - e i k 1 r ) r 3 cos ( r s ) d r | = k - 2 | 0 r 3 ( η ( r ) ( e i k 2 r - e i k 1 r ) ) cos ( r s ) d r |

and see that this is bounded by C k .

In summary, we have shown | s m ι ( s ) | C k m - 3 . This implies for 2 | α | 4 that

sup ξ R 3 | P α ( ξ ) ( M G ~ k E ^ ) i j ( ξ ) | C sup s 0 | s | α | ι ( s ) | C k | α | - 3 ,

which is the desired bound. ∎


We thank two anonymous referees who helped to obtain a sharper-in-𝑘 stability bound and who pointed us to a much more direct argument for proof of the stability result compared with a prior manuscript version of this paper.


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Received: 2022-02-16
Accepted: 2022-02-16
Published Online: 2022-03-12
Published in Print: 2023-01-01

© 2022 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

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