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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter September 29, 2020

Convergence of time-splitting approximations for degenerate convection–diffusion equations with a random source

  • Roberto Díaz-Adame and Silvia Jerez EMAIL logo


In this paper we propose a time-splitting method for degenerate convection–diffusion equations perturbed stochastically by white noise. This work generalizes previous results on splitting operator techniques for stochastic hyperbolic conservation laws for the degenerate parabolic case. The convergence in Llocp of the time-splitting operator scheme to the unique weak entropy solution is proven. Moreover, we analyze the performance of the splitting approximation by computing its convergence rate and showing numerical simulations for some benchmark examples, including a fluid flow application in porous media.

JEL Classification: 65M06; 65M12; 65Z05

Funding statement: This work was partially supported by Mexico CONACyT Project CB2016-286437.

A Numerical methods

A.1 Switch flux-limiter scheme

To solve numerically the deterministic parabolic equation (1.5) with an initial condition u(x, 0) = u0(x), for x ∈ [a, b] ∈ ℝ, we consider a uniform grid for the spatial-time domain. Denoting by (xj, tn) the mesh point with tn = n(Δt) and xj = a + jΔx, n, j ∈ ℕ, being a mesh cell Cjn = (xj−1/2, xj+1/2) × (tn−1/2, tn+1/2). The Switch flux-limiter approximation [10] for problem (1.5) is




with aj+1/2=f12(Ujn+Uj+1n)Δt2Δx(f(Uj+1n)f(Ujn)),λj+=max{f(Ujn)/|f(Ujn)|,0},andλj=min{f(Ujn)/|f(Ujn)|,0}. A flux-limiter scheme is a hybrid method based on a combination of two standard schemes, in the Switch case: FRI denotes the Richtmyer two-step Lax Wendroff method and FUP denotes a conservative upwind method known as Steger–Warming scheme. These numerical fluxes are defined as


The associated weight function is


by measuring the smoothness of the advective flux function with


Finally, an important term of this scheme is the switch function


which turns on and off the upwind flux, modifying the algorithm in presence of discontinuous or smooth regions of the solution. In [10], authors proved that the viscous Switch flux-limiter scheme (A.1) for equation (1.5) is TVD-stable and convergent if


with |ajn| < 1 for convex fluxes and 1/2 ⩽ |ajn| ⩽ 1 for non convex fluxes, where ajn = (Δt/Δx)(f /u)|j,n and djn=((Δx)2)/Δt)d(ujn).

A.2 Linear Steklov method

Such iterative method was proposed in [11] for solving the stochastic differential equation (1.6). Discretizing the time domain [0, T] with a constant time-step Δt such that tn = nΔt for some n ∈ ℕ. Denoting by Un the approximation and Wn the discrete standard Brownian motion satisfying ΔWn:=(Wtn+1Wtn)=ΔtVn with VnN(0, 1). Using the integral formulation of equation (1.6), we can rewrite the solution process at time tn+1 as follows:


The Itô integral is approximated by


Assuming that the drift function g(u) can be linearized of the following form


where a1 is a scalar function, then the linear Steklov iterative process is written as


With regular conditions on local Lipschitz functions g and h satisfying a monotony property, the linear Steklov method becomes a robust and strongly convergent algorithm with a standard order of one-half.


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Received: 2020-01-30
Revised: 2020-08-28
Accepted: 2020-09-13
Published Online: 2020-09-29
Published in Print: 2021-03-26

© 2021 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

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