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Revision summary for item #230546345998

The following revisions have been made:
DateTimeRevised information
09 Nov, 2010
21:18:37 AEDST
02 Jun, 2011
07:23:39 AEST
Postage terms
Buy It Now price
29 Nov, 2011
08:35:24 AEDST
Payment method
02 Dec, 2011
02:43:14 AEDST
Postage terms
04 Dec, 2011
13:31:04 AEDST
PictureURL: Pictures added
19 Sep, 2012
05:06:49 AEST
Changed Restocking Fee from -- to No
15 Nov, 2012
01:02:48 AEDST
23 Nov, 2012
08:49:25 AEDST
Item location
23 Nov, 2012
09:05:38 AEDST
Postage terms
23 Nov, 2012
09:15:57 AEDST
28 Jan, 2013
11:21:47 AEDST
Postage terms
01 Mar, 2013
02:25:08 AEDST
19 Apr, 2013
02:59:47 AEST
17 Oct, 2015
03:46:28 AEDST
PictureURL: Pictures added
Buy It Now price
09 Jan, 2016
00:34:59 AEDST
PictureURL: Pictures added
15 Jan, 2016
02:36:18 AEDST
PictureURL: Pictures added
22 Jan, 2016
06:01:57 AEDST
Postage terms
23 Jan, 2016
08:24:45 AEDST
Postage terms
17 Jul, 2016
03:41:18 AEST
PictureURL: Pictures added
Buy It Now price
02 Jun, 2017
02:47:38 AEST
Buy It Now price
15 Nov, 2017
01:26:06 AEDST
Postage terms
PictureURL: Pictures added
23 Jan, 2018
01:31:46 AEDST
Postage terms
09 Jul, 2018
02:51:57 AEST
Postage terms
Free postage added
Changed Return policy details from We will gladly refund your money if you aren't delighted wit to --
09 Jul, 2018
03:15:52 AEST
Buy It Now price
09 Sep, 2020
21:51:46 AEST
Postage terms
Payment method
09 Oct, 2020
20:01:38 AEDST
Postage terms
09 Feb, 2021
20:01:21 AEDST
Postage terms
19 Jun, 2021
00:21:15 AEST
Postage terms
Site and regions
Buy It Now price
22 Aug, 2024
17:42:39 AEST
Postage terms
PictureURL: Pictures added

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