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Options that change the behavior of the garbage collector.




Parameter Effect
breadthFirstScanOrdering Sets the scan mode to breadth first.
classUnloadingKickoffThreshold Sets a threshold to start an early concurrent global garbage collection (GC) cycle due to recent, heavy class loading activity
classUnloadingThreshold Sets a threshold to trigger a class unloading operation in a global GC cycle
concurrentScavenge Enables a GC mode with less pause times.
dnssExpectedTimeRatioMaximum Sets the maximum percentage of time to spend on local GC pauses
dnssExpectedTimeRatioMinimum Sets the minimum percentage of time to spend on local GC pauses
dynamicBreadthFirstScanOrdering Sets scan mode to dynamic breadth first.
excessiveGCratio Sets a boundary value beyond which GC is deemed to be excessive.
hierarchicalScanOrdering Sets scan mode to hierarchical.
minContractPercent Sets the minimum percentage of the heap that can be contracted at any given time.
maxContractPercent Sets the maximum percentage of the heap that can be contracted at any given time.
noConcurrentScavenge Disables concurrent scavenge.
noSynchronousGCOnOOM Prevents an application stopping to allow GC activity.
overrideHiresTimerCheck Overrides GC operating system checks for timer resolution.
preferredHeapBase Sets a memory range for the Java™ heap. (AIX®, Linux®, macOS®, and Windows™ only)
scvNoAdaptiveTenure Turns off the adaptive tenure age in the generational concurrent GC policy.
scvTenureAge Sets the initial scavenger tenure age in the generational concurrent GC policy.
stdGlobalCompactToSatisfyAllocate Prevents the GC from performing a compaction unless absolutely required.
synchronousGCOnOOM Stops an application to allow GC activity.
targetPausetime Sets the target GC pause time for the metronome and balanced GC policies.
targetUtilization Sets application utilization for the metronome GC policy.
tlhIncrementSize Sets the size of the thread local heap (TLH) increment.
tlhInitialSize Sets the initial size of the thread local heap.
tlhMaximumSize Sets the maximum size of the thread local heap.
verboseFormat Sets the verbose GC format.
verbosegcCycleTime Sets the criteria for verbose GC logging.


This option sets the scan mode for GC operations that evacuate objects in the heap (scavenge operations (gencon) and copy forward operations (balanced)) to breadth first mode. The scan mode reflects the method for traversing the object graph and is also known as Cheney's algorithm.


Where <value> is equal to the number of class loaders plus the number of anonymous classes that are loaded since the previous class unloading operation.
This option sets a threshold that is used to start an early concurrent global GC cycle due to recent class loading activity. The default value is 80000.
This option is applicable to the following GC policies: gencon and optavgpause.


Where <value> is equal to the number of class loaders plus the number of anonymous classes that are loaded since the previous class unloading operation.
This option sets a threshold that is used to trigger an optional GC class unloading operation in a global GC cycle, irrespective of how the global GC cycle is triggered. The default value is 6.
This option is applicable to the following GC policies: gencon, optavgpause, and optthruput.


(64-bit only)


This option supports pause-less garbage collection mode when you use the Generational Concurrent (gencon) garbage collection policy (the default policy). This option cannot be used with any other GC policies.

If you set this option, the VM attempts to reduce GC pause times for response-time sensitive, large-heap applications. This mode can be enabled with hardware-based support (Linux on IBM Z® and z/OS®) and software-based support (64-bit: Linux on (x86-64, POWER®, IBM Z®) AIX®, macOS®, and z/OS).

Note: Linux on IBM Z and z/OS

This option is supported by all generations of IBM Z hardware to enable pause-less GC with two modes of operation: hardware-based and software-based operations. IBM z13™ and earlier hardware operates in software-based pause-less GC mode; IBM z14™ and later hardware (with supported software) operates in hardware-based mode.

Hardware-based pause-less GC is supported on IBM z14 and later hardware running the following software:

Operating systems:

  • z/OS V2R3
  • z/OS V2R2 and APAR OA51643.
  • RHEL 7.5 (minimum kernel level 4.14)
  • Ubuntu 18.04 (minimum kernel level 4.15)


  • IBM z/VM 6.4 with APAR VM65987
  • IBM z/VM 7.1
  • KVM solutions with QEMU 2.10 or later and minimum host kernel level 4.12 (for example, RHEL 7.5 with kernel level 4.14)

If these requirements are not met, the option is ignored.

Note: On z/OS, the virtual storage used might exceed the Java maximum heap size. Set the z/OS memory limit, specified by ulimit -M, to a larger value than the maximum heap size.


Setting Value Default
<value> [percentage] 5 for gencon, 5 for balanced

The maximum percentage of time spent in local garbage collection pauses. For the gencon policy, this refers to the amount of time spent on the nursery area of the heap (scavenge operation). For the balanced policy, this refers to the amount of time spent on the eden regions of the heap (PGC operation).

This option applies only to the gencon and balanced GC policies.


Setting Value Default
<value> [percentage] 1 for gencon, 2 for balanced

The minimum percentage of time spent in local garbage collection pauses. For the gencon policy, this refers to the amount of time spent in Scavenge operation (on the nursery area of the heap). For the balanced policy, this refers to the amount of time spent in PGC operations (mostly on the eden and young regions, but also some other regions for de-fragmentation purposes).

This option applies only to the gencon and balanced GC policies.


This option sets the scan mode for GC operations that evacuate objects in the heap (scavenge operations (gencon) and copy forward operations (balanced)) to dynamic breadth first mode. This scan mode reflects the method for traversing the object graph and is a variant that adds partial depth first traversal on top of the breadth first scan mode. The aim of dynamic breadth first mode is driven by object field hotness. This mode is the default for the balanced GC policy.


Setting Value Default
<value> [percentage] 95

where <value> is a percentage of total application run time that is spent in GC.

The default value is 95, which means that anything over 95% of total application run time spent on GC is deemed excessive. This option can be used only when -Xenableexcessivegc is set (enabled by default).

This option can be used with all Eclipse OpenJ9™ GC policies.


This option sets the scan mode for the scavenge operation (gencon GC policy) to hierarchical mode. This mode reflects the method for traversing the object graph and adds partial depth first traversal on top of breadth first scan mode. The aim of hierarchical mode is to minimize object distances. This option is the default for the gencon GC policy.


Setting Value Default
<n> [percentage] -

The minimum percentage of the heap that can be contracted at any given time.

This option can be used with all OpenJ9 GC policies.


Setting Value Default
<n> [percentage] -

The maximum percentage of the heap that can be contracted at any given time. For example, -Xgc:maxContractPercent=20 causes the heap to contract by as much as 20%.

This option can be used with all OpenJ9 GC policies.


(64-bit only)


This option disables pause-less garbage collection that you might have enabled with the -Xgc:concurrentScavenge option when using the default gencon GC policy. This option applies only to the gencon GC policy.

Note: No concurrent scavenge is the default state, but the noConcurrentScavenge option is useful as it will disable concurrent scavenge even if it has been enabled by a previous option; the right-most option always takes precedence.


Setting -Xgc:nosynchronousGCOnOOM implies that when heap memory is full your application stops and issues an out-of-memory message. The default is -Xgc:synchronousGCOnOOM.
This option applies only to the metronome GC policy.



When the VM starts, the GC checks that the operating system can meet the timer resolution requirements for the requested target pause time. Typically, this check correctly identifies operating systems that can deliver adequate time resolution. However, in some cases the operating system provides a more conservative answer than strictly necessary for GC pause time management, which prevents startup. Specifying this parameter causes the GC to ignore the answer returned by the operating system. The VM starts, but GC pause time management remains subject to operating system performance, which might not provide adequate timer resolution.

Note: Use this option with caution, and only when you are unable to use a supported operating system.

This option applies only to the metronome GC policy.


(AIX, Linux, macOS, and Windows only)

Setting Value Default
<value> [hexadecimal] -

where, <address> is the base memory address for the heap. Use this option with the -Xcompressedrefs option to allocate the heap you specify with the -Xmx option, in a memory range of your choice. If -Xcompressedrefs is not specified, this option has no effect. In the following example, the heap is located at the 4 GB mark, leaving the lowest 4 GB of address space for use by other processes.


If the heap cannot be allocated in a contiguous block at the preferredHeapBase address you specified, an error occurs detailing a Garbage Collection (GC) allocation failure startup. When the preferredHeapBase option is used with the -Xlp option, the preferredHeapBase address must be a multiple of the large page size. If you specify an inaccurate heap base address, the heap is allocated with the default page size.

This option can be used with all OpenJ9 GC policies.


Turns off the adaptive tenure age in the gencon GC policy. The initial age that is set is maintained throughout the run time of the VM. See scvTenureAge.
This option applies only to the gencon GC policy.


Setting Value Default
<n> [1 - 14] 10

Sets the initial scavenger tenure age in the gencon GC policy. For more information, see gencon policy (default).

This option applies only to the gencon GC policy.


Prevents the GC from performing a compaction unless absolutely required to satisfy the current allocation failure by removing the dynamic compaction triggers that look at heap occupancy. This option works only with the following GC policies:
  • gencon
  • optthruput
  • optavgpause
This option is not supported with the balanced GC policy (-Xgcpolicy:balanced) or metronome GC policy (-Xgcpolicy:metronome).


GC cycles can occur when the Java heap runs out of memory. If there is no more free space in the heap, using -Xgc:synchronousGCOnOOM stops your application while GC operations remove unused objects. If free space runs out again, consider decreasing the target utilization to allow GC operations more time to complete. Setting -Xgc:nosynchronousGCOnOOM implies that when heap memory is full your application stops and issues an out-of-memory message. The default is -Xgc:synchronousGCOnOOM.
This option applies only to the metronome GC policy.


Sets the target GC pause time, where N is the time in milliseconds.
When this option is specified with the metronome policy, the garbage collector operates with pauses that do not exceed the value specified. If this option is not specified when using the metronome policy, the default pause time target is set to 3 milliseconds. For example, running with -Xgc:targetPausetime=20 causes the garbage collector to pause for no longer than 20 milliseconds during GC operations.

When this option is specified with the balanced policy, the GC will use the specified pause time as a soft pause time target. If this option is not specified when using the balanced policy, the default pause time target is set to 200 milliseconds. If the GC pauses are longer than the specified target, then the GC may shrink the amount of eden regions in order to satisfy the target pause time. If the percentage of time spent in PGC pauses is higher than dnssExpectedTimeRatioMaximum and the GC pauses are longer than the specified pause time target, then the target pause time may not be satisfied, in order to balance reaching the target pause time goal and percentage of time in GC pause goal.

Note: Specifying an ultra low targetPausetime with the Balanced GC policy may cause the percentage of time spent in GC pauses to noticeably increase.

This option applies only to the metronome and balanced GC policies.



Sets the application utilization to N%; the garbage collector attempts to use at most (100-N)% of each time interval. Reasonable values are in the range of 50-80%. Applications with low allocation rates might be able to run at 90%. The default is 70%.

In the following example, the maximum size of the heap is set to 30 MB. The garbage collector attempts to use 25% of each time interval because the target utilization for the application is set to 75%.

java -Xgcpolicy:metronome -Xmx30m -Xgc:targetUtilization=75 Test

This option applies only to the metronome GC policy.


Sets the increment size of the thread local heap (TLH), which plays a key role in cache allocation. Threads start creating TLHs with a predefined initial size (default 2 KB). On every TLH refresh, the requested size for that thread is increased by an increment (default 4 KB). Use this option to control the increment size.
This option can be used with all OpenJ9 GC policies.


Sets the initial size of the TLH. The default size is 2 KB.
This option can be used with all OpenJ9 GC policies.


Sets the maximum size of the TLH. The size of the TLH varies from 512 bytes (768 on 64-bit JVMs) to 128 KB, depending on the allocation rate of the thread. Larger TLHs can help reduce heap lock contention, but might also reduce heap utilisation and increase heap fragmentation. Typically, when the maximum TLH size is increased, you should also increase the increment size (-XtlhIncrementSize) proportionally, so that active threads can reach the maximum requested TLH size more quickly.
This option can be used with all OpenJ9 GC policies.


Setting Value Default
<format> default yes
  • default: The default verbose garbage collection format for OpenJ9. For more information, see Verbose garbage collection logs.
  • deprecated: The verbose garbage collection format available in the IBM J9 VM V2.4 and earlier.

This option does not apply to the metronome GC policy. The verbose log format for the metronome GC policy is equivalent to -Xgc:verboseFormat=deprecated.



N is the time in milliseconds that the summary information should be logged.

Note: The cycle time does not mean that the summary information is logged precisely at that time, but when the last GC event that meets this time criterion passes.

This option applies only to the metronome GC policy.