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Industrial Robot: Volume 22 Issue 5


The international journal of robotics research and application

Table of contents

Review of the use of robotics and opportunities in the food and drinks industry

Peter J. Wallin

A review of the use of robotics in the food and drinks industry based ona report commissioned by MAFF [Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries andFood].Outlines trends and changes, and…


This robot’s gone fishing

Rob Buckingham, Peter Davey CBE

Examines Robofish, a prototype high speed, vision guided robot with anend‐effector that is able to grasp slippery fish and accurately placethem within a deheading machine…


Robots and food—low margins need different solutions

N D Tillett

Examines the effectiveness of using expensive robotics equipment in thefood industry where profit margins are low and labour is less expensive thanin other industries. Looks at…


Fish deboning requires knowledge of anatomy

W E Friedrich, N R Spooner, P K Lim

Outlines the development of a sensor‐quipped robot system usingknowledge‐based information processing techniques. The prototypeapplication concerns the removal of the lateral pin…


Robots for the meat industry

Iain Wadie, Neil Maddock, Graham Purnell, Koorosh Khodabandehloo, Alan Crooks, Andy Shacklock, Dave West

Discusses research carried out by the Advanced Manufacturing andAutomation Research Centre [AMARC], University of Bristol into theautomation of two areas of meat production, the…

Israeli robots teach the world

Anna Kochan

Examines the use of robots in Israeli industry. Two thriving sectors areresponsible for the majority of automation installation—carbide insertsand the electronics industry, with…


Quick change acts for robotic systems

Jack Hollingum

Report from a one day colloquium, organised by the Robotics ProfessionalGroup of the Institution of Electrical Engineers in association with theBritish Robot Association and the…


Robot lends a hand in a Swedish library

Roland Hansson

Discusses the installation of a robotized book handling system in apublic library in Sweden. A standard industrial robot and controller havebeen chosen with special grippers which…

Cover of Industrial Robot



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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Dr Dimitrios Chrysostomou