

Sep 9-13, 2024: Romain, Guillaume, Matthieu, and Amir participated to the Metamaterials 2024 congress. We gave three presentations at this congress.

June 1st: Alireza joins our lab as a Ph.D. student to work on RFIC design of time-dependent metacircuits. Welcome Alireza !

Apr 16th, 2024: Zhe has defended his thesis and became a doctor. Congratulations Zhe !

Feb 29th, 2024: Tristan joins our lab as a future Ph.D. student (starting in September) to work on Wave-momentum shaping to move objects with ultrasound in complex and dynamic media. Welcome Tristan !

Feb 5th, 2024: Senlu joins our lab as a Ph.D. student, to work on metamaterial-enhanced photonic technologies for energy applications. Welcome Senlu !

Jan 12th, 2024: Our team had fun learning to play curling at the Curling club of Morges.


Dec 8th: Congratulations, Dr Aleksi Bossart, for publicly defending your thesis !

Nov 6th, 2023: Benjamin Apffel has been awarded the Daniel Guinier prize 2022 by the French physics Society. Congrats Benjamin !

Nov 1st, 2023: Welcome to Guillaume Noetinger, joining us as a postdoc to work on applied optics!

Oct 1st, 2023: Nomination of R. Fleury as Associate Professor by the ETH board.

Sep 1st: Welcome to Tim and Junda, who join us as Ph.D. students !

July 1th-19th: Z.Zhang presented his works on topological scattering networks at CLEO Europe, PIERS, and META, in Munich, Prague and Paris, respectively.

June 28th: Z. Zhang has been awarded the EPS-QEOD Travel Grant Student Award at the CLEO Europe conference in Munich, Germany.

June 11th: R. Fleury has been awarded the 2021 Brillouin medal by the International Phononics Society, together with A. Alù and D. Sounas, ‘for their early demonstration of non-reciprocal and topological phonon transport at the macroscopic scale.’ The ceremony and Brillouin lecture took place at the University of Manchester, UK.

May 26th: R. Fleury gave an invited presentation about acoustic micromanipulation at the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Science in Cambridge, UK. A recording of the presentation can be found here.

May 18th: R. Fleury gave an Optica Webinar on topological scattering.

May 9-11th: R. Fleury gave a doctoral course on guided wave scattering at the CNRS MecaWave workshop in Porquerolles, France.

March 1st: Welcome to Amir Jafargholi, who joins us as a posdoctoral researcher !

April 14: R. Fleury was awarded the Brillouin medal by the International phononics society, together with Andrea Alù and Dimitrios Sounas, for seminal contributions to the field of topological and non-reciprocal phononics.

February 15-16: We organized the worshop Smyle on Waves, materials and devices, that took place on EPFL campus. We thank our plenary speakers Lukas Novotny and Demetri Psaltis for inspirational talks, as well as all our invited speakers from EPFL and Femto-ST!


December 1st: Welcome to Xinyi who joins us to do her master’s thesis !

November 21st: R. Fleury gave a doctoral course on wave scattering at the ERASMUS Waves Master program in Marseille, and a seminar on topological acoustics at LMA.

November 1st: Welcome to Zhechen, who joins us as a CSC Ph.D. student !

October 1st: Welcome to Benjamin Apffel, joining our lab as a postdoctoral researcher !

September 12-15: Our lab was well represented at Metamaterials 2022 in Siena, with 7 contributed talks and 1 invited talk delivered ! Congrats to the LWE delegation for the nice work and presentations.

September 1st: Welcome to Haoye Qin, who joins LWE as a Ph.D. candidate.

June 20th: Welcome to Theodoros and Tristan, who will spend the summer with us as research interns !

May 12th: Ali’s paper on analog deep learning using time-Floquet entanglement is published in Nature Communications, and featured as an Editor’s highlight (top 50 latest published papers in Applied Physics and Mathematics).

May 11th: R. Fleury gave an invited seminar about the topological properties of unitary scattering networks at ITMO University, St Petersburg, Russia.

May 5th: R. Fleury gave an invited seminar about subwavelength and robust wave engineering at the department of Physics of University of Crete, Greece.

May 2nd, 2022: Qiaolu Chen arrived ! She will spend a year with us working as a visiting Ph.D. student. Welcome  Qiaolu !

April 27th: R. Fleury gave an invited talk about topological scattering networks at PIERS 2021-22 in Hangzhou, China. Ali Momeni gave another talk about optical neuromorphic computing.

April 6th: R. Fleury gave an invited seminar at Aalto University, about topological waves and their potential applications.

March 29: Our start-up MinWave wins Venture Kick (stage one) and the FIT grant ! Congrats to the Minwave team !


Dec 7, 2021: Welcome to  Tinggui Chen who joins LWE as a visiting Ph.D. student !

Nov 21, 2021: Z. Zhang gave a talk at PIERS 2021 and received the best student paper award for his paper and presentation. Congrats !

Nov 2, 2021: R. Fleury gave an invited talk about topological scattering networks at COMCAS 2021, in Jerusalem.

Sep 22, 2021: R. Fleury, Maliheh Khatibi and B. Orazbayev gave two invited talk and one contributed talk at Metamaterials 2021 (online).

Sep 2, 2021: Ali and Aleksi gave talks about time-modulated and non-Hermitian systems at the URSI conference in Rome, Italy.

Sep 1, 2021: Welcome to Matthieu Malléjac who joins LWE as a postdoc !

July 10th, 2021: Congratulations to Theo who officially received his Ph.D. diploma ! We wish you all the best for your next challenges .

July 8, 2021: R. Fleury gave an invited talk at the conference “Waves and Imaging” organized by Prof. H. Ammari, from the department of Mathematics at ETH Zurich. You can watch the talk here.

May 2021: LWE spin-off Minwave is now a European Space Agency BIC Switzerland incubatee.

April 1st, 2021: Welcome to Janez ! He joins our group as a postdoc to work on imaging using sound or ultrasound.

March 30, 2021: R. Fleury gave an invited talk about non-Hermitian dynamics at the Wave in Time-varying media workshop, organized by Imperial College London. You can find the record of the talk here.

March 10, 2021: Our review on metamaterial-based analog signal processing is featured on the cover of Nature Reviews Materials.

January 11th, 2021: Congratulations to Farzad who successfully defended his Ph.D. ! We all wish you all the best for your next challenge !

Nov 30th, 2020: Our article on topology and broken hermiticity, in collaboration with Corentin Coulais and Jasper van Wezel, is published in Nature Physics.


Oct 5th, 2020: This month, our lab welcomes four new members. Welcome to Philipp, Ali, Philippe and Eva ! We’re also hosting two master students, Tim and Jonas.

Oct 1st, 2020: Invited talk about topological analog signal processing at Metamaterials 2020.

Sep 9th, 2020: R. Fleury gave an invited online seminar at the Meta-MAT webinar series, jointly organized by Imperial College London and CNRS.

Aug 27th, 2020: Our experimental work on the acoustic Weyl semimetal is published in Physical Review B and featured as an editors’ suggestion.

Aug 7th, 2020: Our work on subwavelength acoustic imaging by deep learning is published in Physical Review X. Read the related focus story in Physics magazine, the research highlight in Nature and the EPFL Press release.

July 28th, 2020: Our paper on acoustic Weyl semimetals with near-zero index topological states is published in Physical Review Letters.

July 6th, 2020: Read our review paper on Acoustic Nonreciprocity, just published in Nature Reviews Materials.

June 16th, 2020: Check our latest publications about leveraging disorder and topology to perform specific filtering operations (in Advanced Materials) and a theory of electromagnetic propagation in time-varying media (in IEEE TAP).

May 14th, 2020: We currently have an open position for an administrative assistant. Please check our openings webpage for details.

January 10th, 2020: Our lab welcomes a new Ph.D. student, Bingkun Qi. Welcome on board !

January 1st, 2020: Our laboratory has received an SNSF Spark grant to fund our research about new applications of wavefront shaping.


October 5th, 2019: R. Fleury received the 2019 STI PolySphere teaching award from the EPFL student association (AGEPoly), and the best teacher award from the EPFL Institute of Electrical Engineering (press release).

September 16-20, 2019: Farzad won the third prize at the student paper competition at Metamaterials 2019, in Roma, Italy, with his paper, talk and poster about topological analog signal processing.

September 11th, 2019: Invited talk about topological Fano resonances at ICA 2019 in Aachen, Germany.

September 9th, 2019: Invited talk about robust sub-wavelength waveguides based on chirality at ICEAA in Granada, Spain.

September 4th, 2019: Invited talk about active acoustic resonators at ICU 2019 in Bruges, Belgium.

September 2nd, 2019: LWE welcomes three new Ph.D. candidates: Rongrong Xiang, Zhe Zhang, and Aleksi Bossart. We also welcome Alexia Moreno as a visiting Ph.D. student coming from Pamplona. Welcome on board !

August 2nd, 2019: Our work on Non-Linear Second Order Topological Insulators has been published in Physical Review Lettersand is featured on the cover of the jounal. Our findings also appear in Nature Reviews Materials in a research highlight article.

July 23-26, 2019: Our group gave two invited talks at META 2019 in Lisbon, Portugal. One on our recent concept of topological Fano resonances, and the other on non-Hermitian acoustics.

July 1-3, 2019: It was a pleasure to co-organize a nice workshop on Topology and Broken Symmetries with the Dutch Institute for Emergent Phenomena, in Utrecht, Holland. Thanks to all the speakers and attendees for the nice presentations and stimulating discussions.

June 24, 2019: Welcome to Gizem Yüce, who joined our group for a summer internship sponsored by the prestigious EPFL E3 program.

June 17-20, 2019: 3 Invited talks about topological waves at PIERS 2019, in Rome, Italy.

June 1st, 2019: Welcome to Aivar Abrashuly and Ronrong Xiang, who joined our group for a research internship.

May 29th, 2019: Farzad Zangeneh has been selected as a finalist for the student paper competition of the upcoming international congress Metamaterials 2019, next September in Rome. Congrats!

May 28th, 2019: Two invited talks on subwavelength wave manipulation and imaging at EMTS2019 in San Diego, California.

May 3rd, 2019: Our work on Topological Analog Signal Processing has been published in Nature Communications.

April 30th, 2019: Invited seminar at TopoLyon in Lyon, France.

April 11th, 2019: Our invited review paper about Active Acoustic Metamaterials has been published in Reviews in Physics.

April 1st-5th, 2019: R. Fleury is serving as TPC chair of EuCAP 2019 in Krakow, Poland.

March 29th, 2019: Our paper about Acoustic Coupled-Mode Theory has been published in Wave Motion.

March 28th, 2019: Invited seminar on Topological Wave phenomena at the “Waves and Topology” days of the French GDR Ondes, in Besancon, France.

Feb 20th, 2019: Invited talk on Time-Floquet Acoustics at the Synthetic Topological Matter workshop at University of British Columbia, in Vancouver, Canada.

Ja 9th, 2019: LWE is hiring new students and postdocs! Feel free to browse our new openings for more details.

Ja 8th, 2019: Our paper about Topological Fano Resonances has been published in Physical Review Letters.


Nov 30th, 2018: Our paper on extremely subwavelength chiral waveguides has been published in Physical Review Applied, and selected to appear as an Editors suggestion on the journal’s front page.

Nov 29th, 2018: R. Fleury has received the Eccellenza Award from the Swiss National Science Foundation, together with 1.5MCHF to fund our research on spatially nonlocal synthetic matter over the next five years (EPFLpress release).

Nov 9th, 2018: Invited talk about Topological Photonics at the Nature Conference on Nanophotonics and Integrated Photonics in Nanjing, China.

Oct 13th, 2018: Our paper about electromagnetic wave propagation in time crystals has been published in IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation.

Sep 17th, 2018: Invited talk about non-Hermitian metamaterials at Metanano 2018 in Sochi, Russia.

August 31th, 2018: Invited lecture about non-reciprocal metamaterials at the 2018 Doctoral School on Metamaterials in Espoo, Finland.

August 27th, 2018: Invited talk about non-Hermitian metamaterials at Metamaterials2018 in Espoo, Finland.

July 10th, 2018: Our paper about high-index acoustic waveguiding has been published in Scientific Reports.

July 9th: Presentation and poster about active acoustics at the European workshop on acoustic metamaterials.

July 4th, 2018: Our paper about acoustic materials that do maths appears in New Journal of Physics. Read the associated press article in Physics World (“Analog computer could use sound to make rapid computations“).

July 3rd, 2018: Our paper about a Doppler-based acoustic gyrator has been published in Applied Sciences.

July 2nd, 2018: Our paper about constant-amplitude sound in disordered media with gain and loss appears in Nature Physics. Read the EPFL Press release and our Behind the Paper post on the Nature Blog. See all press coverage here.

June 30, 2018: Theodoros Koutserimpas gave an Invited talk about Floquet wave dynamics at the META18 boat conference on the Mediterranean sea.

June 19, 2018: Invited talk at the International Conference on Nonlinear localization in lattices in Spetses, Greece.

June 4, 2018: LWE is welcoming Prof. Christophe Caloz from Polytechnique Montréal, Canada, as a visiting professor for the next four months.

June 1, 2018: Nadège Kaina has received the 2017 price of the Chancellerie of the University of Paris-Sorbonne for her works on Metamaterial crystals.

May 29, 2018: Invited talk at the 2nd URSI Atlantic Radio Science Meeting in Gran Canaria, Spain.

May 15, 2018: Invited talk at the UK acoustic network workshop in London, UK.

April 16, 2018: Invited seminarat the XAM3 workshop on acoustic metamaterials in Exeter, UK.

April 2, 2018: Read the recent press article about our proposal for doing maths with sound (“Analog computer could use sound to make rapid computations“, in Physics World).

March 22, 2018: Invited seminar at Femto-ST in Besançon, France.

March 16, 2018: R. Fleury is co guest-editing a special issue of the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America about “Non-reciprocal and topological wave phenomena in acoustics”. The call for papers is now online.

March 1st, 2018: R. Fleury is serving as Technical Program Committee chair for the 2019 European conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2019), to be held in Krakow, Poland.

Feb 23, 2018: R. Fleury has received the 2017 Outstanding Reviewer Award from Institute of Physics Publishing.

Feb 22, 2018: Our paper about non-reciprocal parametric amplification has been published in Physical Review Letters.​

Ja 29, 2018: Dr Nadège Kaina has been awarded a prestigious Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship by the European Commission.

Jan 24, 2018: Our paper about PT-symmetric parametric amplifiers has been published in Physical Review A, and highlighted as Editor’s suggestion on the front page of the journal.

Jan 8, 2018: Our paper on zero-index Floquet metamaterials has been published in Journal of Applied Physics.


Dec 7, 2017: Invited talk about non-Hermitian acoustics at the ASA Fall meeting in New Orleans, LA.

Dec 1, 2017: Invited talk about topological acoustics at JTCVAM in Grenoble, France.

Nov 30, 2017: Two review papers in Nature Photonics feature our recent research findings on time-dependent wave media and photonic topological insulators.

Nov 3, 2017: Invited talk at EPFL Photonics day.

Oct 17, 2017: Invited seminar at CNRS-LMA in Marseille, France.

Sep 29, 2017: Invited seminar at Aalto University in Espoo, Finland.

Aug 25-31, 2017: Three contributed talks about metamaterial crystals at Metamaterials 2017, in Marseille, France.

Sep 1, 2017: Farzad Zangeneh has joined LWE as a Ph.D. student. Welcome, Farzad!

Aug 1, 2017: Invited talk about topological acoustics at ICTCA17, in Vienna, Austria.

July 27, 2017: Invited talk about nonreciprocity and Chern topological insulators for sound at META17, in Incheon, Korea.

July 21st, 2017: Our paper on topological acoustic polaritons has been published in New Journal of Physics.

July 19th, 2017: Our paper on Crystalline Topological Metamaterials, in collaboration with G. Lerosey and his collaborators at Langevin Institute, has been published in Nature Communications. The work is highlighted on EPFL School of Engineering news page.

July 3rd, 2017: Yuning Guo has joined LWE as a visiting Ph.D. student. Welcome, Yuning!

May 24, 2017: Invited talk on topological metamaterials at the E-MRS spring 2017 meeting 2017 in Strasbourg, France.

May 1st, 2017: Theodoros Koutserimpas has joined LWE as a Ph.D. student. Welcome, Theodoros!

March 30, 2017: LWE has been awarded a Swiss National Fundation grant to fund our future research about the interaction of waves with artificially structured materials and surfaces.

March 28, 2017: Dr Nadège Kaina gave an invited talk on crystalline metamaterials at CNM 2017 in Orsay, France.

March 16, 2017: Dr Bakhtiyar Orazbayev has joined LWE as a postdoc. Welcome, Baha!

March 15, 2017: Presentation on “Topology and Wave Engineering” at the 2017 EPFL STI Colloquium.

February 1, 2017: Dr Nadège Kaina has joined LWE as a postdoc. Welcome, Nadège!

January 5, 2017: Invited talk about topological spoof surface plasmons at the Aspen Winter Physics Conference on “Topological metamaterials and beyond”, in Aspen, Colorado.


Nov 29, 2016: Invited talk about acoustic topological insulators at the ASA/ASJ joint meeting in Honolulu, Hawaii.

Nov 24, 2016: I chaired the doctoral committee of Bakhtiyar Orazbayev during his Ph.D. defense in Pamplona, Spain. Congratulations, Bakhtiyar, for successfully defending your thesis !

Nov 4, 2016: I gave an invited talk at the Institute for Theoretical Physics of the Technical University of Vienna, Austria.

Sep 20, 2016: We have presented our work on acoustic Floquet topological insulators at Metamaterials 2016, in Chania, Crete.

July 27, 2016: I have given an invited talk about Parity-Time Symmetric Metasurfaces at the international congress META16 in Malaga, Spain.

June 17, 2016: Our paper on acoustic Floquet topological insulators has been published in Nature Communications.

June 9, 2016: I have received the renowned  Prestige Marie Curie Fellowship grant !

June 2, 2016: Our paper about the Acoustic Drexhage experiment has been accepted for publication in Physical Review Letters. It is accompanied by an editor’s suggestion, and a synopsis in Physics.

May 8-13, 2016: I attended the workshop “Topological Matter at h=0” at the Lorentz Institute in Leiden, Netherlands, where I chaired a session on topological phononics. 

April 15, 2016: I gave a presentation entitled “Magnetless circulators for electromagnetic and acoustic waves” at Eucap 2016 in Davos, Switzerland.

April 12, 2016: Our invited paper on Parity-Time Acoustics has been published in IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics.

March 16, 2016: I gave an invited talk entitled “Breaking time-reversal symmetry in acoustic metamaterials” in the Laboratory of Acoustics of the University of Maine, Le Mans, France.

Jan 1, 2016: I joined the Langevin Institute at ESPCI Paris Tech as a postdoc. 

Nov 12, 2015: I have received the prestigious Frederick V. Hunt Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Acoustics from the Acoustical Society of America !



Oct 6, 2015: Our paper about acoustic Chern topological insulators has been published in Nature Communications.  

Sep 1, 2015: The paper R. Fleury, F. Monticone and A. Alù, “Invisibility and Cloaking: Origins, present and future perspectives“, has been published in Physical Review Applied, and featured on the journal’s front page.

July 31, 2015 : The paper R. Fleury, D. L. Sounas, M. R. Haberman and A. Alù, “Nonreciprocal Acoustics“, has been published in Acoustics Today.

July 16, 2015 : The paper D. L. Sounas, R. Fleury and A. Alù, “Unidirectional cloaking based on metasurfaces with balanced gain and loss”, has been published in Physical Review Applied.

June 21, 2015 : I have successfully defended my Ph.D. entitled “Breaking Temporal Symmetries in Metamaterials and Metasurfaces”! Special thanks to Andrea Alù, Zheng Wang, Michael F. Becker, Michael Haberman and Mikhail Belkin for serving on my committee, and to everybody who attended.

May 28, 2015 : The paper  R. Fleury, D. L. Sounas and A. Alù, “Subwavelength ultrasonic circulator based on spatio-temporal modulation”, has been published in Physical Review B.

March 27, 2015 : Our patent on non-reciprocal acoustic devices has been licensed to the company Silicon Audio.

March 15, 2015 : R. Fleury, D. Sounas and A. Alù filed a provisional US patent on “Parity-Time Symmetric Metamaterials and Metasurfaces for Broadband Invisibility Cloaks and Other Devices“.

February 20, 2015: I have given an invited seminar on Acoustic Metamaterials in the Mechanical Engineering department of the University of Texas at Austin.

January 6, 2015 : The paper R. Fleury, D. L. Sounas and A. Alù, “An invisible acoustic sensor based on Parity-Time symmetry”, has been published in Nature Communications.


December 22, 2014 : I have received the Best Student Paper Award from the Acoustical Society of America, for my presentation in the Engineering Acoustics session at the 168th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America in Indianapolis, titled “Non-Reciprocal Acoustic Devices Based on Spatio-Temporal Angular-Momentum Modulation.”

December 11, 2014 : I have received the Young Presenter Award from the Acoustical Society of America, for my presentation in the Physical Acoustics session on Noise Control at the 168th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America in Indianapolis, titled “Parity-Time symmetric metamaterials and metasurfaces for loss-immune and broadband acoustic wave manipulation”.

December 4, 2014 : The paper R. Fleury and A. Alù, “Broadband metamaterial buffer for non-resonant impedance matching of acoustic materials” has been published in The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America.

October 27-31, 2014 : I have presented two contributed papers at the 168th meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, in Indianapolis, Indiana. The first presentation was entitled “Parity-Time symmetric metamaterials and metasurfaces for loss-immune and broadband acoustic wave manipulation”. My second talk was about “Non-reciprocal acoustic devices based on spatio-temporal modulation”.

August 28, 2014 : I have received the Best Student Paper Award at the international congress Metamaterials 2014 in Copenhagen, Denmark.

August 12, 2014 : An image from my paper on semiconductor metamaterials with zero quantum index of refraction is featured in Physical Review B ‘s kaleidoscope and displayed on the home page of the journal web site.

July 29, 2014 : The paper R. Fleury and A. Alù, “Manipulation of electron flow using near-zero index semiconductor metamaterials”, has been published in Physical Review B.

July 10, 2014 : The paper R. Fleury, D. L. Sounas and A. Alù, “Negative refraction and planar focusing based on parity-time symmetric metasurfaces”, has been published in Physical Review Letters.

June 9, 2014 : I have been selected as a finalist of the upcoming Metamaterials 2014 student paper competition in Copenhagen, Denmark. I will give a talk entitled “Parity-Time acoustic metamaterials and unidirectional invisible sensors“.

May 2, 2014 : The paper J. Soric, R. Fleury, A. Monti, A. Toscano, F. Bilotti  and A. Alù, “Controlling scattering and absorption with metamaterial covers“, has been published in IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation.

March 24, 2014 : My research on non-reciprocal acoustics is featured in the April issue of Scientific American, p31.

February 28, 2014 : Listen to the radio interview I have given to KUT News about non-reciprocal acoustics, aired today on National Public Radio from KUT news station (90.5 FM).  

February 27, 2014 : The invited review paper R. Fleury and A. Alù, “Cloaking and invisibility: a review“, has been published in FERMAT (Forum for Electromagnetic Research and Application Technologies).

February 5, 2014: Read the interviews I have given to BlogArena and The Daily Texan about my first-in-its-kind acoustic circulator.

January 31, 2014: The paper R. Fleury, D.L. Sounas, C.F. Sieck, M.R. Haberman and A. Alù, “Sound isolation and giant linear nonreciprocity in a compact acoustic circulator”, has been published in Science, and featured on the cover ! A Perspective by Steven A. Cummer and an Editor’s summary have appeared on the same issue pp. 495-496. News highlights have appeared on PhysicsWorldNBC NewsPhys orgScience DailyLiveScienceUTNews, among others.    

January 15, 2014 : The paper R. Fleury, J. Soric and A. Alù, “Physical bounds on absorption and scattering for cloaked sensors “, has been published in Physical Review B, and selected as Editors’ suggestion.



September 18, 2013 : I gave a presentation entitled “Passivity Limitations on Absorption Properties of Low-Scattering Objects” at the international conference Metamaterials 2013 in Bordeaux, France.

August 2013 : R. Fleury, D. Sounas and A. Alù filed a provisional US patent on “Non-reciprocal acoustic devices based on angular momentum bias“.

July 29, 2013 : The paper R. Fleury and A. Alù, “Extraordinary sound transmission through density-near-zero ultranarrow channels“, has been published in Physical Review Letters.

June 14, 2013 : The paper  R. Fleury, C. F. Sieck, M. R. Haberman, and A. Alù, “Acoustic supercoupling through a density-near-zero (DNZ) metamaterial channel”, has been published in POMA.

June 2, 2013 : The paper C. F. Sieck, R. Fleury, M. R. Haberman, and A. Alù, “Acoustic supercoupling and enhancement of nonlinearities in density-near-zero (DNZ) metamaterial channels”, has been published in POMA.

May 15, 2013 :  The paper R. Fleury and A. Alù, “Furtive quantum sensing using matter-wave cloaks“, has been published in Physical Review B, Rapid Communications.

May 10, 2013 : The paper R. Fleury and A. Alù, “Enhanced super-radiance in epsilon-near-zero plasmonic channels“, has been published in Physical Review B, Rapid Communications.

January 22, 2013 : The paper R. Fleury and A. Alù, “Quantum cloaking based on scattering cancellation“, has been published in Physical Review B.



October 28, 2012 : The paper R. Fleury and A. Alù, “Exotic properties and potential applications of quantum metamaterials“, has been published in Applied Physics A.



February 24, 2011: The paper H. Lissek, R. Boulandet and R. Fleury,  “Electroacoustic absorbers : Bridging the gap between shunt loudspeakers and active sound absorption“, has been published in the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America.