EMIR Reporting
EMIR mandates reporting of all derivatives to Trade Repositories (TRs). TRs centrally collect and maintain the records of all derivative contracts. They play a central role in enhancing the transparency of derivative markets and reducing risks to financial stability.
Rules and guidance on implementing EMIR provisions
ESMA has developed detailed rules and guidance on reporting, registering, and accessing data.
- Regulatory technical standards
- Implementing technical standards
- revised Regulatory technical standards (applicable from 1 November 2017)
- revised Implementing technical standards (applicable from 1 November 2017)
- revised Implementing technical standards (applicable from 11 April 2019) - Please see Article 6 on page 5 and Annex II on page 25 and ff.
- Regulatory technical standards on reporting under EMIR REFIT (applicable from 29 April 2024)
- Implementing technical standards on reporting under EMIR REFIT (applicable from 29 April 2024)
Legal entity identifier (LEI) codes should be used to identify counterparties which are legal entities. LEI can be issued by any of the Local Operating Units (LOU) of the global entity identifier system (GLEIS).
When reporting, counterparties should take also into account the validation rules applied by TRs to ensure that reporting is performed according to the EMIR regime, including the specifications of the Technical Standards. Please see EMIR TRQ&A 20 for more details.
- Validation rules (last updated 29 March. Updates applicable from 30 April 2021)
When reporting under EMIR REFIT starting from 29 April 2024, counterparties and entities responsible for reporting should take also into account the Guidelines on reporting, the validation rules applied by TRs, the reconciliation tolerances as well as the ISO 20022 XML schemas to ensure that reporting is performed according to the EMIR REFIT regime, including the specifications of the Technical Standards on reporting and on the reconciliation and verification of data.
- Guidelines on reporting under EMIR REFIT (applicable from 29 April 2024)
- Validation rules, reconciliation tolerances and template for notification of errors and omissions in reporting (updated on 6 September 2023, applicable from 29 April 2024)
- XML EMIR Reporting Schemas
- Incoming messages (updated on 27 November 2023, applicable from 29 April 2024)
- Outgoing messages (updated on 27 November 2023, applicable from 29 April 2024)
- Incoming messages – query message (auth.029 DATQRY) (updated on 27 November 2023, applicable from 29 April 2024)
- Outgoing messages – rejections (auth.092 DATREJ) (updated on 27 November 2023, applicable from 29 April 2024)
- Outgoing messages – positions (auth.090 DATPOS) (applicable from 28 October 2024)
Incoming messages are from reporting entities / authorities to Trade Repositories and outgoing messages are from Trade Repositories to reporting entities / authorities.
- Mapping table (applicable from 29 April 2024)
Data Quality
Key elements for the correct functioning of the reporting regime under EMIR and ensuring the quality of derivatives reporting are (i) the validation by TRs of the data submissions by the counterparties that are subject to the reporting obligation, (ii) the reconciliation of data between TRs and (iii) the response mechanisms.
- Regulatory technical standards on the reconciliation and verification of data (applicable from 29 April 2024)
- Guidelines on transfer of data between trade repositories under EMIR and SFTR
Accessing Data
The direct and immediate access to derivatives data is essential to allow authorities to fulfil their responsibilities and mandates, whereas the adequate establishment of access levels for authorities ensures the confidentiality of the trade repository data.
- Regulatory technical standards on publicly available data and data available to authorities
- Revised Regulatory technical standards (applicable from 1 November 2017)
- Revised Regulatory technical standards (applicable from 11 April 2019)
- Regulatory technical standards on data access under EMIR REFIT (applicable from 29 April 2024)