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Cricket Magazine Fiction and Non-Fiction Stories for Children and Young Teens

THE MAGIC SEEDS A Korean Folk Tale

HEUNGBU SHARED A stone hut with his mother and two younger sisters in the land of morning calm. Their straw roof leaked in rainy season. At night, their feet stuck outside the door when they slept. They earned their living selling mochi. But one winter the sweet rice was used up, and they had no money for more.

“You must ask Uncle Nol Bu for help,” Heungbu’s mother said.

“He treats us like beggars,” Heungbu grumbled.

The old woman sighed. “Please try.”

“I will do as you wish, Mother.”

Heungbu crossed countless frozen rice paddies to reach his uncle’s estate. Outside the yangban’s home were herds of fat cows and flocks of clucking chickens. Heungbu straightened his shoulders then knocked on the main gate. A servant in royal blue answered.

“Be gone, beggar!” the servant ordered, giving a sour look.

“But I come to see my

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