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Adirondack Life

Page Turner

The cover, an old mill in Warrensburg, last water-powered gristmill in the state—I recall it clearly from 50 years ago. The millpond, clean as a mirror, and the building, mottled gray-brown clapboard, were framed with thick foliage, the sky and water baby blue. Long-ago North Country people teaming up with nature, using green energy, a term unknown back then. This was the third issue of Adirondack Life, Summer 1970, and probably the first I saw, depicting for me what was a perfect world, these Adirondacks.

Featured also was the June 1963 rock slide on Giant, a huge deal that year for 11-year-old me. Route 73 into Keene Valley was blocked by the mountain’s wreckage, so my family had to cut around through Elizabethtown to get home for the

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