most recently, Pesident Kgame’s government of Rwanda has been clamping down on churches. In South Africa, the government-appointed Commission for the Promotion and Protection of Cultural, Religious and Linguistic Communities (known as the CLR Rights Commission) summoned 40 churches to find out what is going on and make recommendations and a report.
Reports of pastors convincing worshippers to eat snakes, spraying insecticide into mouths of believers during fully packed sermons under the guise of God’s hand apparently, and even buildings that collapse due to poor structural engineering – there has been much strange activity, but no consequence.
Yet, when a government imposes an inquiry, or summonses religious leaders – it is comparable to throwing fuel onto an already smouldering fire.
No doubt, it is a very delicate debate – should churches be taxed and regulated, – and their donations and collections be scrutinized and laid bare? On the other hand, can we ask that political parties declare their benefactors - the answer to both is similar on a balance of scales – both church and politicians would definitely not want the real truth revealed?
Some African Government have adopted a tough approach, voicing strong opinions on how churches need
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