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AQ: Australian Quarterly

A cause for celebration

“A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it…”
German physicist Max Planck, Scientific Autobiography and other Papers, 1950, p. 33-34.

This once-in-a-century pandemic hasn’t given us much to celebrate in 2020. One cause for optimism, perhaps, is that we might finally jettison the mainstream economics fictions about government deficits and debt, which have hampered prosperity over several decades.

Max Planck’s observation is often shortened to “Science progresses one funeral at a time”. For macroeconomics, we might think of progress as occurring one crisis at a time, because it is the sequence of crises – 1991 recession, the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) and, now the COVID-19 pandemic – that has generated an accumulated awareness of the failure of mainstream macro-economics. This has progressively opened the door for Modern Monetary Theory (MMT), the emerging rival paradigm.

Some want to hang on to the debt and deficit scaremongering that has cruelled policy choices and left a trail of human damage over the last four decades.

The conjecture here is that, while some want to hang on to the debt and deficit scaremongering that has cruelled policy choices and left a trail of human damage over the last four decades, it is increasingly obvious to people that there is little substance in those narratives.

To find a road to recovery that addresses the health challenges, the socio-economic consequences, and the still-looming climate crisis, will require an almost orthogonal shift in policy thinking, driven by a paradigm shift in economic theory.

From full employment to neoliberal stagnation

The lesson from the Great Depression was that without government intervention, capitalism is inherently unstable and prone to delivering lengthy periods of unemployment. The spending and wage cuts in the early 1930s deepened the crisis – only the military spending and fiscal deficits of the late 1930s, ended the Depression and brought full employment. The challenge was to maintain that in peacetime.

The Australian government’s 1945 White Paper on Full Employment articulated those lessons with its nation-building plan. Everyone understood that fiscal deficits, which supplemented private spending, could produce sufficient jobs for those who desired them. It was also understood that public infrastructure (transport, energy, etc), health and education, would underpin strong private investment, strong productivity and real wages growth, and declining inequality.

Full employment became a collective responsibility of society. The low unemployment that followed was not solely due to strong private employment growth and a career public service. During this period, a buffer

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