Conceived as a private venture and initially relying on internal funding only, the Northrop F-5 “Freedom Fighter” design (N-156) was initiated in the 1950s. The goal was to provide a lightweight, inexpensive, easy-to-maintain fighter aircraft. At first, it looked like the program was going to be less than a success, but that soon changed. As the U.S. Air Force was looking for a new trainer to replace their aging T-33As at the time, the N-156T (T = trainer and redesignated as the T-38) became a natural fit, making its first flight in June of 1956. It was low cost, had a supersonic ability, and was selected to replace the legacy Shooting Stars.
The F-5 ABCs
The N-156F (F = fighter and later designated YF-5A) first took to the skies just after the T-38, in July 1956. While the T-38 was churned out, with nearly 1,200 ultimately coming off the assembly line in the end, the F-5A light fighter was only ordered in relatively small numbers by U.S. Air Force. However, the F-5A did make an excellent fit for more defensively postured
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