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idea proposal

BARE  This article will summarise the historical situation by which the museum is re-establishing itself as a social and cultural institution through architecture as its medium, and introduce ‘A Mobile Assemblage’, proposed as one of the more meaningful commission-based exhibition methods.

The Evolution of the Architecture Museum: From Artifact-Oriented to Practice-Oriented

Without taking the trouble to go back to the origins of the museum-like Wunderkammer in the sixteenth-century, when members of royalty and aristocrats collected and displayed their rare items, a brief history of the architecture museum reveals that neoclassicism was promoted by Sir John Soane’s Museum in London. This collection was created in the background to the securing of ancient antiques from all over the world in the early nineteenth-century, while modern architecture was advocated by Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York in the early twentieth-century. On the other hand, we notice that

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