IF YOU’VE been looking for some bad-arse inspiration, someone who has the potential to kick your butt and kill any excuse for why you can’t be a better runner or strive for greatness, then look no further. Ryan Crawford – the White Kenyan, as his wife appropriately nicknamed him – is the “no-excuses guy” you need to be following on Instagram.
Checking out his Strava feed is not for the faint hearted. This guy is on a mission. Watching him pump out 20km–40km training runs before work most days, as well as smashing out longer runs on weekends, takes a few minutes to comprehend.
But winners are grinners, as they say, and Ryan sure has a lot to grin about. Only a little over three years into his ultra-running journey, the 37-year-old hasn’t just been doing well in his races – he has won the majority of them and continues to reach new milestones.
And considering Ryan’s training load and the sheer number of races he enters, the list of events in which he has placed well is just as impressive.
Last year was particularly big. After winning the BVRT100s 200 miler in July and The Clint Eastwood Backyard Ultra in August, he came second at the Glasshouse 100 miler in September. He was the third-last one standing at Big Dog’s Backyard Ultra World Championship only a month later.