Of all the things I do in my garden, weeding is the only truly thankless task – and even it has some perks. As a mindfulness exercise, the benefits of weeding can be measured by the wheelbarrow-load. As Great Dixter’s Christopher Lloyd once said, “Effort is only troublesome when you are bored.”
I get my best ideas while sending petty spurge (Euphorbia peplus) packing with a push hoe or yanking out clumps of clingy cleavers (Galium aparine), although I forget most of them by the time I finish pulling and pushing.
‘Not a single weed species has ever been eradicated by herbicide. If anything, our use of garden sprays has made them more belligerent.’
Some weeds don’t put up much of a) are almost a pleasure to rip out. Also known as herb-Robert, this geranium flourishes along the south side of our house in the gravel path leading to our water tank. We rarely walk this way as it takes offence when trodden on, releasing an acrid smell like burning tyres.