A CQ Exclusive: Slow Website Speeds Cause Spectrum Rage
Introduction and Background
The Lauton Institute has a long and distinguished history of participating in the exploration of bleeding-edge science, regardless of the field. As readers already may be aware, the Institute has performed seminal work in the fields of molecular biology, genetic engineering, ichthyology, optics, radiowave propagation, digital-signal processing, electronic sensors, advanced modulation schema, fluid dynamics, space physics, orbital mechanics, space vehicle propulsion systems, human physiology, commodities trading, and other equally daunting fields.
For example, it was our Institute’s Center for Research of Abnormal Personalities (CRAP; see ) that first investigated the phenomena behind spectrum rage on the high-frequency (HF) bands. Addressed here, of course, were operators who deliberately tuned up on top of an ongoing exchange (or, as you say, a “QSO”), interfered with the on-the-air operations of a DXpedition, acted as
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