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Organic NZ

DIY skincare recipes

I admit it. For most of my adulthood, I sneered at the thought of homemade beauty products. I also admit that, as a teenager, I tried making them, but I was soon beckoned by the world of luxurious and expensive products. Besides, why would you smear your face in a concoction of smashed-up bananas and oats, which duly falls off your face like giant flakes of dandruff? I had one misadventure where none of the mix remained on my face. I knew then that my dalliance with homemade masks (or any kitchen beauty product) was over, as I stood surrounded by blobs of what resembled tropical gruel.

Then one

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Your Feedback
Dear Sheryn, A while back, OrganicNZ published articles about smart meters and wireless radiation which alerted me to the dangers, helped me protect my health and led me to become involved in Safe ICT NZ (Safe Information and Communications Technolog

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