Sustainability is not a dirty word, nor is it a static state to be achieved. For practices struggling to thread sustainability through their work, Clare Parry suggests that sharing resources with other organizations and focusing on the high-impact areas is crucial.
“Sustainability” is a much-maligned word. At the point at which a modicum of performance (read: any insulation at all) entered the building code, “sustainability” was construed to equal “compliance.” The spectrum of potential that a better built environment can deliver was even undermined by many efforts to simplify it, looking at additive approaches that complicated policy the world over. This approach to harm minimization can be completely underwhelming, especially as we veer toward climate catastrophe. Even over the course of my relatively short career, I’ve flipped from deciding never to use the word again to replacing it in my business name and job title. I’m back on the sustainability bandwagon.
Today, sustainability