Nathan Green was my oldest friend.
We’d first met in nursery, where he always made a beeline for the Batman outfit and I always went for the Snow White gown and hairband. We both adored dressing up.
‘I love you, Laura,’ I remember Nathan saying as we sat side by side for story time.
He put his arm around my shoulders.
‘I love you too,’ I replied.
Of course, when we started primary school, all such thoughts were totally forgotten.
I made new friends to chatter to and hold hands with as we ran around the playground, and Nathan found his own crowd too.
We didn’t completely grow apart, though. Nathan would smile at me in the dinner line and tell me jokes, and I shared the sweets that I’d bought at the tuck shop.
‘Who’s that guy you walk home with?’ Debbie, my new friend at high school asked me one day. ‘He’s cute.’
‘You think so?’ I replied. I’d never really thought of Nathan that way –