SINCE WILL RAMOS joined Lorna Shore in 2021, the US deathcore band have been on a mission that’s seen them leapfrog to the forefront of their scene. Will’s mind-boggling vocal abilities have turbocharged them, and Hammer crowned last year’s sprawling symphonic fourth record, Pain Remains, “the most essential deathcore album of the decade”. Last summer, Will sang with a camera down his throat so we could all see what the hell was going on in there, but now, in his biggest challenge yet, he takes on your questions…
What’s your favourite type of scream to do?
N4turalb0rnkllr, Twitter “They’re called ‘tunnel screams’, like if you’re going through a tunnel. But I like calling them ‘goblin screams’. It’s like two different tones going on at the same time. It sounds really cool.”
What bands got you into metal?
“Linkin Park was definitely one of them. freaking I listen to albums from my childhood allwas just straight-up screaming the entire song. I was like, ‘This. Is. Crazy.’ Then my friend said, ‘Dude, here’s a bunch of bands that you should check out.’ It was Lamb Of God, Whitechapel, Linkin Park.”