In this series on the Building Blocks of Creative Writing, we have spent time looking at the Foundation Blocks – the attitudes towards writing underpinning everything else – perseverance, courage, trusting your intuition, writing with a sense of wonder etc. These are all hidden from the reader. They are below ground, so to speak. In the last couple of issues we have looked at ideas and the imagination – the mortar that holds all the Blocks together.
It is time, now, to take a tentative look at the central Building Blocks of Creative Writing – STRUCTURE, DESCRIPTION, DIALOGUE, VOICE, CHARACTER, EDITING and all the smaller Blocks that make them up.
My head tells me these Building Blocks are the cornerstones of Creative Writing, yet something inside me screams REMEMBER – THERE ARE NO ABSOLUTES!!! And that voice inside, is always the one to listen to.
Especially when it screams.
And yes, it’s true. There no absolutes in writing. Only I’d forgotten that. Just for a moment. Too much coffee. No absolutes, but there certainly are.