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NZ Hunter


Over the last five years taking our kids hunting, we have found that the benefits out-weigh any of the hard work it takes to get them there.

Once you have arrived at your destination, camp is all set up and the whole family is present with no distractions; it's just perfect!

Amie and I had a few “goals” for the trip, as we always do, so we asked the lads what they wanted to tick off over the four nights we were away. Between them, they worked out that a swim in the creek was a high priority, followed by seeing a few Sika deer. Finding bugs was also in the mix. Friday came around fast as we pulled up to Helisika. The wind was noticeably strong, and I predicted we were in for a rough flight into camp. Amie is not the biggest fan of flying in any form, so she was a bit quiet.

With the gear weighed we loaded up the MD500 and set out for our camp for the next four nights. As soon as we crested the ridge out of Poronui Station, we could feel the turbulence. The lads were fine up the front but Amie in the back beside me had her eyes closed and was preparing herself for the next seven minutes. After we landed the lads and I carried the gear to camp while Amie took some time to clear her head and get her bearings again, as she was not well. The flight in was one of the roughest I’ve had in over 100 helicopter flights!

We set up camp just in time for the drizzle to come down. It was consistent for the rest of the day, so the lads and I played cards while Amie

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