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The Tempest
The Tempest
The Tempest
Audiobook2 hours

The Tempest

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



About this audiobook

William Collins Books and Decca Records are proud to present ARGO Classics, a historic catalogue of classic prose and verse read by some of the world’s most renowned voices. Originally released as vinyl records, these expertly remastered stories are now available to download for the first time.

‘We are such stuff
As dreams are made on; and our little life
Is rounded with a sleep.’

Magical and dreamlike in its tone, Shakespeare’s The Tempest begins with a storm of epic proportions and a shipwreck. Banished from Italy, Prospero lives on a remote island with his daughter. Using his magic, he vows to seek revenge on the injustice dealt to him by his brother, but in doing so, Shakespeare questions the difficulty of distinguishing ‘men’ from ‘monsters’, and the realities of justice.

All of the Shakespeare plays within the ARGO Classics catalogue are performed by the Marlowe Dramatic Society and Professional Players. The Marlowe was founded in 1907 with a mission to focus on effective delivery of verse, respect the integrity of texts, and rescue neglected plays by Shakespeare’s contemporaries and the less performed plays of Shakespeare himself. The Marlowe has performed annually at Cambridge Arts Theatre since its opening in 1936 and continues to produce some of the finest actors of their generations.

Thurston Dart, Professor of Music at London University and a Fellow of Jesus College Cambridge, directed the music for this production.

The full cast includes: Terrence Hardiman; Ian Lang; Michael Hordern; Denis McCarthy; Ian Lang; Denys Robertson; Derek Jacobi; Patrick Wymark; Philip Strick; Clive Swift; Natasha Parry; Miles Malleson; Margaret Field-Hyde; Jill Daltry; Margaretta Scott; Ena Mitchell.

Release dateNov 26, 2020

William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare is widely regarded as the greatest playwright the world has seen. He produced an astonishing amount of work; 37 plays, 154 sonnets, and 5 poems. He died on 23rd April 1616, aged 52, and was buried in the Holy Trinity Church, Stratford.

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Rating: 4.140350877192983 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Saw a magnificent production of this at Nottingham Playhouse. The shipwreck took place before the beginning proper. While we the audience were prevented from entering, the duke of milan and his fellows got swept from the foyer into the auditorium which was roaring orange light. Everything went quiet. Then we were allowed in to see Prospero on stage in a totally serene blue stage.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    One of Shakespeare's more unusual an fanciful plays. Not as silly as most of the comedies (and I don't mean silly in a good way). Full of great characters and some of Shakespeare's best quotes. And, of course, the inspiration for Forbidden Planet.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    O que dizer?

    "O, wonder!

    How many godly creatures are there here!

    How beauteous mankind is! O brave new world,

    That has such people in 't!".
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I read this before I saw it staged at the Pittsburgh Public Theater. This is Shakespeare's masterpiece.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I was prompted to read this by my re-reading of the entire Sandman series by Neil Gaiman - and now I can go back and read the last chapter. I only read the play, and very little of the additional material in this edition - I probably will go back and read the rest and re-read the play. I kept expecting something horrible to happen at the end. I did like it rather more than Midsummer Night's Dream.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    It's Shakespeare. Really, what else can I say?
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    The Tempest is almost a wisp of a thing. There's little plot and almost no character development. It's like a magic trick: you blow into your hand, and a cloud of flame pops up, and a dove flies out of it, everyone claps.

    So the play is the spectacle, and the magic is the language. Prospero's speech, "We are such stuff as dreams are made on," is second maybe only to "All the world's a stage" in crystallizing Shakespeare's philosophy (and better, poetically); and there's Miranda's line, "O brave new world, that has such people in't!" - these and others are among the best lines Shakespeare wrote; and the feel of the play, the atmosphere - that magical island, populated by beasts and wizards, the evocation of a world we were still exploring - it sticks with you, even though, as I said, dramatically speaking, almost nothing happens.

    And Caliban! Arguably the only memorable character - Prospero is cool, and Ariel differs from Puck, but is no Puck, and the others are just placeholders, a virtuous maid here, a villainous uncle there - but Caliban, that sniveling, backstabbing, savage would-be rapist, searching for a God whose boots need licking - he's a tremendous find. (And what made me love Tennyson.) Caliban's right up there with Iago.

    In some ways, this play is all flash. But what a flash!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    It is so-said Shakespeare's last play. Very clear plots attracted me as my first peek at English literature.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This was just OK for me. I am pretty fussy about my Shakespeare I guess (I know, what nerve). I liked the audio production and it was entertaining, but pretty standard fare. Deposed ruler living on deserted island with daughter learns magic. Uses magical skills to cause a shipwreck, bringing a suitor for his daughter and the chance to right wrongs. Happy ending. Some familiar bits of language - "stuff as dreams are made on", "brave new world" and "strange bedfellows" - to note.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    None of the characters sucked me in, but the themes it explores are fascinating within the historical and biographical background.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This wasn't quite a comedy and isn't a tragedy. Prospero is an interesting character -- a scholar, a duke, a stranded man, a plotter, and a dad.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Thunder, lightning, magical creatures and islands. A lovely fantasy.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    His weakest work.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I enjoyed this, though it was a little hard to keep track of everyone and the spirits too.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Being Shakespeare's last play, The Tempest is a masterful piece in which he uses Prospero as a stand-in for himself within a play full of the magic of stagecraft and his position as playwright.Using all the mystical techniques at his disposal (theatre), Prospero the magician (playwright) writes his tale of revenge as a ship containing his treasonous brother sails near enough to the island for him to set the stage at long last.The Tempest also stands as a magnificent tale even without the allegory. The rightful Duke of Milan (Prospero) is set adrift along with his daughter by his treacherous brother, but manages to survive on an island for twelve years with the help of his magic and the spirits of the island he has impressed into his service. Now, the King of Naples sails home along with Prospero's brother and he can finally seek his revenge, making sure to set his daughter into a happy role as well before things are done.I just love the way this play uses the stage to show Prospero's magic and Ariel's abilities. It truly is a great work by one of the masters.This particular volume I picked up from a local library sale and intend to add it to my Little Free Library for someone else to discover.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    For the past year, the fates have been telling me I needed to read William Shakespeare's final work The Tempest. Alright fates, I did it! Now you can shove it!!!

    Honestly, I was disappointed. There was so much potential in this one, but it was as though Shakespeare, “The Man,” was giving up. Great premise, great setting, great characters with witty dialogue, but why, Prospero? Why do you relent so easily? Ferdinand, what do you see in Miranda? What was the point of it all, Shakespeare? It wasn't clear. These characters just could not convince me of this world.

    The ending was classic. C-L-A-S-S-I-C. It seems “The Man” knew he was retiring. Having the magician, Prospero—possibly a reflection of Shakespeare himself—address the audience was brilliant. He explains his mission was to entertain, begs pardon for all his wrongs, and asks to be set free. Loved it.

    If only the rest of the play could have been so affecting and clever. Nonetheless, I thank The Man for his entertainment, forgive him his wrongs, and set him free. Run, Shakespeare run.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    A strange but moving work, performed here by a wonderful set of players.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    This was the first Shakespeare play I ever read - from an old white-covered paperback I had when I was 9 years old. I probably didn't understand it very well back then. I REALLY liked the title, though.

    Now, it's still good stuff.

    For me, supplementing my reading with a viewing of Helen Mirren as Prospera... magnified my enjoyment of this book tremendously.

  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    This book a bit different was
    From oth'rs of The Bard I've read.
    More with of the fantastic
    F'r sooth, and f'r the head.
    'Twas an amalgam of stylings.
    Or mashup, if thou wouldst.
    With manipulations, calculations
    machinations, Prospero couldst.
    All through, as always all
    The language play is dear,
    And Merrily doth I findeth it
    When bent towards William's ear.
    7 books of the smith have I read, what, ho!
    And now if thou wilt excuseth me, I have 30 more to go.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This is one of my favorite of Shakespeare's plays, in terms of the richness of the story and the language.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    A great play. Never forget Sir Patrick Stewart in the title role. This version includes: Forward, Intro, essay on The Tempest in performance (through 1984), description of the Globe, essay on Shakespeare's sources (with excerpts), annotated bibliography, memorable lines.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    The tragic story of Prospero, a wizard that is actually the duke of Milan. He is send to and island after his jelous brother. Propero is send with his only daughter, Miranda. Tweleve years had pass now and the beautiful Miranda is now fifteen.In the island, Prospero now has under control Arial, a spirt, and Caliban a men that is now his slave. With the help of Ariel and his own magic, Prospero sank the fleet in were his bother and some other friends were trabeling. His plans of revenge for the moment seem to work out perfectly, it is needed time to see what happens.This is a story full of magic, tangles and mysteries. The characters made this play full of life, letting the reader involves in the events. Although the language used get complicated some times the plot is very interesting.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    love it!!!!
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    3½ stars - I found I had some trouble in parts with following the action just reading this rather than seeing a performance. I also found Prospero's sudden reconciliation with his brother rather unconvincing.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I will start this review by saying I liked this play a lot more after I had time to sit and digest it. I knew from the start that I was going to hate Prospero, which does not leave much hope for a favorable opinion because he's behind everything that happens in the play. Prospero plays a good victim, but he's an amazing manipulator. If you can get past that, you will love this story. Characteristic if Shakespeare, The Tempest's pages are full of tragedy, humor, Romance, murder plots, revenge, and a smattering of mysticism. Short, dense, and enjoyable.4 stars.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    The story of a prince who is shipwrecked in a strange land on his journey home is a frequent theme of Classical literature. These strange lands are almost certainly snares, attempts to prevent the hero from fulfilling his destiny and arriving at his homeland, and the usual method of entrapment is seduction.Odysseus on Calypso's island, Aeneas in Carthage, and Jason and Medea as told in the Metamorphoses. In The Tempest, Ferdinand finds himself in just such a situation. Washed up on a strange shore, Ferdinand meets the strange and entrancing woman who bewitches him and inspires him to remain in captivity instead of heading home to rule his city. He believes that he is the king (1.2.435 "Myself am Naples"), but will remain on the island for Miranda's sake. What makes The Tempest different from the other stories is the presence of Prospero, the one who is actually orchestrating the lovers' encounter.Prospero was a philosopher-king defeated by a MachiavelProspero was a stranger ot his state, "being transported / and rapt in secret studies." Antonio is described as having set "All hearts i' the' state / to what tune pleased his ear, . . " (1.2.79-116), who realized that he had to learn Machiavellianism if he was to maintain his throne. He speaks in Machiavellian terms of Fortune bringing him the opportunity which he must not neglect (1.2.178-184). He manipulates the situation to his best possible advantage; intersetingly, he does this through Baconian methods. His whole life has been about studying ways to manipulate nature, achieving power over nature. This is what enables him in the end to achieve power over the shipwrecked men -- for the power of man over Nature really means the power of some men over other men with Nature as the instrument.Prospero takes a fundamentally adversarial stance to Nature as portrayed by both of the original inhabitants of the island, Caliban and Ariel. He originally tried being nice to Caliban (1.2.344-348), but learned to his chagrin that this part of nature is tricksy and unyielding. He also freed Ariel from the pine tree, but only because Ariel is useful to him; he dominates Ariel, praising and scorning him by turns even as a large part of his power depends on the sprite. He cannot afford to alienate Ariel as he has alienated Caliban, but he still dominates. Prospero believes that he is manipulating everything for the greater good, but he is still manipulating it all, and this will eventually lead to what we know as the Brave New World (5.1.182-185).It is possible to argue that Prospero's endeavor is not Baconian, since he rarely directly manipulates nature but instead relies on a cooperative spirit. Lewis described the eschatology of our power over Nature in Miracles, this way: "In the walking on the Water we see the relations of spirit and Nature so altered that Nature can be made to do whatever spirit pleases. This new obedience of Nature is, of course, not to be separated even in thought from spirit's own obedience to the Father of Spirits. Apart from that proviso such obedience by Nature, if it were possible, would result in chaos: the evil dream of Magic arises from finite spirit's longing to get that power without paying that price. The evil reality of lawless applied science (which is Magic's son and heir) is actually reducing large tracts of Nature to disorder and sterility at this very moment." But when Prospero hears of Gonzalo's tears, his reason defeats his baser desires for vengeance and he realizes that all his manipulation is of the same school as Medea's.(5.1.15-20) It's not noble, it's selfish witchcraft, and he renounces it by quoting Medea's own description of her powers.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    For me, the most wondrous of the plays.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    A very visual play -- it is difficult to read because I think it really needs to be seen for impact. Other than Miranda and Prospero, the characters seemed to blend together; they weren't that well-defined in their differences ... except for the monstrous Caliban, of course. Some nice passages -- "We are such stuff as dreams are made on."
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Wizards, man, who knows.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I read this book in university in my first year and really liked reading it.

    I loved Miranda, she's such a sassy character. Maybe even a little bit feminist? She's certainly defiant enough. Of course, like a lot of other people, I prefer Shakespeare's comedies (or at least, his lighter plays) to his tragedies. I love the island and how Shakespeare uses it as a microcosm to explore the possibilities of a world that is turned upside down by magic.

    I love some of the description that Shakespeare uses in this piece - he talks about a victim of a shipwreck, saying that his eyes are pears and... how this person has been transformed into a part of the ocean life.

    This is a beautiful, magical little play full of witty little quips and Shakespeare's usual messages about human folly and social commentary.

    5 stars. c: