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A Fool's Gold Christmas
A Fool's Gold Christmas
A Fool's Gold Christmas
Audiobook6 hours

A Fool's Gold Christmas

Written by Susan Mallery

Narrated by Tanya Eby

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



  • Personal Growth

  • Dance

  • Holiday Season

  • Family

  • Community

  • Holiday Romance

  • Friends to Lovers

  • Enemies to Lovers

  • Small Town Romance

  • Opposites Attract

  • Family Drama

  • Second Chance at Love

  • Second Chances

  • Dance Performance

  • Fish Out of Water

  • Friendship

  • Romance

  • Love

  • Family Relationships

  • Self-Discovery

About this audiobook

A classic heartwarming tale for the holidays from New York Times bestselling author Susan Mallery

The cheer in Fool's Gold, California, is bringing out the humbug in dancer Evie Stryker. An injury has forced her to return home to her estranged family. So she won't add to the awkward scenario by falling for the charms of her brother's best friend, no matter how tempting he is. When she's recruited to stage the winter festival, she vows to do as promised, then move on, anywhere but here.

Jaded lawyer Dante Jefferson is getting used to the town he now calls home, but the pounding of little dancers' feet above his office is more than he can take. When he confronts their gorgeous teacher, he's unprepared for their searing attraction. Evie is his best friend's sister—off-limits unless he's willing to risk his heart. Dante has always believed that love is dangerous, but that was before he had to reckon with the magic of a certain small town, where miracles do seem to happen.…

Release dateSep 25, 2012
A Fool's Gold Christmas

Susan Mallery

SUSAN MALLERY is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of novels about the relationships that shape women's lives—family, friendship, romance. Library Journal says, “Mallery is the master of blending emotionally believable characters in realistic situations,"" and readers seem to agree—40 million copies of her books have sold worldwide. Her warm, humorous stories make the world a happier place to live. She’s passionate about animal welfare, which shows in the many quirky animal characters she has created. Susan grew up in California and now lives in Seattle with her husband and adorable poodle. Visit her at SusanMallery.com.

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Reviews for A Fool's Gold Christmas

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

    Jan 11, 2024

    Always love Susan Mallery’s books I have listened to so many in a row I can’t even count.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

    Jan 11, 2024

    Inhaltsangabe:Evie Stryker ist gerade nicht so glücklich. Sie ist nur in Fools Gold, weil ihre Familie sie nach dem Unfall in L.A. nicht allein lassen wollte. Und außerdem muss sie ein Weihnachts-Tanzstück vorbereiten, von dem sie überhaupt keine Ahnung hat, denn ihre Chefin der Tanzschule hat von Knall auf Fall mit einem neuen Lover das Weite gesucht.Dante Jefferson, Anwalt und Freund von Evies Bruder, hat sein Büro genau unter der Tanzschule und bekommt die Übungen der Kinder und Jugendlichen überdeutlich mit. Und es nervt ihn total. Schließlich, weil er ein Gentleman ist, kann er ihr bei einem großen Problem helfen und zeigt ihr die schönen Seiten von Fools Gold während der Vorweihnachtszeit.Von Anfang an macht Dante Evie klar, das sie gerne Spaß miteinander haben können, aber tiefere Bindungen ist Dante nicht bereit einzugehen. Für ihn bedeutet Liebe Verletzlichkeit bis ins Innerste. Und Evie hat mit ihrer Familie auch nicht gerade gute Erfahrungen gemacht. Eine Grundlage, die dem Sinn des Weihnachtsfestes nicht gerade entspricht …Mein Fazit:Es ist schon eine Weile her, seit ich die letzte Geschichte aus Fools Gold gelesen habe. Es ist ja mehr oder weniger immer das Gleiche, nur andere Namen und andere Trivias. Aber es ist für zwischendurch genau das Richtige, vor allen Dingen, wenn man vorher völlig frustriert ein Buch abgebrochen hat.Es gibt nicht viel zu schreiben zu der Geschichte. Wer die Autorin und die Serie kennt, weiß, dass die Geschichten nicht viel Tiefgang haben, dafür in der Regel jede Menge prickelnder Erotik und Humor. Die Charaktere aus den früheren Bänden tauchen natürlich auch auf und verleihen dem Leser eine gewisse Vertrautheit. Auch die konsequente Fortführung der manchmal leicht verschrobenen Charaktere ist durchaus bemerkenswert und herzerfrischend.Was die prickelnde Erotik angeht, hat die Autorin sich in der Geschichte deutlich zurück gehalten, ich möchte sogar schreiben, es ist recht zahm! Das überraschte mich dann doch ein bisschen. Über Dante Jefferson hat man leider nicht so viel erfahren, das ist aber auch das Einzige, was ich wirklich zu kritisieren hätte. Bei Evie Stryker ging die Autorin schon deutlich tiefer in die Persönlichkeit, wohl auch, weil die Brüder in den Vorgänger-Bänden schon „aktiv“ waren.Ansonsten muss man die Geschichte nicht ernst nehmen und sich einfach unterhalten lassen. Ich jedenfalls habe es total genossen, Fools Gold mal wieder besucht zu haben. Vier Sterne gibt es von mir.Anmerkung: Ich habe es als eBook gelesen!
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars

    Nov 23, 2017

    There’s nothing special about this trite romance set during the Christmas season. Evie Stryker is an injured dancer who falls in love/lust with bad-boy lawyer Dante Jefferson. Not wanting to give away what plot there is, suffice it to say that more than once I wished Evie would quit whining, put on her big girl panties and grow up.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

    Jun 14, 2015

    I don't think I've ever read a Susan Mallery book I didn't like, and this was no exception. The chemistry between Evie and Dante was amazing and I enjoyed their back and forth banter.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars

    Apr 28, 2015

    This was a fast read. I am very much enjoying Fool's Gold and the people who live there.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars

    Feb 18, 2015

    *I received this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review*

    This is the first book on this series that I read but, even though it was apparent that several of the characters on it where protagonists in previous books in the series, it’s not necessary to read them because each story is independent.

    The protagonists are Evie Stryker and Dante Jefferson, both newly arrived at Fool's Gold. But, unlike Dante, who only moved there because his best friend and business partner (and Evie’s brother) also moved there, to Evie it was a return to her home town. And to the familiarity of the family with whom she has had practically no contact with since she left home at seventeen to go to Julliard to study dance... And the truth is that the decision to return to Fool's Gold wasn't even hers, but her family’s that brought her back after the accident that ended her dancing career.

    And that is how Evie finds herself living in a town she practically doesn't even remember and assuming control of the dance studio in which she got employed, after the manager of it left town all of a sudden, and having to assemble the annual Christmas show for which there are no instructions available... It’s no wonder she’s not really feeling the Christmas spirit, is it?

    And then there is the matter of the family that never really cared about her, all of a sudden, suffocating her with motherly and brotherly love. However, Evie never really felt as part of the family and her mother’s attempts of getting close are too little, too late, as far as she’s concerned. So Evie’s plan is to put up with Christmas and New Year and save enough to leave Fool’s Gold.

    Not all is bad though, because Evie discovers that her brother’s business partner, whose office is on the ground floor of the dance studio where she works, is her neighbour. And he seems to share her aversion to all things Christmas. And, as they spend more and more time together, and realize the attraction they feel is mutual, somehow starting over in Fool's Gold doesn’t seem like such a ridiculous notion to Evie. Of course she will have to overcome her issues with her family and Dante also has a trauma stopping him to ever becoming attached to a woman to overcome but, with a little bit of Christmas magic, it may just be possible.

    I liked the story and I’m going to keep following the series. Even if it’s the type of book that always leaves me feeling sorry that these small towns only exist in fiction...
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

    Jan 30, 2015

    I liked this holiday romance centered around a Christmas ballet pageant The heroine was the star of the story showing her inner strength but the hero was a jerk with insufficient atonement. Attorney Dante goes to complain about the noisy dancing above his office and finds the teacher Evie is his partners sister.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars

    Jun 19, 2014

    A fools Gold Christmas (book 9.5)
    Susan Mallery

    2 1/2 stars

    I am usually a HUGE fan of fools gold. I go out and buy the books as soon as they come out since discovering this series.

    With that said, I wish I had just started patience and justice's book. This one just didnt do it for me.

    Evie was enstranged from her whole family for most of her life yet it took her very little time to trust them. Dont get me wrong I love that she decidee to be with her family, but it would take me a while a long while to accept them back.

    I didnt like the hero Dante. Just something about him bugged me. He was not very likeable in my eyes.

    I did like reading about the town I always enjoy hearing aboit the older characters :)

    I wouldnt recommend this book, id say just go on to Just One Kiss.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

    Jun 8, 2014

    A move away from my normal reading but quite enjoyable.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars

    Apr 19, 2014

    Jaded Lawyer Dante is trying to get used to being in Fool's Gold, but the dance studio above his head is giving him a headache. Meanwhile, the dance teacher, who is in Fool's Gold healing from an injury, isn't too happy that the senior dance teacher takes off and leaves her in charge of the Christmas program - with no direction what-so-ever. And Scrooge Dante downstairs isn't helping matters with his complaints. Will she be able to pull this off?
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars

    Mar 4, 2014

    Another Fool's Gold boo

    This is Evie's story.

    What man does she want?

  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars

    Sep 23, 2013

    Ya know, I may have reached my Fool's Gold saturation level.
    I enjoyed this in that I finished it. I really liked Evie and Dante, but then I really liked all the Fool's Gold H/h.

    But it seemed like I have read this story with these people in this town too many times.

    There was a mother-daughter estrangement (been there, done that in Fool's Gold); there was a lot of elephant talk (been there, done that in Fool's Gold); there was "I don't want to love you because I have loved and lost before" (been there, done that in Fool's Gold); there was a fib to extricate from a situation of their own making (been there, done that in Fool's Gold); and then there was a very public proclamation of love for all eternity that Ms. Mallery even acknowledged in the narrative had been there, done that.

    But the writing is crisp, the characters are lovely/loveable, and everything is controlled by the ever-omnipotent Mayor Marsha, who will now wear jeans apparently. In the next book if we can have her found in full dominatrix gear, we can do our own Fifty Shades of Gold.

    I have said I won't read any more of these before; but I, of course, have been sucked in on the abundant sequel bait, waiting for Gideon's story which I feel will also be Patience's story. We shall see.
    There are worse towns to hang out in, I guess. There is definitely tranquility in them thar hills.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

    Apr 7, 2013

    Evie & Dante

    Evie Stryker has only been back in Fool's Gold for a few months after sustaining an injury from being trampled by a professional football player on the field where she was a cheerleader for the L.A. Stallions. Her estranged mom and three brothers brought her home while still unconscious and she's none too happy about being there. They have a lot of fixing to do to get their family dynamic back on track as she was always treated as an outsider in the family. She's been working as a dance instructor at the local children's dance studio when the head teacher takes off unexpectedly to get married. She's left with the chore of organizing the yearly Christmas dance recital.

    Her brother, Rafe's, colleague and attorney, Dante Jefferson, has also moved to town for business since Rafe has recently married and relocated there.

    They both are big city types and find they both roll their eyes at the same things about living in a small town. They also have histories with their past relationships with their families and decide to help each other get through the holidays. They have a great connection (as friends) with each other from the beginning as well as great chemistry and they are a fun couple to watch.

    This was a great story all around with likeable characters to root for. My one complaint is a lame spotlight stealing scene at the end when they pronounce their feelings for each other.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

    Mar 1, 2013

    Author: Susan Mallery
    Published By: Harlequin
    Age Recommended: Adult
    Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
    Book Blog For: GMTA
    Rating: 5


    "A Fool's Gold Christmas" by Susan Mallery was another one of her funny,sweet, warm, sexy and holiday romantic read. If you are looking for a entertaining novel ... you have come to the right place with this 'Fool's Gold Series' that just happens to take place in Fool's Gold, California. The characters were from Dante, Evie, Rafe, Clay, Shane, May, Carina, Cameron,Tammy,Glen,"Annabelle,Heidi,Gideon,Lillie, Patience, Mayor Marsha,Monica, Dominique Guerin, Alexander (Cat) to Charlie plus a few others...only bringing the reader a good read. I loved how some of the characters were so warm and well developed in the series and even though I found this novel a little predictable that was OK. It was still a wonderful well written read. We find that Evie who is no longer a professional dancer. Will Evie be able to carry on the dance program that she didn't think she can do and will Dante come back to the program and admit ______? ...well before I tell it all... this is the time that I say you must pick up "A Fool's Gold Christmas" to see how Ms. Mallery will get this all out to us... with the Striykers family accepting Eva as a real family member and with her also accepting that for herself which is only found in this in this well written dialogue. The descriptions that were used were simply off the chart good making you feel as if you were there... the pet adoption, hayrides, and 'The Dance of the Winter King.'

    If you are looking for a fast moving good romance... you have come to the right place for I would recommend "A Fool's Gold Christmas" for you as a excellent read.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

    Jan 16, 2013

    Romance at Christmas time. Sweet.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

    Dec 8, 2012

    I am a series fan. I love series! I can't get enough of charters I've come to love & places I feel like I have been. Fool's Gold is one of my favorite towns to pay a visit to & catch up with my charter friends.

    When you a add small town charm to a Christmas time story you have me hooked and wanting to read it already. So I really enjoyed this book.

    Evie Stryker has returned to her home town but is still estranged from most of her family. In this story we learn more about Evie and watch as she gets to know her family better and mend some old wounds.

    Evie has been left in total charge of the Winter Festival with lots of things to get done to get ready. She takes on the challenge and with the help of Fool's Golds' residents she starts to get prepared. In the midst of her huge task she makes a deal with her brother's lawyer Dante to help get each other through the holiday. While they are trying to avoid all things Christmas they end up helping out everyone and growing closer to each other. Can these two people who both have emotional baggage from the past help each other overcome the pain and form a happily ever after?
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

    Dec 5, 2012

    Listened for Review (Brilliance)
    Overall Rating: 4.00
    Story Rating: 4.00
    Character Rating: 4.00

    Audio Rating: 3.50 (not part of the overall rating)

    Part of my 25 Books for the Holiday for 2012

    How this put me in the Holiday Spirit: A Fool's Gold Christmas is one of those books that remind you that family, friends, and community are the important reasons for the season. Susan embraces that concept in every Fool's Gold novel but the Christmas ones are the best!

    What I thought of the characters/storyline: A Fool's Gold Christmas was a story of forgiveness at it's heart! I thought there were some great moments of compassion, willingness to forgive, and growing up. I know some people had a problem with how quick Evie was to forgive but I thought it was appropriate. She had been angry for a long time and sometimes you have to "choose" to let it go for your sake as well as those you are angry at. The romance between Dante and Evie wasn't my favorite part of the story but I did like them together. I loved the story for the family and town dynamics though! It will rank high on my favorites for the Fool's Gold series.

    What I thought of the audio: I think Tanya Eby is growing on me. She did a fantastic job with all the gal's voices in A Fool's Gold Christmas (she does every time). Her pacing was excellent and her nuances were spot on. I do feel that her male voices are getting better as she goes along. They still aren't my favorite but not as distracting as before.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

    Sep 25, 2012

    Fool's Gold Christmas by Susan Mallery
    4 STARS Finally Evangeline Stryker story is here. I wanted to know more about her since we met her in Rafe's book. I wondered how this story would work out for her. It was done in a good way. Thier are a few love scenes that I skipped over. I love the town of Fool's Gold and how they come together to help each other. I need to be more active like they are in doing good. Evangeline was not close to her family they taught her that those close to you did not love you. Her mom and her three older brothers were close until last year she hardly seen or talked to her older brother Rafe. She is living now in Fool's gold because when she was tackled at a football game and broke her leg on tv her family was watching. They brought her here when she was doped up and packed her things up and brought her to the ranch to heal. Rafe paid six months ahead on her condo she is renting. Evie told him no, but Rafe did not listen to her. Since Evie broke her leg she could not be a dancer anymore or even a professional cheerleader. She is working at the dance school and finds that she likes it and doing really well. Now the manager of the dance studio at 70 eloped and left Evie to pick up and in charge of the Christmas dance review. To a story she had never heard of and had no idea what the dances were like for it. Dante has not liked Fool's Gold he was happy living in San Fransico and being partners with Rafe. When Rafe decided to move the company to Fool's Gold he protested. Now he was working in an old building with little sound proofing. Thier was a dance studio right above him and they were driving him crazy. He was hear after work trying to call overseas and fix some problems but he could not hear the call. He decided enough is enough he was going up and talk to the dance instructer and tell her he needs quiet for a couple of weeks. He would use his charm and lawyer skills to convince her. Dante barged into the dance studio to ream at the teacher and found that he could not. He had no idea that Rafe's sister was working thier. Instead of him getting to yell at her she yelled at him and told him her problems that she had to throw together a performance in 6 weeks to a story and music that she did not know. Find and Make repairs to the sets ect. Evie the next day found her neighbor in the condo next to hers is Dante and he invited her to share his take out with her. They decide to hangout together to get through the holidays in Fool's Gold because neither one of them were used to small towns. It is fun to see all the things going on in Fool's Gold and see old friends again. I was given this ebook to read in exchange for honest review from Netgalley. 9/25/2012 PUB HarlequinHQN