Sean Fulop received his B.Sc. in Physics from the University of Calgary in 1991 with a Linguistics minor, and abandoned Physics in favour of Linguistics. He went on to complete his Ph.D. in Linguis...view moreSean Fulop received his B.Sc. in Physics from the University of Calgary in 1991 with a Linguistics minor, and abandoned Physics in favour of Linguistics. He went on to complete his Ph.D. in Linguistics at UCLA in 1999, gaining expertise in the two specialties of phonetics and mathematical linguistics. His doctoral dissertation bore the same title as the present book, and was an incomplete precursor to the research that is now being reported. In the intervening years he has held temporary lectureships and professorships, most recently appointed as Visiting Assistant Professor of Linguistics at the University of Chicago, with an affiliation to the Computer Science Department. Aside from the mathematics of language and speech, the author's greatest preoccupations are his family (including wife Jacquie and daughters Sandra and Brenna), sports cars, and progressive rock music.
This book is my Ph.D. dissertation all grown up. Though this volume and my
1999 UCLA Linguistics dissertation share the same title and core ideas, the earlier work was woefully inadequate in many ways in which the present book is not. This is not to say, of course, that the present book isn't woefully inadequate, but it is fair to say that many of the former inadequacies have been eliminated.
Although certain publishers wouldn't believe it, this book is in part a foundational project in computational linguistics. The term "computational linguistics" is nowadays taken to refer to a kind of engineering discipline whose primary goal is to get computers to deal with information presented by means of ordinary language. This project exemplifies my view of computational linguistics, which is not as above. Consider for a moment what the various "computational sciences" amount to. Computational biology means using computer models to simulate biological systems and extract answers to questions of biology. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) involves using computer models to simulate fluid dynamical systems and extract relevant answersyou get the idea. CFD is a favorite example because it is a relatively simple theory that has been plagued by a long history of computational obstacles.
The theory of CFD pretty much amounts to systems of equations that were first
derived in the nineteenth century, now called the Navier-Stokes equations. For
decades it has been thought, correctly, that if you want an answer to a fluid dynamical question, simply solve the Navier-Stokes equations. This last step proved to be very sticky since these equations can only be solved numerically (save a few special cases), and decades of work have been required to figure out decent methods for doing it; we are in some cases still waiting for sufficient computational power to get the answers we really want. In my view, computational linguistics can be like thata real computational science in which the primary activities are the construction of mathematical and computational models of human language, and then undertaking efforts to solve the "equations." I have found in my work, some of which is presented here, that the formulation of a good theory for modeling language is just the first important step in a long series of sticky problems, like how to compute the model in a reasonable time.
The work herein is largely limited to the aforementioned first step, and it is
thus a contribution to that unsung subfield known as "the mathematics of language." A mathematical model is presented for certain aspects of language and its acquisition that is fitted with a computational model for solving the linguistic equations, as it were. Unfortunately, an adequate computational methodology for extracting answers in practical cases has not yet been developed, so the results here are strictly theoretical. This is not a downfall at this stage; after all, the Navier-Stokes equations were once "strictly theoretical," too.
I have undertaken to report my work and my research in this book without
much regard for who the "intended audience" might be. I suppose it can be somewhat circularly defined as "those people who find it interesting," and then I will have pleased my intended audience. But I suggest that such people are likely to be graduate students and researchers in mathematical linguistics, language learnability, and formal aspects of computational linguistics.
At times, the material presented here is quite formalized and tedious. The
main reason for doing this is the desire to provide other researchers with exact details of the algorithms developed, and of the functions which the algorithms compute. I found, in my own reading when I was first learning the background for this project, that literature that was not tediously formalized read breezily but left me without a complete understanding.
I hope that there are many readers who can appreciate this project, although
I realize that it will not be very accessible to most linguists in spite of my efforts to present most ideas from first principles. I thus also hope that the presentation of so many things from first principles does not too much bore those readers who are already well-versed in the background areas. Perhaps they will find in these presentations some valuable expository material for the classroom.
The production of this book has been carried out by the author, including
typing, typesetting, indexing, and cover design. It has been typed and edited with GNU Emacs, and typeset using the LATEX system, with the Baskerville font family from Micropress, Inc. The final assembly was performed by the technical staff at Trafford.
This is version 1.0 (beta)
Chicago, Illinois, April 2004view less