Reed and Evan Milnor are dog-obsessed brothers from Alton, Illinois, a small suburb outside of St. Louis, Missouri, where they grew up with their family's lovable chocolate labrado...view moreReed and Evan Milnor are dog-obsessed brothers from Alton, Illinois, a small suburb outside of St. Louis, Missouri, where they grew up with their family's lovable chocolate labrador Charlie Gunner and mixed-breed rescue pup Sophie Odelette. In early 2021, Reed and Evan were inspired to write this book to help consolidate and share their learnings about proper dog care.Evan has had a deep love for nature, animals, and the outdoors since childhood and is currently the owner of a dog training company based in St. Louis, Missouri. He was inspired to co-author this book after he and his wife adopted a three-year-old Siberian Husky-Samoyed mix named Ullr and quickly realized how many elements of dog care they wish they had known prior to adoption. In the ensuing months, nearly every conversation amongst family and friends turned to discussing dog ownership, sharing photos, and asking questions about proper canine care. Those questions regularly sent Reed and Evan to books, articles, and the internet to search for expert advice. They soon realized that a concise but thorough handbook would be helpful for new dog owners. Reed and Evan sincerely hope that this guidebook is a helpful resource for many generations of dog owners to come.view less