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The Black Pullet: Science of Magical Talisman
The Black Pullet: Science of Magical Talisman
The Black Pullet: Science of Magical Talisman
Ebook87 pages1 hour

The Black Pullet: Science of Magical Talisman

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First surfacing in France in the 18th century, The Black Pullet is a guide to the construction and use of magical talismanic rings. With the use of these rings, people attained extraordinary powers. Perhaps the most wonderful secret revealed is thepower to produce the Black Pullet, otherwise known as the "Hen with the Golden Eggs." Unlimited wealth was granted to the person who achieved the creation of this incredible Hen. *Includes complete instructions for creating the Black Pullet.
Release dateAug 13, 2000
The Black Pullet: Science of Magical Talisman

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The Black Pullet - Red Wheel Weiser

The Black Pullet: Science of Magical Talisman


The Black Pullet or The Hen with the Golden Eggs

Published in 2000 by

Red Wheel/Weiser, LLC

368 Congress Street

Boston, MA 02210

Copyright © 1972 Red Wheel/Weiser, LLC All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photo-copying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from Red Wheel/Weiser. Reviewers may quote brief passages. Translated from the French Edition, La Poule Noire.

Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 78-190080

ISBN 1-57863-202-1

Printed in Canada


The paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements of the American National Standard for Information Sciences—Permanence of Paper for Printed Library Materials Z39.48-1992(R1997).

The Black Pullet, or the Hen with the Golden Eggs.

"Comprising the Science of Magical Talismans and Rings; the art of Necromancy and the Kabbalah, for conjuring the aerial and infernal spirits, sylphs, undines, and gnomes; for acquiring knowledge of the secret sciences; for discovering treasures, for the gaining of power to command all beings, and for un-masking all evil spells and sorceries,

"From the teachings of Socrates, Pythagoras, Plato, Zoroaster, son of the great Aromasis, and other philosophers whose manuscripts escaped the burning of Ptolemy's library, and translated from the language of the Magi and of the Hieroglyphs, by the Doctors Mizzaboula-Jabamia, Danhuzerus, Nehmahmian, Judahim, Eliaeb, and translated into French by


in Egypt




The work which we offer to the public must not be confused with a collection of reveries and errors to which their authors have tried to give credence by announcing supernatural feats; which the credulous and the ignorant siezed with avidity. We only quote the most respectable authorities and most dignified in faith. The principles which we present are based on the doctrines of the ancients and modern, who full of respect for the Divinity, were always the friends of mankind, endeavoured to recall them to virtue, by showing them vice in all its deformity. We have drawn from the most pure sources, having only in view the love of truth and the desire to enlighten those who desire to discover the secrets of Nature and the marvels which they unfold to those who never separate the darkness which surrounds them. It is only given to those who are favoured by The Great Being, to raise themselves above the terrestial sphere, and to plan a bold flight in the etheric regions; it is for these priviledged men that we write.

To us no importance is given to the splenetic voices which are raised against us. The silence and the smile of disdain will be the only answer with which we shall oppose them, and we shall follow with firm sustained steps the route which indicates to us the luminous stars which fill the heavens, which cover our heads, and which light these thousands of worlds, which bless every day with our Sovereign Master of the Universe, which He has created, also ourselves, and whose Will maintains this admirable order, which commands our admiration, our respect and our love.

The Black Pullet or The Hen with the Golden Eggs

Before beginning the subject, and to acquaint my readers of this profound Science, which until the present day has been the object of research of the most constant and profound meditations, I must unbosom myself how these marvelous secrets were communicated to me, and the manner in which the Divine Providence allowed me to escape from the greatest dangers and, so to speak, conducted me by the Divine Hand, to prove that by Divine Will it is sufficient to raise unto Himself the last of Beings or to precipate to naught those who are clothed with all power on Earth. We all therefor come from God, God is everything, and without God nothing can exist. Who more than I may penetrate the truth eternal and sacred.

I formed part of the expedition to Egypt, an officer in the army of the genius. I took part in the successes and reverses of this army, which victorious or obliged to cede to force from the eventualities and circumstances, always covered itself with glory.

As there is no point in relating here any detail which deals with this memorable campaign, I will but relate one single feature, with which I was touched, and is necessary for the development which I must give to those whom I mentioned in my preface. I had been sent by the General, under whose orders I found myself, to draw up the plans of the Pyramids; he had given me an escort of some mounted light infantry horse. I arrived with them at my destination without experiencing any accident, also without noticing anything that could conjecture the fate that awaited us. We had dismounted near the Pyramids, our horses had been tethered; sitting on the sands we appeased the hunger that tormented us. French gaiety seasoned the food which composed our frugal meal. It was on the point of ending, and I was occupied with my work when all of a sudden a horde of desert Arabs fell on us. We did not have the time to place ourselves in a position of defence. The blows of swords

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